Nsa Quotes

Text Quotes
Power, people are obsessed with it. You can take a nice person and turn them into a slob, into an insane being, craving power, destroying anything that stands in their way (Nsa Quotes)
The erotic has often been misnamed by men and used against women. It has been made into the confused, the trivial, the psychotic, the plasticized sensation (Nsa Quotes)
Now, here is the point about the self: it is insatiable. It is always, always hankering. It is what you might call rapacious to a fault. The great flaming mouth to the thing is never in this world going to be stuff full (Nsa Quotes)
I’m a storyline. I’m the chosen one for negative stories and controversial things. If I worried about it all, I would go insane (Nsa Quotes)
Im a transactional lawyer; I negotiate all types of things, but with a particular focus in software licenses (Nsa Quotes)
They are emotional gluttons, both of them. They gobbled up every sensation they could extract from marriage, and now they are seeing if separation won’t provide them with a few more (Nsa Quotes)
One writes because one has a burning desire to objectify what it is indispensable to one’s happiness to express (Nsa Quotes)
Beauty is the greatest of human powers. Any power without counterbalance or control becomes autocratic and leads to abuse and to folly. Despotism in a government is insanity; in woman, fantasy (Nsa Quotes)
A presidential campaign may easily degenerate into a mere personal contest, and so lose its real dignity. There is no indispensable man (Nsa Quotes)
Women on the way up generally fail to win popularity contests. The only compensation is that once you’re there you will become very well liked (Nsa Quotes)
... the transaction between a writer and the spirit of the age is one of infinite delicacy, and upon a nice arrangement between the two the whole fortune of his works depend (Nsa Quotes)
We need a free economy not only for the renewed material prosperity it will bring, but because it is indispensable to individual freedom, human dignity and to a more just, more honest society (Nsa Quotes)
Marriage is the only thing that affords a woman the pleasure of company and the perfect sensation of solitude at the same time (Nsa Quotes)
Moscow seethes and bubbles and gasps for air. It’s always thirsting for something new, the newest events, the latest sensation. Everyone wants to be the first to know. It’s the rhythm of life today (Nsa Quotes)
Jail is a good experience but it has its drawbacks... all the disadvantages of married life with none of its compensations (Nsa Quotes)
Certain very old people reach an age where every funeral becomes some sort of insane confirmation of strength, rather than of vulnerability, as it is when we are in our thirties or forties and our friends die (Nsa Quotes)
There is not one in a hundred of either sex, who is not taken in when they marry.... it is, of all transactions, the one in which people expect most from others, and are least honest themselves (Nsa Quotes)
Nothing, except the weather report or a general maxim of conduct, is so unsafe to rely upon as a theory of fiction (Nsa Quotes)
On the level of simple sensation and mood, making love surely resembles an epileptic fit at least as much as, if not more than, it does eating a meal or conversing with someone (Nsa Quotes)
Any work of art... is great when it makes you feel that its creator has dipped into your very heart for his sensation (Nsa Quotes)
Philosophy is called upon to compensate for the frustrations of politics and, more generally, of life itself (Nsa Quotes)
Confidence in markets and in institutions, it’s a lot like oxygen. When you have it, you don’t even think about it. It’s indispensable. You can go years without thinking about it. When it’s gone for five minutes, it’s the only thing to think about (Nsa Quotes)
No matter what we say, entertainers are usually quite insecure, wobbly characters underneath, and maybe that bit of glory or that bit of expression or whatever it is compensates in some area (Nsa Quotes)
At any moment I could give up, but I haven’t because love for me is an indispensable structure for being (Nsa Quotes)
I believe in fierce love, pushing the edge, calling the robbers, the corporates, the elites, the pillagers and insanely wealthy to task, going whatever distance we need to go now to protect our earth and each other (Nsa Quotes)
Death must no longer be either the penalty for prosperity or the consolation of misery. God did not destine it to be either the punishment or the compensation for life (Nsa Quotes)
Once a character has gelled it’s an unmistakable sensation, like an engine starting up within one’s body. From then onwards one is driven by this other person, seeing things through their eyes (Nsa Quotes)
There are few sensations more painful, than, in the midst of deep grief, to know that the season which we have always associated with mirth and rejoicing is at hand (Nsa Quotes)
All I have learned about horses is that they are beautiful overrated creatures and are all born quite insane (Nsa Quotes)
Taboos on the human heart are more dangerous than any risk we run by using our emotions. Sensation is the life of man; it is his actual energy. To suppress it is to lose creative power! (Nsa Quotes)