Nothing Quotes

Text Quotes
There is nothing quite so good as burial at sea. It is simple, tidy, and not very incriminating (Nothing Quotes)
There is nothing to winning, really. That is, if you happen to be blessed with a keen eye, an agile mind, and no scruples whatsoever (Nothing Quotes)
There is nothing so good as a burial at sea. It is simple, tidy, and not very incriminating (Nothing Quotes)
Nothing is so galling to a people not broken in from birth as a paternal, or, in other words, a meddling government, a government which tells them what to read, and say, and eat, and drink and wear (Nothing Quotes)
An increase in the productivity of labour means nothing more than that the same capital creates the same value with less labour, or that less labour creates the same product with more capital (Nothing Quotes)
Nothing picks me up quicker than a movie, a Coca Cola, and a box of popcorn. I could walk in feeling like I didn't want to live anymore, and walk out on cloud nine (Nothing Quotes)
The business of the dramatist is to keep himself out of sight, and to let nothing appear but his characters. As soon as he attracts notice to his personal feelings, the illusion is broken (Nothing Quotes)
What other people may think of the rightness or wrongness is nothing in comparison to my own deep knowledge, my innate conviction that it was wrong (Nothing Quotes)
O, it ended in my having nothing to say, when I sat down to write. But sometimes, when I get hold of a book, I wonder why I let such a poor reason stop me. It does not others (Nothing Quotes)
Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workingmen of all countries, unite! (Nothing Quotes)
Nothing can be a value without being an object of utility. If the thing is useless, so is the labor contained in it; the labor does not count as labor, and therefore creates no value (Nothing Quotes)
If you believe in what you are doing, then let nothing hold you up in your work. Much of the best work of the world has been done against seeming impossibilities. The thing is to get the work done (Nothing Quotes)
Nothing has changed in Russia's policy. Her methods, her tactics, her maneuvers may change, but the pole star - world domination - is immutable (Nothing Quotes)
Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workingmen of all countries unite! (Nothing Quotes)
Throughout history, God has demonstrated that He is supremely trustworthy. That's why, in one sense, nothing could be more foolish than not to trust in the promises of God (Nothing Quotes)
His love for her was a gift he gave her daily, expecting nothing in return. He walked at her side, his love for her a torch to guide her footsteps along the dark path she walked (Nothing Quotes)
It has been said that nothing dispels a lie faster than the truth; nothing exposes the counterfeit faster than the genuine (Nothing Quotes)
Human love has little regard for the truth. It makes the truth relative, since nothing, not even the truth, must come between it and the beloved person (Nothing Quotes)
Save someone's face once and your influence with him rises. Save his face every time you can, and there is practically nothing he won't do for you (Nothing Quotes)
This is our big chance to see what people think of us. The real us. We have to show em there's nothing to be afraid of. If we don't get over our fears, they never will (Nothing Quotes)
Wearing nothing but sweats and a sheer coat of lip gloss, she wiggle through her frosted window and jumped six feet to freedom, feeling more charged than a Visa card at Christmas time (Nothing Quotes)
When all is said and done, the life of faith is nothing if not an unending struggle of the spirit with every available weapon against the flesh (Nothing Quotes)
There is nothing more tragic than to find an individual bogged down in the length of life, devoid of breadth (Nothing Quotes)
It's much easier for me to imagine a praying murderer, a praying prostitute, than a vain person praying. Nothing is so at odds with prayer as vanity (Nothing Quotes)
But what do average people do? The exact opposite. If they don't like a thing, they bawl out their subordinates; if they do like it, they say nothing (Nothing Quotes)
The religion of Christ is not a tidbit after one's bread; on the contrary, it is the bread or it is nothing. People should at least understand and concede this if they call themselves christians (Nothing Quotes)
Sometimes I lie awake at night and ask why me? Then a voice answers nothing personal, your name just happened to come up (Nothing Quotes)
There's nothing like unrequited love to take all the taste out of a peanut butter sandwich (Nothing Quotes)
Linus: Nothing goes on forever. All good things must come to an end... Charlie: When do the good things start? (Nothing Quotes)
Nothing that we despise in other men is inherently absent from ourselves. We must learn to regard people less in the light of what they do or don't do, and more in light of what they suffer (Nothing Quotes)