Objective Quotes

Text Quotes
I look at the human sciences as poetic sciences in which there is no objectivity, and I see film as not being objective, and cinema verite as a cinema of lies that depends on the art of telling yourself lies. If you’re a good storyteller then the lie is more true than reality, and if you’re a bad one, the truth is worse than a half lie (Objective Quotes)
Anarchism’s lone objective is to reach a point at which the belligerence of some humans against humanity, in whatever form, comes to a halt (Objective Quotes)
Interestingly, we have beaten the market quite handsomely over this time frame, although beating the market has never been our objective. Rather, we have consistently tried not to lose money and, in doing so, have not only protected on the downside but also outperformed on the upside (Objective Quotes)
If you let some time go by before considering work that you have done, you move toward a more objective position in judging it. The pleasure of the subjective, physical experience in the world is a more distant memory and less influential (Objective Quotes)
The problem is one of opposition between subjective and objective points of view. There is a tendency to seek an objective account of everything before admitting its reality. But often what appears to a more subjective point of view cannot be accounted for in this way. So either the objective conception of the world is incomplete, or the subjective involves illusions that should be rejected (Objective Quotes)
While men inhabiting different parts of this vast continent cannot be expected to hold the same opinions, they can untie in a common objective and sustain common principles (Objective Quotes)
A government cannot be expected to allow independence to its central bank unless that bank is also accountable to it and to the wider public. That is, the central bank must be able to be judged on whether or not it has achieved its agreed objective (Objective Quotes)
Morality binds and blinds. It binds us into teams … but thereby makes us go blind to objective reality (Objective Quotes)
If we remain grotesquely unequal, we shall lose all sense of fraternity: and fraternity, for all its fatuity as a political objective, turns out to be the necessary condition of politics itself (Objective Quotes)
I am deeply worried because we are seeing an unleashing of violence by 2,000 to 3,000 thugs who come to smash and loot. My objective is to avoid mistakes by the police, so that people can protest in safety (Objective Quotes)
True dreams and visions should be as visible to the artist as the phenomena of the objective world (Objective Quotes)
The social scientist is in a difficult, if not impossible position. On the one hand there is the temptation to see all of society as one’s autobiography writ large, surely not the path to general truth. On the other hand, there is the attempt to be general and objective by pretending that one knows nothing about the experience of being human, forcing the investigator to pretend that people usually know and tell the truth about important issues, when we all know from our own lives how impossible that is (Objective Quotes)
You need to be uncomfortable and apprehensive: True strategy is about placing bets and making hard choices. The objective is not to eliminate risk but to increase the odds of success (Objective Quotes)
Humans may or may not have cosmic significance, and if they do, it will be by hitching a ride on the objective centrality of knowledge in the cosmic scheme of things (Objective Quotes)
Most of us form estimates of our intelligence, wisdom, and moral fiber that are considerably higher than an objective estimate would warrant; no doubt 90 percent of us think ourselves well above average along these lines (Objective Quotes)
We have no obligation to make history. We have no obligation to make art. We have no obligation to make a statement. To make money is our only objective (Objective Quotes)
I doubt if there is one married person on earth who can be objective about divorce. It is always a threat, admittedly or not, and such a dire threat that it is almost a dirty word (Objective Quotes)
Even intellectuals should have learned by now that objective rationality is not the default position of the human mind, much less the bedrock of human affairs (Objective Quotes)
Sleep conceals the creative act while the objective world reveals it. In sleep man impresses the subconscious with his conception of himself (Objective Quotes)
And I’m a stodgy old scientist who believes, naively, that there exists an external world, that there exist objective truths about that world, and that my job is to discover some of them (Objective Quotes)
I believe that the unity of mind and body is an objective reality. They are not just parts somehow related to each other, but an inseparable whole while functioning. A brain without a body could not think (Objective Quotes)
I believe that nothing can be more abstract, more unreal, than what we actually see. We know that all we can see of the objective world, as human beings, never really exists as we see and understand it. Matter exists, of course, but has no intrinsic meaning of its own, such as the meanings that we attach to it. We can know only that a cup is a cup, that a tree is a tree (Objective Quotes)
It’s objective evaluations that give our hardwiring principles teeth and drive the organization toward results that last (Objective Quotes)
One clear focus for everyone. Your business needs laser focus on what the next objective is. Execution is key (Objective Quotes)
To be artist, and lover, that is the true goal, the only adequate objective, the divinely destined end for man (Objective Quotes)
Cultivate an intellectual habit of subordinating one’s opinions and wishes to objective evidence and a reverence for things as they really are (Objective Quotes)
There are people who are very greedy, there are people who don’t care. But in my opinion, that is a minority. The majority of the people on the face of this earth want peace, and if this is true, then peace on earth is a very achievable objective. People say it’s not going to happen. Well, let this time belong to those who believe it can happen, not to the ones who say it cannot (Objective Quotes)
The most important thing that I know about living is love. Nothing surpasses the benefits received by a human being who makes compassion and love the objective of his or her life. For it is only by compassion and love that anyone fulfills successfully their own life’s journey. Nothing equals love (Objective Quotes)
I can only answer that I tried to tell the truth and, if not be objective, at least be fair; history is not served when reporters prize trepidation and propriety over the robust journalistic duty to tell the whole story (Objective Quotes)
The subject of management is man; the objective of management is the moving of man’s mind and will and imagination (Objective Quotes)