Not Going To Church Quotes
Text Quotes
Going to church is not a sign of going to God, if you think he is omnipresent, he is right there in your soul and bedroom. (Not Going To Church Quotes)
If you are not a member of the church you regularly attend, you may well be going to hell (Not Going To Church Quotes)
I don’t really believe in anything special, but I respect God. I go to church sometimes, but not often (Not Going To Church Quotes)
In Britain, when someone says they do not believe in God, they stop going to church. In the U.S., many who may have doubts about Christian orthodoxy may continue to go to church. They do so because they assume that a vague God vaguely prayed to is the God that is needed to support family and nation. (Not Going To Church Quotes)
So many people grew up in the church, and you can have an awesome upbringing, but I made a personal conviction; I made a personal decision when I was very young. I enjoy going to church without my parents. On Sunday mornings, I want to go. Bible studies on Wednesdays... I have a relationship - not just through my parents. (Not Going To Church Quotes)
You go to church to respect God, not the priest. By not going to church, you disrespect God, not the priest. - Don Camillo (Not Going To Church Quotes)
I’m definitely not a traditionalist, because a traditionalist would be going to church every Sunday. (Not Going To Church Quotes)
I am spiritual but not massively religious, and I don’t go to church. If someone said ‘What religion are you?’ I would say ‘Christian.’ But I don’t practice. (Not Going To Church Quotes)
God is being taken out of schools; children are not being raised in church learning the word; many parents are living lives unto themselves, exalting substance rather than Jesus Christ, and those looking for answers are going to church and finding the word is not being preached. There are consequences to these decisions. (Not Going To Church Quotes)
Buddhism is not just going to temple, being at a ceremony and dressing up. That is the church of Buddhism. Esoteric Buddhism is to move beyond this world (Not Going To Church Quotes)
I was an undergraduate at Princeton, and I was pressed by the math department to go on to graduate school. Actually they gave me fellowships that paid my way, otherwise I would not have been able to continue (Not Going To Church Quotes)
Distance does not decide who is your brother and who is not. The church is going to have to become the conscience of the free market if it’s to have any meaning in this world - and stop being its apologist (Not Going To Church Quotes)
I go to church too, y’all. And I’ve heard it, too. And I want to say to all of our faith leaders out there that I understand that probably in my Baptist church in Maryland, it is not likely that there will be performed - in my church - gay marriages (Not Going To Church Quotes)
Negroes' problem is that they do not have their egos. That's why our churches end up having a white service, because our preacher is not arrogant enough to take God's word, so he have to go and get some white fellow's agenda and put it in his church (Not Going To Church Quotes)
Hollywood is finally waking up to the fact that people who go to church also go to the movies. I'm not sure what took them so long to see that or how long they'll keep it up (Not Going To Church Quotes)
I do not use profanity in my novels. My characters all go to church (Not Going To Church Quotes)
To be spiritual is not by praying and going to church. Spiritualism is the understanding of the universe so that it can be a better place to live in (Not Going To Church Quotes)
When I go to Rome, I fast on Saturday, but in Milan I do not. Do you also follow the custom of whatever church you attend, if you do not want to give or receive scandal (Not Going To Church Quotes)
The one pleasure that never palls is the pleasure of not going to church (Not Going To Church Quotes)
A group of politicians deciding to dump a President because his morals are bad is like the Mafia getting together to bump off the Godfather for not going to church on Sunday (Not Going To Church Quotes)