Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced

Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced
John Keats, a renowned English Romantic poet, once said, “Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced.” This profound statement holds true in various aspects of life, as it emphasizes the importance of personal experience in truly understanding and appreciating the world around us.In the context of Keats’ words, it is evident that he believed that true knowledge and understanding can only be gained through firsthand experience. This idea is particularly relevant in the realm of art and literature, where the emotional impact of a work can only be fully appreciated by immersing oneself in it. For Keats, the beauty of a poem or a piece of art lies in the emotions it evokes in the viewer or reader, and these emotions can only be truly felt through personal experience.
Furthermore, Keats’ words can also be applied to the realm of nature and the natural world. In order to truly appreciate the beauty and wonder of nature, one must immerse themselves in it and experience it firsthand. The sights, sounds, and smells of the natural world cannot be fully understood through secondhand accounts or descriptions – they must be experienced in person in order to become real and meaningful.