Not Worth Quotes

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An idea isn’t worth that much. It’s the execution of the idea that has value. If you can’t convince one other person that this is something to devote your life to, then it’s not worth it (Not Worth Quotes)
If you can’t eat it, can’t sleep under it, can’t wear it or make something from it, it’s not worth anything (Not Worth Quotes)
People who say that life is not worthwhile are really saying that they themselves have no personal goals which are worthwhile. Get yourself a goal worth working for. Better still, get yourself a project. Always have something ahead of you to look forward to... to work for and hope for (Not Worth Quotes)
I would say what scares me is that I’m going to ultimately find out at the end of my life that I’m really not lovable, that I’m not worthy of being loved. That there’s something fundamentally wrong with me (Not Worth Quotes)
It’s worth turning up to an awards gig if you know you’ve won one but, since you never do know, it’s not worth it (Not Worth Quotes)
I know that you cannot live on hope alone, but without it, life is not worth living. And you... And you... And you... Gotta give em hope (Not Worth Quotes)
We want to be on the winning team, but at the risk of turning our backs on the losers, no, it is not worth it. So we fight the long defeat (Not Worth Quotes)
In the sciences, the authority of thousands of opinions is not worth as much as one tiny spark of reason in an individual man (Not Worth Quotes)
We told him to get on with it. We liked wasting time, but almost nothing was more annoying than having our wasted time wasted on something not worth wasting it on (Not Worth Quotes)
There needs to be a homemaker exercising some measure of skill, imagination, creativity, desire to fulfill needs and give pleasure to others in the family. How precious a thing is the human family. It it not worth some sacrifice in time, energy, safety, discomfort, work? Does anything come forth without work? (Not Worth Quotes)
Jenn: Do you love him? Ani: Yeah, I do. Jenn: Then you can forgive him. It’s not worth it to let love slip through your hands (Not Worth Quotes)
Should the king in exile pretend he is happy there? Should he not seek his own country? His miseries are his ally; they urge him on. Let them grow, if need be. But do not forsake the secret of life; do not despise those kingly desires. We abandon the most important journey of our lives when we abandon desire. We leave our hearts by the side of the road and head off in the direction of fitting in, getting by, being productive, what have you. Whatever we might gain – money, position, the approval of others, or just absence of the discontent self – it’s not worth it (Not Worth Quotes)
Revenge is not worthy of you. If you concentrate on revenge, you will keep those wounds fresh that would otherwise have healed (Not Worth Quotes)
America has been killing people on this continent since it was started. This country is not worth dying for (Not Worth Quotes)
The fact that some people can push others to the point of thinking that their lives are not worthy is catastrophic (Not Worth Quotes)
The history of acceptance of new theories frequently shows the following steps: At first the new idea is treated as pure nonsense, not worth looking at. Then comes a time when a multitude of contradictory objections are raised, such as: the new theory is too fancy, or merely a new terminology; it is not fruitful, or simply wrong. Finally a state is reached when everyone seems to claim that he had always followed this theory. This usually marks the last state before general acceptance (Not Worth Quotes)
Ladies and gentlemen, a picture is not worth a thousand words. We found some pictures that are worth 500 billion words (Not Worth Quotes)
The next time I cry about golf it will only be with joy. It’s not worth crying over golf for any other reason. After all, it’s only a game (Not Worth Quotes)
What cancer does is, it forces you to focus, to prioritize, and you learn what’s important. I mean, I don’t sweat the small stuff. I used to get angry at cab drivers. It’s not worth it... And when somebody says you have cancer, you realize it’s all small stuff (Not Worth Quotes)
A defeat in war is not the greatest of all evils; but when the defeat has been inflicted by enemies who are not worthy of you, then the calamity is doubled (Not Worth Quotes)
It was as if nothing quite erased the initial shock of being kissed by someone who was not hers, a kiss that was stolen, claimed from her flippantly, a kiss so abrasively illicit that she seemed to deserve it, as though she was not worth much to begin with (Not Worth Quotes)
International friendly games are not worth the lives of the silk worms who perish to make the pennants. They do not even have the philanthropic excuse that softens the otherwise unendurable tedium of testimonial matches. Quite simply, they are rotten games staged to pick the public’s pocket, tiresome red tape left over from an era when nations and players were still insular and therefore curious about each other’s potential (Not Worth Quotes)
Technological society leads to increasing numbers of people who cannot adapt to the inhuman rhythm of modern life with its emphasis on specialization. A class of people is growing up who are unexploitable because they are not worth employing even for the minimum wage. Technological progress makes whole categories of people useless without making it possible to support them with the wealth produced by the progress (Not Worth Quotes)
Don’t stretch yourself too much with a mortgage. Buy within your means. It’s not worth the sleepless nights (Not Worth Quotes)
What are books but tangible dreams? What is reading if it is not dreaming? The best books cause us to dream; the rest are not worth reading (Not Worth Quotes)
I did it for the money. But its not worth much if you can’t face yourself in the mirror. Respect is the ultimate currency (Not Worth Quotes)
I feel a horror for exaggerated love or friendship. It’s just too well demonstrated to me that when the moment comes that one asks something, or has need of something, the responce is not worth a biscuit (Not Worth Quotes)
Hate is baggage. Life’s too short to be pissed off all the time. It’s just not worth it (Not Worth Quotes)
Who says, who says you’re not perfect? Who says you’re not worth it? Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting? Trust me, that’s the price of beauty, who says you’re not pretty? Who says you’re not beautiful?... Who says? (Not Worth Quotes)
Compulsive eating is only the symptom; believing that you are not worth your own love is the problem. Go for the love. You will never be sorry (Not Worth Quotes)