Noticing Quotes

Text Quotes
You can find pictures anywhere. It’s simply a matter of noticing things and organizing them. You just have to care about what’s around you and have a concern with humanity and the human comedy (Noticing Quotes)
We should be wary of politicians who profess to follow history while only noticing those signposts of history that point in the direction which they themselves already favour (Noticing Quotes)
All there is to thinking is seeing something noticeable, which makes you see something you weren’t noticing, which makes you see something that isn’t even visible (Noticing Quotes)
He often spoke aloud to himself now, or hummed, without ever noticing it, as if ignoring an old companion who always said the same things (Noticing Quotes)
The great mystery to me is how restaurant critics think they can get away with doing their job without anybody noticing who they are (Noticing Quotes)
Odd things happen to all of us on our way through life without our noticing for a time that they have happened (Noticing Quotes)
I feel like I have become a living fossil in the fashion world. Without even noticing it, in my own collection I have moved away from the street style (Noticing Quotes)
Singing wasn’t a reality for me, until other people started noticing I sounded good (Noticing Quotes)
After a few months you stop noticing every incarnation of radicalism and violence. It is so saturated into your reality that it practically fades into the scenery (Noticing Quotes)
When you stop paying attention to someone, that’s when they start noticing you (Noticing Quotes)
Over time you start noticing that some people just aren’t worth it anymore (Noticing Quotes)
Looking at old pictures and noticing how lame you were when you were younger (Noticing Quotes)
Moving on isn’t about never looking back. It’s about taking a glance at yesterday and noticing how much you’ve grown since then (Noticing Quotes)
You can’t help noticing an amazing ass. Pretty naked ladies will always get my attention. Revealingly dressed good-looking women will always get my attention, at least for a moment (Noticing Quotes)
Everyone is skeptical. Only the media are not skeptical, but, then, they were also not skeptical when the administration put out the line that coordinated embassy attacks around the globe on the anniversary of 9/11 were just rowdy movie reviews. Numbers on a TV screen won’t prevent millions of Americans from noticing that they’re unemployed (Noticing Quotes)
... One thing about religious truths is that we have to take them on faith, and faith needs reassurance. What’s more reassuring than noticing that some other people, whom you admire, are so certain that it’s all true that they’re willing to go the ultimate mile? (Noticing Quotes)
I’m getting less good at faking it. People in my family are noticing and asking what’s wrong. My friends give me invitations to talk, to cry. I love them for their caring, but I want to run from it. I have lost their language, their facility with words that convey feelings. I am in new territory and feel like a foreigner in theirs (Noticing Quotes)
Long before the arrival of reality TV - before speed cameras, before recording angels on buses and lampposts - I felt I was living in a country that already knew how to watch itself. It was journalism that held the responsibility for seeing who we were and noticing what we did (Noticing Quotes)
I don’t feel sentimental about the past, but I can’t help noticing how hard it has become to keep a grip on anything. Maybe it’s the totalizing impact of corporate culture, maybe it’s the atomizing impact of technology (Noticing Quotes)
I think that people find that’s a fresh look at a relationship between two best friends, between two soul mates, that people haven’t really seen in this particular way. So that’s definitely something that people are noticing (Noticing Quotes)
We’re not good at noticing slow, steady changes in our environments, our senses are not very acute compared to those of many animals, and we’re pretty awful at abstract thought, much less acting on it (Noticing Quotes)
I started noticing a lot of big companies are bored with ads; they feel sort of lost in the advertising world. They’re not into magazines anymore. (Noticing Quotes)
Sometimes it’s not always about what you can see or hear but what’s under the hood of a game that’s most impressive. Between those thousands and thousands of lines of code, magic happens. Sometimes the most amazing feats of gaming wizardry happen without you even noticing. (Noticing Quotes)
There’s so much to appreciate about my life every single day, and I make a big point of taking time to smell the roses and noticing how lucky I am. I never want to take that for granted. (Noticing Quotes)
I love all the attention, people noticing me. ‘There’s the gymnast. There she is!’ (Noticing Quotes)
When you start noticing even a small portion of all there is to be grateful for, you’ll find there is no room for lack, hurt, or want. The attitude of gratitude: the great, full feeling. (Noticing Quotes)
I’m noticing a lot of the big bloggers who’ve posted about politics are experiencing an ugly backlash. Readers are angry because they went to the bloggers’ sites for a laugh, not a lecture. Again, it’s a question of being appropriate for the audience. (Noticing Quotes)
The funny thing about being creative is that, especially high school people, I kept noticing I’d always go to these certain materials. I’d always be picking up trash and picking up paper and using it. (Noticing Quotes)
I was distressed by the poor quality of the debate surrounding energy. I was also noticing so much green wash from politicians and big business. I was tired of the debate - the extremism, the nimbyism, the hair shirt. We need a constructive conversation about energy, not a Punch and Judy show. I just wanted to try to reboot the whole debate. (Noticing Quotes)
My father, Cecil Banks Mullis, and mother, formerly Bernice Alberta Barker, grew up in rural North Carolina in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. My dad’s family had a general store, which I never saw. My grandparents on his side had already died before I started noticing things. (Noticing Quotes)