Norman Vincent Peale Quotes

Text Quotes
Jesus made it clear that the most important thing in the world is our relationship to God and to others. When we achieve that, everything good will follow (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
Trouble is here. It is for a purpose. Use it for the purpose for which it was intended - to help you grow. Thank God for your troubles (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
Positive Thinkers get positive results because they appreciate the inestimable value of a day, this day, not the next day, but this day, and every day. Today offers at least sixteen waking hours that may be crammed FULL of opportunity, joy, excitement, and achievement (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
Cherish your family connections. They are one of God’s greatest ways of demonstrating his love and fellowship (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
A workable and effective way to meet and overcome difficulties is to take on someone else’s problems. It is a strange fact but you can often handle two difficulties-your own and somebody else’s-better than you can handle your own alone. That truth is based on a subtle law of self-giving or outgoingness whereby you develop a self-strengthening in the process (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
Let go and let God. Let Him take over your life and run it. He knows how (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
If you visualize a failure, you tend to create the conditions that produce failure. Visualize-believe-and thank God in advance (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
The big question isn’t whether you have problems; the all-important factor is your attitude toward problems. How you think of the problem is more important than the problem itself (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
Whatever your problem, no matter how difficult, you can release spiritual power sufficient to solve your problem. The secret is--pray and believe (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
Plan your work - work your plan. Lack of system produces that ‘I’m swamped’ feeling (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
In a large congregation, while there is a wide diversification of interest, it is also true that there are only a few basic human problems. It must also be taken into consideration that people are people regardless of who they are or what their backgrounds may be. There are certain deep universal appeals to human interest and to these human nature always responds (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
When you keep asserting that things are going to work out well, that you can do the job, that you will not have a flat tire, that you will get there on time, by talking up good results you invoke the law of positive effects and good results occur. Things do turn out well (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
You must never conclude, even though everything goes wrong, that you cannot succeed. Even at the worst there is a way out, a hidden secret that can turn failure into success and despair into happiness. No situation is so dark that there is not a ray of light (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
And if the mind thinks with a believing attitude one can do amazing things (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
Humans will never be hampered as smooth bag. They just dragged and dropped upon his head and empty heart (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
God loves you. God doesn’t want anyone to be hungry and oppressed. He just puts his big arms around everybody and hugs them up against himself. (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure. (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
Avoid arguments, but whenever a negative attitude is expressed, counter with a positive and optimistic opinion. (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
The trouble with the average person is that he doesn’t trust himself sufficiently to create and deliver ideas. (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
You have a choice everyday... You can choose every morning whether you will be depressed and miserable, or whether you will be happy. (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
You can make yourself enthusiastic by affirming enthusiasm and by thinking, talking, acting enthusiastic. (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
Promise yourself success at the beginning of each day, and you’ll be surprised how often things will turn out that way. (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
What the mind can conceive and believe, and the heart desire, you can achieve (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
One person can make a difference. You don’t have to be a big shot. You don’t have to have a lot of influence. You just have to have faith in your power to change things. (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
Drop the idea that you are Atlas carrying the world on your shoulders. The world would go on even without you. Don’t take yourself so seriously. (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
Can anything be sadder than work left unfinished? Yes, work never begun. Change your thoughts and you change your world. (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
We reach the goal not by the stairs, but by the lift..... God pledges his promised righteousness to those who will stop trying to save themselves. Change your thoughts and you change your world. (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
When you get up in the morning, you have two choices - either to be happy or to be unhappy. Just choose to be happy (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)
Nothing during the year is so impressively convincing as the vision Christmas brings of what this world would be if love became the daily practice of human beings. (Norman Vincent Peale Quotes)