Nothing below heaven is worth setting our hearts upon

Nothing below heaven is worth setting our hearts upon
Richard Baxter was a prominent English Puritan church leader, theologian, and writer who lived in the 17th century. He is best known for his work "The Saints' Everlasting Rest," a book that emphasizes the importance of focusing on eternal matters rather than temporal ones. One of Baxter's most famous quotes is, "Nothing below heaven is worth setting our hearts upon," which encapsulates his belief that earthly possessions and pursuits are fleeting and ultimately unfulfilling compared to the eternal rewards that await believers in heaven.Baxter's statement reflects his deep conviction that the things of this world are transient and ultimately unsatisfying. He believed that people often become too attached to material possessions, wealth, and worldly success, which can distract them from their spiritual well-being and ultimate purpose in life. By setting their hearts on earthly things, Baxter argued, people risk losing sight of the eternal realities that truly matter.
For Baxter, the pursuit of wealth, power, and fame was ultimately futile in the grand scheme of things. He believed that true fulfillment and lasting joy could only be found in a relationship with God and a focus on spiritual growth and eternal rewards. By prioritizing heavenly treasures over earthly ones, Baxter believed that individuals could experience a deeper sense of purpose, contentment, and peace in their lives.
Baxter's message is particularly relevant in today's materialistic and consumer-driven society, where people are constantly bombarded with messages that encourage them to seek happiness and fulfillment through external possessions and achievements. In a world that often values success and wealth above all else, Baxter's words serve as a powerful reminder to prioritize spiritual growth and eternal values over temporary pleasures and distractions.