Obama Quotes

Text Quotes
This is what everybody’s forgetting about [Barak] Obama and his immigration law and his executive action and his amnesty on it, the Supreme Court decision. Immigration law is settled. (Obama Quotes)
[Barack] Obama believes you can hold enemy combatants, unlawful enemy combatants at Gitmo without a criminal trial because this is law of war detention. (Obama Quotes)
Since the global economic crisis began, the change in global attitudes is clear to see - and I think it is pitiful. Barack Obama came to China and he is probably the only president of the United States never to mention the words ‘human rights’ in public. (Obama Quotes)
The wound-tight, travel-light Obama has a distaste for the adversarial and the random. But if you stick too rigidly to a ‘No Drama’ rule in the White House, you risk keeping reality at bay. Presidencies are always about crisis management. (Obama Quotes)
We ought to deploy a missile defense shield to the Czech Republic and Poland, which Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama pulled back on out of not wanting to offend the Russians back in 2009. (Obama Quotes)
Ronald Reagan is going to go into negotiations with [Vladimir] Putin from a position of strength. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama gave up the game on day one when they reset the relationship with Russia and they gave up the nuclear defense of Poland and the Czech Republic. (Obama Quotes)
I’m riding my man Obama. I think he’s a visionary. Actually, Barack told me the first date he took Michelle to was ‘Do the Right Thing.’ I said, Thank God I made it. Otherwise you would have taken her to ‘Soul Man.’ Michelle would have been like ‘What’s wrong with this brother?’ (Obama Quotes)
So there was President Obama giving his bazillionth speech on health care, droning yet again that ‘now is the hour when we must seize the moment,’ the same moment he’s been seizing every day of the week for the past year, only this time his genius photo-op guys thought it would look good to have him surrounded by men in white coats. (Obama Quotes)
When I was in the Senate, I had eight great years working with the community on major issues, trying to deal with problems that people brought to my attention. That’s certainly what I intend to do as president. I think that is what President Obama has done. (Obama Quotes)
I am prepared to admit that when it comes to dealing with the House and Senate leaders, Obama is terrible. But he’s great with the public. Which hates the House and Senate as much as he does. (Obama Quotes)
Hikes in the debt ceiling - without any political demands from the opposition party - had been routine until President Obama took office. (Obama Quotes)
When President Obama was in the Senate, when he was a U.S. senator, he voted against raising the debt ceiling. And he said it was a lack of leadership that had brought us to this point. (Obama Quotes)
A lot of the Republicans wanted exactly what Barack Obama wanted, exactly what Nancy Pelosi wanted, exactly what Harry Reid wanted, which is to raise the debt ceiling, but they wanted to be able to tell what they view as their foolish, gullible constituents back home they didn’t do it. (Obama Quotes)
This election presents a stark choice - we can continue down the road of the Obama Democrats, more and more spending, debt and government control of the economy, or we can return to the founding principles of our nation - free markets, fiscal responsibility and individual liberty. (Obama Quotes)
It’s disappointing that President Obama - who ran for office in 2008 saying he was going to be a fiscally responsible president - has caused the largest deficits and the largest debt in American history. (Obama Quotes)
To Barack and Michelle Obama - America owes you an enormous debt of gratitude (Obama Quotes)
On one of the most personal matters of our lives, our health care, President Obama would turn decision making over to government bureaucrats. He forced through Obama-care and I will repeal it. (Obama Quotes)
I believe Barack Obama has shown a deep conviction to help those most in need, even if their voices are not always the ones heard the loudest in Washington. (Obama Quotes)
President Obama orders religious organizations to violate their conscience. I will defend religious liberty and overturn regulations that trample on our first freedom. (Obama Quotes)
Obama was elected on a slogan of hope and change because both were in short supply: the military exhausted by two wars, the banks failing their public trust, the U.S. Congress a comedy of dysfunction, and a federal government that seemed designed to idle on the sidelines. (Obama Quotes)
Around the world, America’s influence has declined while president Barack Obama has destroyed our military, our allies no longer trust us, and our adversaries no longer respect us. (Obama Quotes)
I had differences of opinion with President Obama and most well-known, of course, is Iran (Obama Quotes)
At least, it is encouraging to me that President [Barack] Obama has put Afghanistan front and center in this broader so-called War on terror, and that he is taking a different approach to Afghanistan. (Obama Quotes)
The Obama administration, like those before it, promotes a disturbingly narrow interpretation of the Fourth Amendment, misapplying the facts of old analog cases to a radically different digital world. (Obama Quotes)
The language Mr. Obama uses is refreshingly different from that of his predecessor, George W. Bush. (Obama Quotes)
If half-black Barack Obama had decided years ago to call himself white - which his genes certainly entitled him to do - his story would have carried very different meaning. If millions of part-black people had followed him into whiteness, then the N.A.A.C.P. would be in true crisis. (Obama Quotes)
Barack Obama says what he has to say as a politician. I say what I have to say as a pastor. But they’re two different worlds. (Obama Quotes)
Today, for the first time - and the Obama campaign showed us this - we can go from the digital world, from the self-organizing power of networks, to the physical one. (Obama Quotes)
As usual, the people who are poorest - the blacks, Hispanics and disabled people - are going to suffer more than anyone else under the [Barack] Obama administration. (Obama Quotes)
President Obama and Hillary Clinton, every time you disagree with them it doesn’t matter which subject it is, you’re a bigot or you’re a racist. (Obama Quotes)