Nuclear War Quotes

Text Quotes
Like any good spy novel, the Cox Report alleges that Chinese spies penetrated four U. S. Weapons research labs and stole important information on seven nuclear warhead designs (Nuclear War Quotes)
This programme to stop nuclear by 2020 is just crazy. If there were a nuclear war, and humanity were wiped out, the Earth would breathe a sigh of relief (Nuclear War Quotes)
Nuclear war is inevitable, says the pessimists; Nuclear war is impossible, says the optimists; Nuclear war is inevitable unless we make it impossible, says the realists (Nuclear War Quotes)
My feelings of revulsion and foreboding about nuclear weapons had not changed an iota since 1945, and they have never left me. Since I was 14, the overriding objective of my life has been to prevent the occurrence of nuclear war (Nuclear War Quotes)
I want to say, and this is very important: at the end we lucked out. It was luck that prevented nuclear war. We came that close to nuclear war at the end. Rational individuals: Kennedy was rational; Khrushchev was rational; Castro was rational. Rational individuals came that close to total destruction of their societies. And that danger exists today (Nuclear War Quotes)
... nuclear threats and nuclear weapons are the last argument of weak, stressed and irresponsible politicians. People must act very quicky to stop the movement to nuclear war (Nuclear War Quotes)
In 1960 I published a book that attempted to direct attention to the possibility of a thermonuclear war, to ways of reducing the likelihood of such a war, and to methods for coping with the consequences should war occur despite our efforts to avoid it (Nuclear War Quotes)
There is nothing worth having that can he obtained by nuclear war - nothing material or ideological - no tradition that it can defend. It is utterly self-defeating (Nuclear War Quotes)
We do not believe that a nuclear war should be fought and we do not believe that a nuclear war can be won (Nuclear War Quotes)
The cure is care. Caring for others is the practice of peace. Caring becomes as important as curing. Caring produces the cure, not the reverse. Caring about nuclear war and its victims is the beginning of a cure for our obsession with war. Peace does not comes through strength. Quite the opposite: Strength comes through peace. The practices of peace strengthen us for every vicissitude... The task is immense! (Nuclear War Quotes)
The threat of a new ice age must now stand alongside nuclear war as a likely source of wholesale death and misery for mankind (Nuclear War Quotes)
Short of nuclear war itself, population growth is the gravest issue the world faces. If we do not act, the problem will be solved by famine, riots, insurrection and war (Nuclear War Quotes)
The big damages come if the climate sensitivity to greenhouse gases turns out to be high causing greater global warming than current projections. Then it’s not a bullet headed at us, but a thermonuclear warhead (Nuclear War Quotes)
We still live with this unbelievable threat over our heads of nuclear war. I mean, are we stupid? Do we think that the nuclear threat has gone, that the nuclear destruction of the planet is not imminent? It's a delusion to think it's gone away (Nuclear War Quotes)
Nuclear war is such an emotional subject that many people see the weapons themselves as the common enemy of humanity (Nuclear War Quotes)
I don’t wanna die in a nuclear war, I want to sail away to a distant shore, and make like an apeman (Nuclear War Quotes)
In a nuclear war there would be no victors, only victims. The truth of peace requires that all... strive for a progressive and concerted nuclear disarmament (Nuclear War Quotes)
People on this planet are currently preparing to blow themselves up in ultimate thermonuclear wars. We are living among beings whose state of mind is destruction (Nuclear War Quotes)
The only good thing about nuclear war is that it is the single most egalitarian idea that man has ever had. On the day of reckoning, you will not be asked to present your credentials. The devastation will be indiscriminate (Nuclear War Quotes)
Without perestroika, the cold war simply would not have ended. But the world could not continue developing as it had, with the stark menace of nuclear war ever present (Nuclear War Quotes)
One of these days they’ll be making a film where the whole human race gets wiped out in a nuclear war, but everything works out in the end (Nuclear War Quotes)
Mankind needs peace more than ever, for our entire planet, threatened by nuclear war, is in danger of total destruction. A destruction only man can provoke, only man can prevent (Nuclear War Quotes)
The prediction of nuclear winter is drawn not, of course, from any direct experience with the consequences of global nuclear war, but rather from an investigation of the governing physics (Nuclear War Quotes)
Our moral imperative is to work with all our powers for that day when the children of the world grow up without the fear of nuclear war (Nuclear War Quotes)
A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought. The only value in our two nations possessing nuclear weapons is to make sure they will never be used. But then would it not be better to do away with them entirely? (Nuclear War Quotes)
The United States government first learned of the diversion of the W-88 nuclear warhead design in late 1995 (Nuclear War Quotes)
There are no accidents, only nature throwing her weight around. Even the bomb merely releases energy that nature has put there. Nuclear war would be just a spark in the grandeur of space. Nor can radiation alter nature: she will absorb it all. After the bomb, nature will pick up the cards we have spilled, shuffle them, and begin her game again (Nuclear War Quotes)
Every thinking person fears nuclear war and every technological nation plans for it. Everyone knows it’s madness, and every country has an excuse (Nuclear War Quotes)
How well a posse policy will fare in a world with 3 billion people below the poverty line and nuclear warheads scattered around a dozen or more regions like melons in a field, is not easy to imagine (Nuclear War Quotes)
Most of my nightmares that jolt me awake either involve the cosmos or something completely out of human control. In reality, I worry more about nuclear war, or war in general (Nuclear War Quotes)