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Being alive is a common road. It’s what we notice makes us different  (Notice Quotes) Like gravity, karma is so basic we often don’t even notice it  (Notice Quotes) You do not notice changes in what is always before you  (Notice Quotes) Children notice things first, people later  (Notice Quotes) Romance at short notice was her speciality  (Notice Quotes) Sometimes, I don’t notice I’m singing  (Notice Quotes) Books are the air I breathe, so I don’t notice the seasons  (Notice Quotes) A girl doesn’t notice unfairness until she falls in love  (Notice Quotes) Although, pretending not to notice is almost worse than noticing  (Notice Quotes) That’s what happens when you love someone... you notice and notice and notice  (Notice Quotes) Translators are like ninjas. If you notice them, they’re no good  (Notice Quotes) Diaghilev was the first to notice good character dancers and that sort of thing  (Notice Quotes) The spiritual is whatever allows us to notice the miraculous nature of life  (Notice Quotes) All the technique in the world doesn’t compensate for the inability to notice  (Notice Quotes) Did you ever notice that everyone in favour of birth control has already been born?  (Notice Quotes) Notice the small things. The rewards are inversely proportional  (Notice Quotes) A good umpire is the umpire you don’t even notice  (Notice Quotes) Notice who is in the locker room after you lose, not after you win  (Notice Quotes) Paranoids are the only ones who notice things anymore  (Notice Quotes) Memories, important yesterdays, were once todays. Treasure and notice today  (Notice Quotes) Music is what you notice when it’s no longer in your presence  (Notice Quotes) You have to notice the truth in order to be able to avoid it  (Notice Quotes) Ever notice that nothing changes the color of paint like putting it on a wall?  (Notice Quotes) I never sweat, which you might notice in pictures  (Notice Quotes) I’m here to help you notice the rainbow  (Notice Quotes) It is hard to notice age in those who dream  (Notice Quotes) Often we don’t notice the stringent rules to which our culture subjects us  (Notice Quotes) Life is full of beauty. Notice it  (Notice Quotes) The last thing a fish would ever notice would be water  (Notice Quotes) Those who don’t move don’t notice their chains  (Notice Quotes)
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