O woman! In ordinary cases so mere a mortal, how, in the great and rare events of life, dost thou swell into the angel!

O woman! In ordinary cases so mere a mortal, how, in the great and rare events of life, dost thou swell into the angel!
Edward Bulwer-Lytton, a renowned English novelist and playwright, was known for his eloquent and poetic writing style. In his works, he often explored the complexities of human nature and the transformative power of love and emotion. One of his most famous quotes, “O woman! In ordinary cases so mere a mortal, how, in the great and rare events of life, dost thou swell into the angel!” encapsulates his admiration for the strength and resilience of women in times of adversity.In this quote, Bulwer-Lytton acknowledges the seemingly ordinary nature of women in everyday life. Women are often seen as the caregivers, the nurturers, the homemakers. They are expected to fulfill traditional roles and responsibilities, often without recognition or praise. However, when faced with extraordinary challenges or moments of crisis, women have the ability to rise above their circumstances and display incredible courage, compassion, and grace.
Bulwer-Lytton’s words suggest that women possess an innate capacity for greatness, a hidden strength that emerges in times of need. When faced with adversity, women have the ability to transcend their limitations and become like angels, embodying qualities of compassion, selflessness, and resilience. They are able to tap into a wellspring of inner strength and courage that enables them to face even the most daunting challenges with grace and dignity.
Throughout his works, Bulwer-Lytton often portrayed women as complex and multi-dimensional characters, capable of great love and sacrifice. He recognized the importance of women in society and celebrated their ability to inspire and uplift those around them. In his eyes, women were not just mere mortals, but angels in disguise, capable of bringing light and hope to even the darkest of situations.