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I’m a vagabond. I have a suitcase that is ready to go at a moment’s notice. The thought of being in one place for a long time, or playing one character for a long time, is terrifying for me. (Notice Quotes)
If people take any notice of what we say, we say we’ve been through the drug scene, man, and there’s nothing like being straight. (Notice Quotes)
I still get called ‘a stick of dynamite’ or ‘pint-sized dynamo,’ stuff like that. Actually, I was too busy to notice there was anything unusual about being a woman director until the early 1980s, when I looked around the professional theater and realized there weren’t many of us. You have to make more of a case for yourself than any man. (Notice Quotes)
I hope I’m building a record of being a good team player and not just standing for my principles but being willing to work for them. I think when you do that and you work really hard, people take notice. (Notice Quotes)
When we’re in game worlds, we become the best version of ourselves, the most likely to help at a moment’s notice, the most likely to stick with a problem as long at it takes, to get up after failure and try again. (Notice Quotes)
When we’re in game worlds, I believe that many of us become the best version of ourselves: the most likely to help at a moment’s notice. The most likely to stick with a problem as long as it takes. To get up after failure and try again. (Notice Quotes)
My love of truth and honesty forces me to notice that the liberal intelligentsia of Western countries is betraying itself where Islam is concerned. (Notice Quotes)
I think my love of truth and honesty forces me to notice that the liberal intelligentsia of Western countries is betraying itself where Islam is concerned. (Notice Quotes)
Everything I do, I go to black people. If I have a problem at the airport, I’ll go to the black ticket agent. I hope they notice me because I’ll get better service. If I’m at a restaurant, I look for the black waiter. Rent-a-Car, give you the upgrade. (Notice Quotes)
It was by listening to Goodman’s band, that I began to notice the guitarist Charlie Christian, who was one of the first musicians to play solos in a big band set-up. (Notice Quotes)
The ‘hard swallow’ built into science is this business about the Big Bang. ... This is the notion that the universe, for no reason, sprang from nothing in a single instant. ... Notice that this is the limit test for credulity. . . . It’s the limit case for likelihood. (Notice Quotes)
My success has been something I’ve worked a long time at and it’s been a gradual process. I compare it to the idea of someone losing a lot of weight over a period of a few years. You don’t really notice the weight loss overall but if you compare photos from then and now there’s a big difference. (Notice Quotes)
What I notice about people who are gifted in filmmaking is that they’re great thinkers. They engage with big ideas and they engage with people. (Notice Quotes)
Nobody will ever notice that. Filmmaking is not about the tiny details. It’s about the big picture. (Notice Quotes)
Everyone can get a little sloppy with cash and it’s smart to notice. But what’s squeezing you is the big stuff you ladle onto your credit cards. (Notice Quotes)
Did you ever notice that everyone in favour of birth control has already been born ? (Notice Quotes)
Most eyes have more than one color, but usually they’re related. Blue eyes may have two shades of blue, or blue and gray, or blue and green, or even a fleck or two of brown. Most people don’t notice that. (Notice Quotes)
We seem to take notice of our body only when health is lacking. With that lack of recognition comes a lack of motivation and incentive to stretch. (Notice Quotes)
Even two of humanity’s most intimate possessions - a sense of self and a body image - are fluid, highly modifiable creations of the brain’s mischievous deployment of electricity and a handful of chemicals. They both can change or be changed on less than a second’s notice. (Notice Quotes)
When I moved out to Los Angeles to get some film and television work, and couldn’t get any... I became a little isolated, a little terrified, and it’s a good place to get writing, because you’re so bored. So I wrote a few screenplays, and people notice those. (Notice Quotes)
Spirits didn’t notice death. By the rule of impermanence, what was meant to break simply broke, and there was only the next breaking and the next. (Notice Quotes)
If a girl is smiling and is bringing positive energy and she’s happy, that’s what I notice right away - and her teeth. (Notice Quotes)
My eyes are green, and in one of them there is a splash of brown - apparently it is not a colour, but a freckle! Sometimes I notice that one eyelid droops more than the other. (Notice Quotes)
I think we have to notice that the business processes we use right now for thinking and planning and budgeting and strategy are all delivered on very tight agendas. (Notice Quotes)
It’s a compulsive need to wreck everything. You might notice there’s a pattern of stripping down and building back up again throughout my life. But I guess that’s how some of us conduct our lives. (Notice Quotes)
Sound comes to us over time. You don’t get a snapshot of sound. Therefore, what you notice with sound, the essential building block, is change. (Notice Quotes)
These people [Bush Administration] are for the most part rip-off artists. Notice that they’re all gas and oil men from Cheney, to the two Bushes; I think Rumsfeld also. (Notice Quotes)
President Roosevelt’s leadership put the world on notice that the United States of America - with the freest, most dynamic economy the world had ever seen - was open for business. (Notice Quotes)
Just like the NBA, the NFL has guys that can pull off multiple looks, ranging from street style to more dapper, buttoned-up looks, and people are starting to notice. (Notice Quotes)
Children want to mimic adults. They notice when you choose to prepare fresh vegetables over calling in another pizza pie for dinner. They will see that food made with love and care outweighs going through the drive-through window. (Notice Quotes)