Objectives Quotes

Text Quotes
In any activity, we have to know what to expect, how to reach our objectives and what capacity we possess for the proposed task. The only people who can say they have renounced the fruit are those who, thus equipped, feel no desire for the results of the conquest, and remain absorbed in combat. You can renounce the fruit, but this renunciation does not mean indifference toward the result (Objectives Quotes)
Your ability to negotiate, communicate, influence, and persuade others to do things is absolutely indispensable to everything you accomplish in life. The most effective men and women in every area are those who can quite competently organize the cooperation and assistance of other people toward the accomplishment of important goals and objectives (Objectives Quotes)
I know that it is a hopeless undertaking to debate about fundamental value judgements. For instance, if someone approves, as a goal, the extirpation of the human race from the earth, one cannot refute such a viewpoint on rational grounds. But if there is agreement on certain goals and values, one can argue rationally about the means by which these objectives may be obtained (Objectives Quotes)
I don’t favor violence. If we could bring about recognition and respect of our people by peaceful means, well and good. Everybody would like to reach his objectives peacefully. But I’m also a realist. The only people in this country who are asked to be nonviolent are black people (Objectives Quotes)
Our people have made the mistake of confusing the methods with the objectives. As long as we agree on objectives, we should never fall out with each other just because we believe in different methods, or tactics, or strategy. We have to keep in mind at all times that we are not fighting for separation. We are fighting for recognition as free humans in this society (Objectives Quotes)
I will not wage war against women and children! I have instructed my air force to limit their attacks to military objectives. However, if the enemy should conclude from this that he might get away with waging war in a different manner he will receive an answer that he’ll be knocked out of his wits! (Objectives Quotes)
Objectives can be compared to a compass bearing by which a ship navigates. A compass bearing is firm, but in actual navigation, a ship may veer off its course for many miles. Without a compass bearing, a ship would neither find its port nor be able to estimate the time required to get there (Objectives Quotes)
Instead of ideological objectives of a political nature, today we are faced with ideological objectives of economic nature (Objectives Quotes)
And I believe in having an administration that has clearly defined goals, objectives and time lines such that it and its people can be held accountable (Objectives Quotes)
That the more authoritarian organizations survive and prevail goes generally unnoticed because people focus on the objectives of organizations, which are many and varied, rather than on their structures, which lend to be similar (Objectives Quotes)
Anytime you have a difficult encounter with your child, there is a good chance that at least one of these factors is bringing out the worst in him or her: transitions, time pressure, competition for your attention, conflicting objectives (Objectives Quotes)
Ideas, aspirations, and objectives that, by their content, transcend the established universe of discourse and action are either repelled or reduced to terms of this universe (Objectives Quotes)
The first two missions have some test objectives, some new capabilities that we’re going to try to develop on orbit to possibly be used on later flights (Objectives Quotes)
Besides my religious commitment, the greatest single factor that has enabled me to pursue my business and political objectives has been the security and freedom of my home (Objectives Quotes)
Doing a great job and not meeting the customer’s objectives is as useless as doing a poor job within the customer’s objectives (Objectives Quotes)
Success is measured simply by the amount of effort we put forth, in conquering our objectives (Objectives Quotes)
The majority see the obstacles; the few see the objectives; history records the successes of the latter, while oblivion is the reward of the former (Objectives Quotes)
All sport... is one of the few activities where young people can proceed along traditional avenues, where objectives are clear, where the desire to win is not only permissible, but encouraged (Objectives Quotes)
You have to set the tone and the pace, define objectives and strategies, demonstrate through personal example what you expect from others (Objectives Quotes)
What do you want to achieve or avoid? the answers to this question are objectives. How will you go about achieving your desire results? the answer to this you can call strategy (Objectives Quotes)
You. Too, can determine what you want. You can decide on your major objectives, targets, aims, and destination (Objectives Quotes)
You too can determine what you want. You can decide on your major objectives, targets, aim and destination (Objectives Quotes)
There is more respect to be won in the opinion of this world by a resolute and courageous liquidation of unsound positions than by the most stubborn pursuit of extravagant or unpromising objectives (Objectives Quotes)
Management is the process of assuring that the program and objectives of the organization are implemented. Leadership on the other hand has to do with casting vision and motivating people (Objectives Quotes)
Establish specific objectives, and move steadily toward them. A rudder won’t control a drifting boat; it must be underway. Similarly, you need to be moving forward to gain control of your life (Objectives Quotes)
Strong families cultivate an attribute of effective communication. They talk out their problems, make plans together, and cooperate toward common objectives (Objectives Quotes)
Wars are fought on objectives, not on timetable, and that’s why I’ve been so insistent upon not allowing ourselves to have policy driven by time table, but by objective (Objectives Quotes)
At that time, the army leadership said the implementation of this agreement would allow everyone, including the IRA, to take its political objectives forward by peaceful and democratic means (Objectives Quotes)
Our strength in finance has led us to set up an international financial centre with medium and long - term objectives, especially to develop Islamic financial and insurance services (Objectives Quotes)
Governments cannot assume or expect that the ECB will always facilitate their funding independently of the achievement of their fiscal and other policy objectives (Objectives Quotes)