Novelists Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m inspired by playwrights, novelists, poets: The value of language has been a lifelong passion of mine. I enjoy it. I’m good at it (Novelists Quotes)
I suspect there are two kinds of novelists. Those who have a point of view and have something to say and then write a novel in order to say that thing, and those of us who write the book in order to find out what we think about that thing (Novelists Quotes)
I know I’m a rare person, a trained scientist who writes fiction, because so few contemporary novelists engage with science (Novelists Quotes)
The truth is that I know very few novelists who have been satisfied with the adaptation of their books for the screen (Novelists Quotes)
I don’t know who said that novelists read the novels of others only to figure out how they are written. I believe it’s true. We aren’t satisfied with the secrets exposed on the surface of the page: we turn the book around to find the seams (Novelists Quotes)
Novelists have to be adept at controlling the flow of information, and, most crucially, they have to be in charge of the narrative (Novelists Quotes)
For novelists or musicians, if they really want to create something, they need to go downstairs and find a passage to get into the second basement. What I want to do is go down there, but still stay sane (Novelists Quotes)
Outcasts may grow up to be novelists and filmmakers and computer tycoons, but they will never be the athletic ruling class (Novelists Quotes)
Reading is the most rewarding form of exile and the most necessary discipline for novelists who burn with the ambition to get better (Novelists Quotes)
I am looking for the novelists whose writing is an extension of their intellect rather than an extension of their neurosis (Novelists Quotes)
All novelists write in a different way, but I always write in longhand and then do two versions of typescript on a computer (Novelists Quotes)
Novelists don’t age as quickly as philosophers, who often face professional senility in their late twenties (Novelists Quotes)
Novelists tend to go off at 70, and I’m in a funk about it, I’ve got myself into a real paranoid funk about it, how the talent dies before the body (Novelists Quotes)
Novelists are always resisting autobiographical readings of their work, because they know how false those can be (Novelists Quotes)
Novelists are perhaps the last people in the world to be entrusted with opinions. The nature of a novel is that it has no opinions, only the dialectic of contrary views, some of which, all of which, may be untenable and even silly. A novelist should not be too intelligent either, although he may be permitted to be an intellectual (Novelists Quotes)
Comedians and jazz musicians have been more comforting and enlightening to me than preachers or politicians or philosophers or poets or painters or novelists of my time. Historians in the future, in my opinion, will congratulate us on very little other than our clowning and our jazz (Novelists Quotes)
Normal people bring children into the world; we novelists bring books. We are condemned to put our whole lives into them, even though they hardly ever thank us for it. We are condemned to die in their pages and sometimes even to let our books be the ones who, in the end, will take our lives (Novelists Quotes)
I think novelists are in the education business, really, but they’re not teaching you times tables, they are teaching you responsiveness and morality and to make nuanced judgments. And really to just make the planet look a bit richer when you go out into the street (Novelists Quotes)
The truth is that, from the immense spectacle of the world, each novelists retains the one adventure which enable shim to give expression to his own essential self, just as the painter sees in nature only pictures painted in his manner (Novelists Quotes)
I’m looking for the novelists whose writing is an extension of their intellect rather than an extension of their neurosis (Novelists Quotes)
I started writing short fiction very briefly, as I imagine is the case for some novelists (Novelists Quotes)
Stories in which the destruction of society occurs are explorations of social fears and issues that filmmakers, novelists, playwrights, painters have been examining for a long time (Novelists Quotes)
God gets the great stories. Novelists must make do with more mundane fictions (Novelists Quotes)
Things were easier for the old novelists who saw people all of a piece. Speaking generally, their heroes were good through and through, their villains wholly bad (Novelists Quotes)
How can we expect novelists to be moral, when their trade forces them to treat every end they meet as no more than an imperfect means to a novel (Novelists Quotes)
San Francisco has long been a leader in the arts, nurturing generations of painters, sculptors, poets, novelists, playwrights, film - makers, and performing artists and innovators of every kind (Novelists Quotes)
It seemed to me you could do anything in comics. So I started doing my thing, which is mainly influenced by novelists, stand-up comedians, that sort of thin (Novelists Quotes)
Short-story writing requires an exquisite sense of balance. Novelists, frankly, can get away with more. A novel can have a dull spot or two, because the reader has made a different commitment (Novelists Quotes)
Unfortunately for novelists, real life is getting way too funny and far-fetched (Novelists Quotes)
Novelists who get shitty about screenwriting invariably can’t do it, or they can’t hack it in the world of what’s really, in truth, very bold and very public enterprise (Novelists Quotes)