Note Quotes

Text Quotes
I can only think that the book is read because it deals with the difficulties of schooling, which do not change. Please note: the difficulties, not the problems. Problems are solved or disappear with the revolving times. Difficulities remain. It will always be difficult to teach well, to learn accurately; to read, write, and count readily and competently; to acquire a sense of history and start one’s education or anothers (Note Quotes)
Note that if I can get you to su and say something just by asking, you have a very serious security problem on your system and you should look into it (Note Quotes)
I do not have a single white note on my piano; my elephant smoked too much (Note Quotes)
It is curious to note that when for reasons of conscience, people refuse to kill, they are often exempted from active military duty. But there are no exemptions for people who, for reasons of conscience, refuse to financially support the bureaucracy that actually does the killing. Apparently, the state takes money more seriously than life (Note Quotes)
Your youth is the most important thing you will ever have. It’s when you will connect to music like a primal urge, and the memories attached to the songs will never leave you. Please hold on to everything. Keep every note, mix tape, concert ticket stub, and memory you have of music from your youth. It’ll be the one thing that might keep you young, even if you aren’t anymore (Note Quotes)
I learned long ago that when change comes, you gotta slow down and take note of it. In the midst of that change is all the possibility in the world (Note Quotes)
On a serious note, we don’t think we’re trying to be so different, it’s just that everyone else is trying to be same (Note Quotes)
I am that which lies beyond time. Like a melody, which sounds completely only after the last note is played (Note Quotes)
I always believe that my films should give some hope to the man who comes to watch them for those three hours. If he goes home on an optimistic note, I would feel satisfied at having done my duty (Note Quotes)
The nature of the contrapuntal experience is that every note has to have a past and a future on the horizontal plane (Note Quotes)
In prayer, something like an echo takes place. When you strike a note on the piano, corresponding strings in all the other pianos in the room start to vibrate. It is just the same when we express a pure wish in our ardent prayers: all around us we mobilize angels who are inspired by the same wish (Note Quotes)
I don’t make notes for myself because I either lose them or they make no sense to me at all. I once found a piece of paper with the note: everything. Apparently I made a note to myself not to forget everything! (Note Quotes)
Each quantum event, each of the trillions of times reality’s particles interact with each other every instant, is like a note that rings and resonates throughout the great bell of creation. And the sound of the ringing propagates instantaneously, everywhere at once, interconnecting all things. This is a truth of our universe. It is a mystical truth, that reality at its deepest level is an undivided wholeness (Note Quotes)
I feel like a 1960s graduate student. I still work on note cards. I’ve never found a better system (Note Quotes)
Kind of where you end up your ride on a horse is so important. It’s a little bit like when you guys were younger and you were dating, that last two minutes of the date can be a real deal breaker. With these horses it’s the same thing you know? You got to quit on a good note (Note Quotes)
The most important thing to do as an artist is to get out of your comfort zone and work with different people: people who can’t read a note of music, people who have incredible classical skills, blues and jazz musicians, pop artists, visual artists, dancers and actors. Learn from people who are creative in a different way to you and you’ll keep evolving (Note Quotes)
There’s nothing wrong with sending a quick note if you’re busy or just want to flirt, but it’s hard to have any real interaction over text. In the buffet of communication, text messaging should be a side dish, not the entree (Note Quotes)
My personal feeling, if I can interject a political note, is that I don’t think it is right that basic health care is a privilege. It shouldn’t be. It should be a right of all human beings. And certainly in the richest country in the world (Note Quotes)
All it is, is a tone. So I’m gonna come back as a note! (Note Quotes)
I just want everybody to know, on a personal note, from me, sincerely, it was all his fault (Note Quotes)
It is interesting to note that everyone has a different take on the world, a different opinion, and given the same inputs have completely different outputs (Note Quotes)
By staying active and learning to control negative emotions and thoughts, you can live out the rest of your life on a good note (Note Quotes)
Secular music, do you say, belongs to the devil? Does it? Well, if it did I would plunder him for it, for he has no right to a single note of the whole seven. Every note, and every strain, and every harmony is divine, and belongs to us (Note Quotes)
I broke down. I hid under the bed because I was afraid that somebody was going to come for me. I don’t know who that someone was but I was just so scared. Not a single person at any level of government took any note of me. No one checked to see if I had a place to live or food to eat, and at 14, I found myself basically on my own (Note Quotes)
The work evolves when you get another part, and then you’re getting called on to solve difficult characters, to inject a note of humanity into them. It’s more interesting for me to do that than to stand around and be sunny (Note Quotes)
Woke the next day and found her note. Love ya, goodbye, that’s all she wrote (Note Quotes)
You know, I used to warm the thermometer on the light bulb... I was really good at being sick. I could forge my mother’s signature on a sick note so well I was hardly ever at school (Note Quotes)
I know electric knives are excellent for carving turkeys that have had their bones removed and been forced into a mold to shape them. Please note that those turkeys are called hams (Note Quotes)
That’s the secret to performance: conviction. The right note played tentatively still misses its mark, but play boldly and no one will question you. If one believes there is truth in art – and I do – then it’s troubling how similar the skill of performing is to lying. Maybe lying is itself a kind of art. I think about that more than I should (Note Quotes)
There is music wherever there is harmony, order and proportion; and thus far we may maintain the music of the spheres; for those well ordered motions, and regular paces, though they give no sound unto the ear, yet to the understanding they strike a note most full of harmony (Note Quotes)