Not Writing Quotes

Text Quotes
I work eight hours a day, but I’m not writing all that time. I’m thinking, editing, looking something up. Thinking is what I do a lot of (Not Writing Quotes)
When I’m not writing or tweaking my computer, I do embroidery. When I’m not plunging into the past, tweaking, or embroidering, I’m reading books about history, computers, or embroidery (Not Writing Quotes)
In my case, the long gaps between my books have got quite a lot to do with lack of confidence. A lot of the time when I’m not writing I start thinking I can’t do it (Not Writing Quotes)
If things are going well I can easily spend twelve hours a day writing, but not writing writing, just thinking and revising and taking a comma out and putting it back in (Not Writing Quotes)
There are these boutique writers out there who think if they are not writing their novels sitting at a bistro with their laptops, then they’re not real writers. That’s ridiculous (Not Writing Quotes)
I’m not writing great literature. I’m writing commercial fiction for people to enjoy the stories and to like the characters (Not Writing Quotes)
I will probably write an hour a day and spend eight hours a day biting my knuckle and worrying about not writing (Not Writing Quotes)
I don’t give a damn what other people think. It’s entirely their own business. I’m not writing for other people (Not Writing Quotes)
I think writing for me has always been a matter of fear. Writing is fear and not writing is fear. I am afraid of writing and then I’m afraid of not writing (Not Writing Quotes)
I’m a lazy writer. My idea of heaven is not writing. On the other hand, I’m obviously compulsive about it (Not Writing Quotes)
It’s not the fear of writing that blocks people, it’s fear of not writing well; something quite different (Not Writing Quotes)
I think one of the dullest things in the world is a letter filled with apologies for not writing sooner (Not Writing Quotes)
I write every day. Even if I’m not writing well, I write through it. I can fix a bad page. I can’t fix a blank one (Not Writing Quotes)
When I’m not writing, I can’t make sense of out anything. I feel the need to make some sense and find some order, and writing fiction is the only way I’ve found that seems to begin to do that (Not Writing Quotes)
How do you write when you’re not miserable? The solution, of course, is to make yourself miserable about not writing (Not Writing Quotes)
I’m not writing novels, the screenplays are my novels, so I’m gonna write it the best that I can. If the movie never gets made, it’d almost be okay because I did it. It’s there on the page (Not Writing Quotes)
I always say that if you’re a novelist, the challenge is not writing what you think ought to happen, but trying in some way to write what did happen in a world that doesn’t necessarily exist (Not Writing Quotes)
You can’t write. That’s not writing. It’s scribbling. Distasteful scribbling. why can’t you write properly? (Not Writing Quotes)
If I’m not writing songs about things I’ve actually been through, it ruins the idea of making music to me (Not Writing Quotes)
When I’m writing solitude feels very good. But when I’m not writing it feels lonely... Having a big family solves that problem (Not Writing Quotes)
Write the kind of story you would like to read. People will give you all sorts of advice about writing, but if you are not writing something you like, no one else will like it either (Not Writing Quotes)
If I'm not writing well, I'm not happy. If I'm not spending enough time with my family, I'm not happy. If I'm not connecting to friends or if I don't work out enough. You get the point. Everything has to be balanced. Nothing should be an extreme (Not Writing Quotes)
I had made all these rules for myself: I’m not writing social commentary, I’m not writing love songs (Not Writing Quotes)
All the time I’m not writing I feel like a criminal. It’s horrible to feel felonious every second of the day. It’s much more relaxing to actually write (Not Writing Quotes)
I don’t think you have time to waste not writing because you are afraid you won’t be good at it (Not Writing Quotes)
You don’t need to wait for inspiration to write. It’s easier to be inspired while writing that while not writing (Not Writing Quotes)
Each day of not writing, of comfort, of being that which he despised, dulled his ability and softened his will to work so that, finally, he did no work at all (Not Writing Quotes)
I often wonder if all the writers who are alcoholics drink a lot because they aren’t writing. It is not because they are writers that they are drinking, but because they are writers who are not writing (Not Writing Quotes)
Writing’s not always a pleasure to me, but if I’m not writing every other pleasure loses its savour (Not Writing Quotes)
Everyone needs solitude, especially a person who is used to thinking about what she experiences. Solitude is very important in my work as a mode of inspiration, but isolation is not good in this respect. I am not writing poetry about isolation (Not Writing Quotes)