Nsa Quotes

Text Quotes
As frost, raised to its utmost intensity, produces the sensation of fire, so any good quality, overwrought and pushed to excess, turns into its own contrary (Nsa Quotes)
All was ended now, the hope and the fear and the sorrow, all the aching of heart, the restless, unsatisfied longing, all the dull, deep pain, and constant anguish of patience (Nsa Quotes)
Faith without evidence is, properly, not faith, but prejudice or presumption; faith beyond evidence is superstition, and faith contrary to evidence is either insanity or willful perversity of mind (Nsa Quotes)
Insanity is not a distinct and separate empire; our ordinary life borders upon it, and we cross the frontier in some part of our nature (Nsa Quotes)
Natural abilities can almost compensate for the want of every of every kind of cultivation, but no cultivation can make up for the want of natural abilities (Nsa Quotes)
Whatever difference there may appear to be in men’s fortunes, there is still a certain compensation of good and ill in all, that makes them equal (Nsa Quotes)
What we call the heart is a nervous sensation, like shyness, which gradually disappears in society. It is fervent in the nursery, strong in the domestic circle, tumultuous at school (Nsa Quotes)
The post is the grand connecting link of all transactions, of all negotiations. Those who are absent, by its means become present; it is the consolation of life (Nsa Quotes)
Natural ability can almost compensate for the want of every kind of cultivation; but no cultivation of the mind can make up for the want of natural ability (Nsa Quotes)
Another good thing about being poor is that when you are seventy your children will not have declared you legally insane in order to gain control of your estate (Nsa Quotes)
Education, however indispensable in a cultivated age, produces nothing on the side of genius. When education ends, genius often begins (Nsa Quotes)
Madness and insanity are two terms that are so vague and relative that you can’t really apportion proper values to them. The only thing I can think of that has any use it functional and dysfunctional. Are you working as well? In which case, it doesn’t matter if you are mad (Nsa Quotes)
I wouldn’t recommend sex, drugs or insanity for everyone, but they’ve always worked for me (Nsa Quotes)
Sex, drugs, and insanity have always worked for me, but I wouldn’t recommend them for everyone (Nsa Quotes)
I’ve always liked working on stories that combine people who are relatable with something insane (Nsa Quotes)
A passion for politics stems usually from an insatiable need, either for power, or for friendship and adulation, or a combination of both (Nsa Quotes)
The compensation of a very early success is a conviction that life is a romantic matter. In the best sense one stays young (Nsa Quotes)
Many people think it’s in bad taste to advertise for an insane asylum... but come on down. We’re going crazy (Nsa Quotes)
Libertarians recognize the difference between adults and children, as well as differences between normal adults and adults who are insane or mentally hindered or retarded (Nsa Quotes)
Obamacare has made the government part of our health care decisions. The IRS controls all of our financial information. The NSA apparently sees everything else (Nsa Quotes)
Did anyone in the White House or the N.S.A or the C.I.A. consider flying to Hong Kong and treating Mr. Snowden like a human being, offering him a chance to testify before Congress and a fair trial? (Nsa Quotes)
The president overstepped his authority when he asked the NSA to eavesdrop on Americans’ international phone calls without obtaining a warrant (Nsa Quotes)
There is no better illustration of that crisis than the fact that the president is openly violating our nation’s laws by authorizing the NSA to engage in warrantless surveillance of U. S. citizens (Nsa Quotes)
The TSA tears through your bags at the airport and the NSA watches what books you buy and what you say over the telephone and online. It doesn’t feel like anything is private anymore (Nsa Quotes)
Well, Keith Alexander, the former director of the NSA wants to say every company in the United States falls under one of two categories, those that have been hacked and those that don’t yet know it (Nsa Quotes)
My own dream is that we discover that the NSA has been secretly keeping files on members of the National Rifle Association (Nsa Quotes)
The NSA is forbidden to ‘target’ American citizens, green-card holders or companies for surveillance without an individual warrant from a judge. (Nsa Quotes)
For months, Obama administration officials attacked Snowden’s motives and said the work of the NSA was distorted by selective leaks and misinterpretations. (Nsa Quotes)
Marketers use big data profiling to predict who is about to get pregnant, who is likely to buy a new car, and who is about to change sexual orientations. That’s how they know what ads to send to whom. The NSA, meanwhile, wants to know who is likely to commit an act of terrorism - and for this, they need us. (Nsa Quotes)
In the urgent aftermath of Sept. 11, 2001, with more attacks thought to be imminent, analysts wanted to use ‘contact chaining’ techniques to build what the NSA describes as network graphs of people who represented potential threats. (Nsa Quotes)