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Obama Quotes

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I’m very, very concerned ultimately, as Medicaid costs increase in my state and most states, it’s going to reduce funding for state aid to our public schools, to our higher education institution or higher taxes on the middle class that President Obama said he didn’t want to do. And that’s exactly where he’s headed.  (Obama Quotes) I thanked President Obama for the United States’ work in supporting education in Pakistan and Afghanistan and for Syrian refugees.  (Obama Quotes) I’m a registered independent. I don’t really believe in political parties. Bottom line: Mitt Romney’s tax policy helps me. But I can’t stomach seeing somebody go hungry or somebody not being able to get an education because I want more. So, I’m supporting Barack Obama.  (Obama Quotes) President Obama had voiced strong support for the effort in Afghanistan during his campaign, pledging to add two brigades, which he did. But since the inauguration... the administration had signaled that the U.S. commitment needed careful assessment, and we needed to recalibrate the strategy and objectives.  (Obama Quotes) Obama was late to affirm the Egyptian revolution as a democratic movement, and even then he was eager to have installed those military leaders who were known for their practices of torture.  (Obama Quotes) The Tsarnaev brothers, the elder brother made a public call to jihad and the [Barack] Obama administration didn’t target it.  (Obama Quotes) Bush equals Clinton equals Bush equals Obama equals Clinton. It’s the same policies...immigration policies that may turn us into Europe, where hordes of Islamic madmen are raping, killing, pillaging, defecating in public fountains, harassing private citizens, elderly people - that’s what’s coming.  (Obama Quotes) Republicans believed that their job was not governing but blocking any idea coming from President Obama and the Democrats, and wiping out Democrats in the 2012 election.  (Obama Quotes) President Obama seems to think that you win by demonstrating that you’re a more reasonable person than your opponents. It didn’t work too badly, I’ll grant, as an electoral strategy in the 2012 election.  (Obama Quotes) President Obama decided to prematurely withdraw from Iraq for no other reason than politics. The artificial deadline for withdrawal was not determined for strategic goals but rather for a political one - his reelection timetable.  (Obama Quotes) I really believed Obama when he spoke in 2008, but I remember watching his victory speech after this last election and it was the same speech. Exactly the same speech. I felt like he didn’t even believe it anymore. He seemed to be tired of saying the same thing.  (Obama Quotes) Two years before the last election you nor anyone else would have predicted that Barack Obama was going to get elected president of the United States.  (Obama Quotes) The mantra from the Obama State Department is ‘smart power’ - the not-so-new idea that all elements of national power should be utilized to influence other countries.  (Obama Quotes) Michelle Obama is a powerful example of someone who has learned how to align her actions with her values, manage boundaries across domains of life, and embrace change courageously.  (Obama Quotes) People often ask whether Obama passes the ‘kishka test:’ whether he likes Israel special, not in the same way he likes Taiwan or South Korea? Does he? I think the kishka test was decided when he visited Israel. I think the reaction there was emotional and genuine.  (Obama Quotes) President Obama has called for economic and political empowerment of women globally. The Equal Futures Partnership promotes removal of policy, legal, and regulatory barriers that hold women back at local, state and national levels.  (Obama Quotes) Mr. Obama would be a disheartening president even during a super boom, with his grim demeanor and empty rhetoric, as well as his obvious hatred of business bravado.  (Obama Quotes) When, President Obama, do you mean to cease abusing our patience? How long is that madness of yours still to mock us? When is there to be an end to that unbridled audacity of yours swaggering about as it does now?  (Obama Quotes) When Mr. Obama entered office, he said all the right things about getting Washington spending under control. He even promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. Obviously, that didn’t happen.  (Obama Quotes) The best power of all is to be free, but Obama is not a free person. He is a prisoner of a military system. He talked about closing Guantanamo and ending the war in Iraq. Now he’s taken on another war. What’s happening?  (Obama Quotes) [A dramatic increase in regulation under the Obama administration is] threatening to short-circuit our recovery and undermine our long-term growth....More importantly , it is suffocating the entrepreneurial spirit so vital to America’s success.  (Obama Quotes) President Obama’s over in Indonesia when guys like me were at a paper route. President Obama, I don’t know what experience he had at that same age when he was in Indonesia. So I think it’s hard for him to grasp that America entrepreneurial spirit.  (Obama Quotes) We, the women of the Senate, with President Obama by our side, will keep fighting - our shoulders square, our lipstick on - because you deserve equal pay for your hard work.  (Obama Quotes) 2013 was a year of myths falling apart. The myth of President Obama - a myth in which Obama was a messianic figure descending to bequeath health care, equality, and brotherhood on mankind - imploded. The myth of an America embracing the leftist social agenda collapsed.  (Obama Quotes) We are still a nation of laws. You just have to check with Barack Obama every day to see what they are.  (Obama Quotes) Presidents seem to fall into two positive categories: they’re one of us, or they’re heroes. Both McCain and Obama probably see themselves as potential heroes - presidents who will be looked up to, not presidents everyday people will remark are ‘just like me.’  (Obama Quotes) I think President [Barack] Obama is exactly right, we need to combat [gun shoots] because this really can become the new normal, but that`s really what`s been happening.  (Obama Quotes) Despite the Obama administration’s proclaimed commitment to global Internet freedom, the executive branch is not transparent about the types and capabilities of surveillance technologies it is sourcing and purchasing - or about what other governments are purchasing the same technology.  (Obama Quotes) Vice President Joe Biden believes that illegal immigrants are citizens. Obama believes that some Americans who join Islamist groups are citizens, while others are not. Who is an American? Whomever the executive branch deems an American. Who isn’t? It depends on whether Obama ate his Wheaties or not.  (Obama Quotes) Donald Trump also will repeal all these executive amnesty orders that President Obama has put into place.  (Obama Quotes)
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