Nuclear Quotes

Text Quotes
There is not the slightest indication that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable. It would mean that the atom would have to be shattered at will (Nuclear Quotes)
The one great gift to humankind from our nuclear physicists has been the nuclear bomb. How can we ever thank them? (Nuclear Quotes)
You know boys, a nuclear reactor is a lot like women. You just have to read the manual and press the right button (Nuclear Quotes)
What better way to head off more oil drilling, nuclear plants, than by blowing up a rig? I’m just noting the timing, here (Nuclear Quotes)
They assert that their program is purely peaceful... We want them to demonstrate clearly in the actions they propose that they have truly abandoned any nuclear weapons ambition (Nuclear Quotes)
A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought. The only value in our two nations possessing nuclear weapons is to make sure they will never be used. But then would it not be better to do away with them entirely? (Nuclear Quotes)
Nuclear abolition is the democratic wish of the world’s people, and has been our goal almost since the dawn of the atomic age. Together, we have the power to decide whether the nuclear era ends in a bang or worldwide celebration (Nuclear Quotes)
It is such a supreme folly to believe that nuclear weapons are deadly only if they’re used (Nuclear Quotes)
I don’t wanna die in a nuclear war, I want to sail away to a distant shore, and make like an apeman (Nuclear Quotes)
Smiling is very important. If we are not able to smile, then the world will not have peace. It is not by going out for a demonstration against nuclear missiles that we can bring about peace. It is with our capacity of smiling, breathing, and being peace that we can make peace (Nuclear Quotes)
The crucial thing is to arouse the awareness that as a matter of human conscience we can never permit the people of any country to fall victim to nuclear weapons, and for each individual to express their refusal to continue living in the shadow of the threat they pose (Nuclear Quotes)
It used to be you needed to have a very large sophisticated state before you could even have a nuclear weapon... Now the technology is widespread enough. It doesn’t take very many people to be able to cobble together a devastating attack, and all it takes is one (Nuclear Quotes)
There are good reasons why we don’t want everyone to learn nuclear physics, medicine or how financial markets work. Our entire modern project has been about delegating power over us to skilled people who want to do the work and be rewarded accordingly (Nuclear Quotes)
The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well, on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be (Nuclear Quotes)
The children of the nuclear age, I think, were weakened in their capacity to love. Hard to love, when you’re bracing yourself for impact. Hard to love, when the loved one, and the lover, might at any instant become blood and flames, along with everybody else (Nuclear Quotes)
Have you ever had so much to say that your mouth closed up tight struggling to harness the nuclear force coalescing within your words? Have you ever had so many thoughts churning inside you that you didn’t dare let them escape in case they blew you wide open? Have you ever been so angry that you couldn’t look in the mirror for fear of finding the face of evil glaring back at you? (Nuclear Quotes)
Somehow we must transform the dynamics of the world power struggle from the negative nuclear arms race which no one can win to a positive contest to harness man’s creative genius for the purpose of making peace and prosperity a reality for all of the nations of the world (Nuclear Quotes)
I know that nuclear is better than fossil fuels when it comes to carbon dioxide, but nuclear energy is by no means clean. We don’t know what to do with the waste we already have and it seems like a bad idea to me to make more when we have so many cleaner options such as wind and solar (Nuclear Quotes)
We have a situation where we are rich really as a world overall, and yet we have the capacity to destroy ourselves, either through nuclear weapons or through environmental degradation, and we allow the life chances of hundreds of millions of people to be destroyed because we haven’t found the will to tackle it (Nuclear Quotes)
The challenge of preventing any further proliferation of nuclear weapons is just such a trial in the quest for world peace, one that cannot be achieved if we are defeated by a sense of helplessness. The crucial element is to ensure that any struggle against evil is rooted firmly in a consciousness of the unity of the human family, something only gained through the mastery of our own inner contradictions (Nuclear Quotes)
My central arms control objective has been to reduce substantially and ultimately to eliminate nuclear weapons and rid the world of the nuclear threat. The prevention of the spread of nuclear explosives is to additional countries is an indispensable part of our efforts to meet this objective. I intend to continue my pursuit of this goal with untiring determination and a profound sense of personal commitment (Nuclear Quotes)
If human beings are to survive in a nuclear age, committing acts of violence may eventually have to become as embarrassing as urinating or defecating in public are today (Nuclear Quotes)
I want to move to a world of no nuclear weapons but I want to do that through multilateral disarmament so that we all disarm together (Nuclear Quotes)
It is my strong hope that an environment will be created in which both of our countries can cooperate for the realization of a world without nuclear weapons (Nuclear Quotes)
Japan is the only country in the world which suffered from the scourge of nuclear weapons (Nuclear Quotes)
It is of the greatest importance that people and governments in many more countries than ours should realize that it is more dangerous to have access to nuclear arms than not to possess them (Nuclear Quotes)
I worry about 10, 15, 20, 25 years down the road. Where are we going to be in this age of nuclear weapons, where there is no margin for error? (Nuclear Quotes)
As for the assertion that nuclear weapons prevent wars, how many more wars are needed to refute this arguments? Tens of millions have died in the many wars that have taken place since 1945 (Nuclear Quotes)
There is no direct evidence that nuclear weapons prevented a world war. Conversely, it is known that they nearly caused one (Nuclear Quotes)
This means that the only function of nuclear weapons, while they exist, is to deter a nuclear attack (Nuclear Quotes)