Obligation Quotes

Text Quotes
We, as artists, we have the right to express ourselves. That is our first amendment, freedom of speech. But I also believe that we have an obligation to the youth to be somewhat responsible in what we say on records. But I think that comes with age. I think that comes with artists growing up and becoming assured of who they are as people (Obligation Quotes)
You have no obligation under the sun other than to discover your real needs, to fulfill them, and to rejoice in doing so (Obligation Quotes)
I am a very simple man. I am a man first, an artist second. My first obligation is to the welfare of my fellow man. I will endeavour to meet this obligation through music, since it transcends language, politics and national boundaries (Obligation Quotes)
If you have the expectation that I have to be a certain way, then I feel the obligation to be that way. The truth is I am not what you want me to be (Obligation Quotes)
Those who perceive in themselves... the artistic vocation as poet, writer, sculptor, painter, musician, and actor feel at the same time an obligation not to waste this talent but to develop it, in order to put it to service of their neighbour and the humanity as a whole (Obligation Quotes)
As artists and professionals, it is our obligation to enact our own internal revolution, a private insurrection inside our own skulls. In this uprising we free ourselves from the tyranny of consumer culture (Obligation Quotes)
When we feel an obligation to test the things we say and to find the boundaries within which what we say has validity, then we are contributing to a real inner consolidation of our human feeling for existence (Obligation Quotes)
The man of great wealth owes a peculiar obligation to the state because he derives special advantages from the mere existence of government (Obligation Quotes)
In a country where nature has been so lavish and where we have been so spendthrift of indigenous beauty, to set aside a few rivers in their natural state should be considered an obligation (Obligation Quotes)
Our politics and science have never mastered the fact that people need more than to understand their obligation to one another and to the earth; they need also the feeling of such obligation, and the feeling can come only within the patterns of familiarity. A nation of urban nomads, such as we have become, may simply be unable to be enough disturbed by its destruction of the ecological health of the land, because the people’s dependence on the land, though it has been expounded to them over and over again in general terms, is not immediate to their feelings (Obligation Quotes)
It’s scary to realize that the only thing holding our friends to us isn’t our performance, or our lovability, or their guilt, or their obligation. The only thing that will keep them calling, spending time with us, and putting up with us is love. And that’s the one thing we can’t control (Obligation Quotes)
I think art has a right - not an obligation - to be difficult if it wishes. And, since people generally go on from this to talk about elitism versus democracy, I would add that genuinely difficult art is truly democratic (Obligation Quotes)
For many students, school is an obligation, not a joy and a privilege. This means you need to ‘sell’ the learning to them (Obligation Quotes)
Obligation may be stretched till it is no better than a brand of slavery stamped on us when we were too young to know its meaning (Obligation Quotes)
Families, doing everything for each other out of imagined obligation and always getting in each other’s way, what a tangle (Obligation Quotes)
We were not born with guilt nor obligation. When you give in to guilt, you endorse it (Obligation Quotes)
I worked a great deal then, as you can only do on a set theme, absolved from the obligation to find a new fact, a new subject every day (Obligation Quotes)
If our business is successful and achieves excessive profits we’re under no obligation to share that with our workers (Obligation Quotes)
I have striven for perfection, it has always eluded me, but I surely had an obligation to make one more try (Obligation Quotes)
No vicarious charity can substitute for justice which is due as an obligation and is wrongfully denied (Obligation Quotes)
If any of you happens to see an injustice, you are no longer a spectator, you are a participant, and you have an obligation to do something (Obligation Quotes)
Not only do we have a right to be happy, we have an obligation to be happy because our happiness has an effect on everyone around us (Obligation Quotes)
Alas! the scientific conscience had got into the debasing company of money obligation and selfish respects (Obligation Quotes)
Our obligation to the world is, primarily, our obligation to our own future. Obviously, we cannot develop beyond a certain point unless other nations develop, too (Obligation Quotes)
The obligation to express gratitude deepens with procrastination. The longer you wait, the more effusive must be the thanks (Obligation Quotes)
The notion of obligations comes before that of rights, which is subordinate and relative to the former. A right is not effectual by itself, but only in relation to the obligation to which it corresponds (Obligation Quotes)
Performing music is a way to do comedy, but without the obligation to do a solid hour, hour and half of a standup. I could intersperse it with music, so it became a really good format for me (Obligation Quotes)
How extraordinary people are, that they get themselves into such situations where they go on doing what they dislike doing, and have no need or obligation to do, simply because it seems to be expected (Obligation Quotes)
The sexual freedom of today for most people is really only a convention, an obligation, a social duty, a social anxiety, a necessary feature of the consumer’s way of life (Obligation Quotes)
War is a biological necessity of the first importance, a regulative element in the life of mankind which cannot be dispensed with.... But it is not only a biological law but a moral obligation, and, as such, an dispensable factor in civilization (Obligation Quotes)