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The exit polls suggest that after a relatively disappointing first term, Obama managed to reassemble almost all of his 2008 electorate  (Obama Quotes) I would also say Barack Obama has spent much, much, much, much more money than the Republicans  (Obama Quotes) I am just mystified by these people telling me I would think Obama was doing a great job if his skin contained less melanin  (Obama Quotes) Historians will likely give Obama credit for steering the country away from the brink of economic collapse in 2009  (Obama Quotes) It’s a bit unfair to accuse Obama of dividing the nation when the facts show that it already is  (Obama Quotes) Since declaring that she would not serve in a second Obama administration, Clinton has dismissed suggestions that she will run in 2016  (Obama Quotes) The fact that Obama is getting criticism from the left and the right might reflect his understanding of the underlying political dynamics  (Obama Quotes) Obama might do well to remember that his fast rise from the Illinois state Senate was due in large part to an uncanny ability to make friends and find mentors  (Obama Quotes) I must confess, when I see anyone with an Obama 2012 bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool  (Obama Quotes) Only in America can a Barack Obama happen. Only in America can a Don King happen  (Obama Quotes) Obama is from this group that resents the private sector, resents the capitalistic means of production  (Obama Quotes) I’m not sure if President Obama is an ideologue or a pragmatist. I am hoping and praying he’s a pragmatist  (Obama Quotes) Mitt Romney was attacking Obama about our failing education system. He has a point. We are graduating millions of people in this country who are so lacking in basic analytical skills, they are considering voting for Mitt Romney  (Obama Quotes) Since Obama has expressed admiration for the portrait of Abraham Lincoln that Doris Kearns Goodwin paints in Team of Rivals, he could do the 16th president one better: He should name Hillary Clinton as his running mate in 2012. That would be both needed change and audacious  (Obama Quotes) I feel like I owe it to the readers to try to pull back the veil and give them the honest version of what’s going on. But it’s not more fun. If Obama, as he does sometimes already, gets a little snippy with me about something I’ve written, you’re thinking, ‘Oh God, the president of the United States is already annoyed with me.’  (Obama Quotes) Barack Obamas official nomination as the Democratic Partys standard-bearer was a very poignant moment for millions of Americans. As the first non-white major party nominee, Obama is carrying a big load on his shoulders. Hes holding the hopes and dreams of a lot of folks who thought the presidency was only reserved for white men  (Obama Quotes) First Lady Michelle Obama has posted an exercise video of her beating up a punching bag. But don’t worry, Vice President Biden is going to be OK  (Obama Quotes) President Obama, by the way, has set a Guinness World Record as the fastest person to get a million Twitter followers. Obama now has as many followers as the Republicans have presidential candidates  (Obama Quotes) Fidel Castro declared that a robot would do a better job as president than Barack Obama. After hearing this, Mitt Romney thanked Castro for his endorsement  (Obama Quotes) My first ‘SNL’ episode was with Michael Phelps and Lil Wayne. And if you go back and watch the monologue - it was supposed to feature Barack Obama, but we couldn’t get him - it was with William Shatner. But if you watch it, Guy Fieri is sitting in the front row  (Obama Quotes) Black people have been qualified to be president for hundreds of years. George Washington Carver could have been president. I could go on with a list of black men that were qualified to be the president of the United States. So the Obama victory is progress for white people  (Obama Quotes) Well, certainly the Democrats have been arguing to raise the capital gains tax on all Americans. Obama says he wants to do that. That would slow down economic growth. It’s not necessarily helpful to the economy. Every time we’ve cut the capital gains tax, the economy has grown. Whenever we raise the capital gains tax, it’s been damaged  (Obama Quotes) Jesse Jackson also said he thought Barack Obama was talking down to black people by lecturing them on things like fatherhood and being a responsible husband. Jesse thought it was insulting, not only to him, but to his former mistress and their love child  (Obama Quotes) Today, President Obama finally met with BP’s CEO, Tony Hayward, but the meeting was only scheduled 20 minutes. Call me crazy, but I think it should take more time to discuss an oil spill than it does to get your oil checked  (Obama Quotes) The president met with BP CEO Tony Hayward, and Obama was demanding that BP clean up the Gulf. And I’m thinking, good luck. They can’t even clean up their gas station restrooms  (Obama Quotes) A new poll found that 43 percent of Americans think President Obama is doing a good job at handling the BP oil spill. Of course, the same poll found that 43 percent of Americans hate pelicans  (Obama Quotes) The Obama administration announced a deal with Iran that would prevent the Iranians from making a nuclear weapon. In exchange, we’re giving the Iranians Netflix  (Obama Quotes) Obama needs Facebook to help him get reelected. Facebook needs Obama to keep them out of trouble with Congress and countless government agencies  (Obama Quotes) I would say that Barack Obama has always been a real optimist about what can be accomplished. He believes that government can be used to create systemic, long-term, real change. And the first lady is more of a skeptic  (Obama Quotes) I’ve been very lucky to put women that I sincerely admire on the cover of ‘Vogue:’ the then First Lady and now Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and, more recently, First Lady Michelle Obama. Those were benchmarks for the magazine, and certainly covers that I’ve been very, very proud of  (Obama Quotes)
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