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I think the very best thing you can do is observe what makes you stronger and what makes you weaker (Observe Quotes)
Observe your actions but be so busy that you never contemplate their possible effects. It is only this consciousness that leads to liberation. Everything else is illusion (Observe Quotes)
The nobility of our calling will always be rooted in two commitments difficult to observe: refusal to lie about what we know, and resistance to oppression (Observe Quotes)
If you try to observe the precepts, that is not true observation of precepts. When you observe the precepts without trying to observe the precepts, that is true observation of the precepts (Observe Quotes)
Cover the canvas at the first go, and then work on till you see nothing more to add... Don’t proceed according to rules and principles, but paint what you observe and feel. Paint generously and unhesitatingly, for it is best not to lose the first impression (Observe Quotes)
Having a relationship with people of questionable character is like playing with a razor blade on your skin, and pretending to observe that it is harmful to your body (Observe Quotes)
To meditate is to observe yourself, for you are totally responsible for your body, mind, thought (Observe Quotes)
People who observe no limits in attempting to get work done aren’t nearly as smart as they think. Hard work can be done by any fool. But to be highly productive, and still have plenty of time to rest and play, this is where true genius resides (Observe Quotes)
Not only should we observe moderation with food, but we must also abstain from every other sin so that just as we fast with our stomach, we should fast with our tongue. Likewise, we should fast with our eyes; i.e. not look at agitating things, not allow your eyes freedom to roam, not to look shamelessly and without fear. Similarly, arms and legs should be restrained from doing any evil acts (Observe Quotes)
I observe many people who say they are meditating, but I sure don’t see them meditating. They sit and touch a lot of people, places and things psychically, but they sure don’t meditate (Observe Quotes)
If you wake up for a moment and look around at life, you will observe that nothing here lasts, nothing works out. There are no happy endings. All accomplishments are washed away by death or by the next moment (Observe Quotes)
On the most usual assumption, the universe is homogeneous on the large scale, i.e. down to regions containing each an appreciable number of nebulae. The homogeneity assumption may then be put in the form: An observer situated in a nebula and moving with the nebula will observe the same properties of the universe as any other similarly situated observer at any time (Observe Quotes)
A tutor should not be continually thundering instruction into the ears of his pupil, as if he were pouring it through a funnel, but, after having put the lad, like a young horse, on a trot, before him, to observe his paces, and see what he is able to perform, should, according to the extent of his capacity, induce him to taste, to distinguish, and to find out things for himself; sometimes opening the way, at other times leaving it for him to open; and by abating or increasing his own pace, accommodate his precepts to the capacity of his pupil (Observe Quotes)
If anyone wishes to see how the soul dwells in its body, let him observe how this body uses its daily habitation; that is to say, if this is devoid of order and confused, the body will be kept in disorder and confusion by its soul (Observe Quotes)
Don’t observe yourself too closely. Don’t be too quick to draw conclusions from what happens to you; simply let it happen (Observe Quotes)
To be able to observe with a stranger’s eye helps one to see with an artist’s eye. What alienates us inspires (Observe Quotes)
There is in the universe something for the description and analysis of which the natural sciences cannot contribute anything. There are events beyond the range of those events that the procedures of the natural sciences are fit to observe and describe. There is human action (Observe Quotes)
In truth, I am nothing but a plodding mediocrity - please observe, a plodding mediocrity - for a mere mediocrity does not go very far, but a plodding one gets quite a distance. There is joy in that success, and a distinction can come from courage, fidelity and industry (Observe Quotes)
By taking elements you observe in life, you can develop qualities in your acting life that you don’t ordinarily call upon in your personal life (Observe Quotes)
I observe that more evolved souls are now reincarnating as women. Women find it easier to meditate and easier to develop their psychic abilities (Observe Quotes)
As a woman experiment and observe. Observe yourself as you go through a day. You will be amazed to discover the number and variety of things you do just on the physical level to control, or at least pass without being hassled (Observe Quotes)
Observe how women defeat each other; whether it’s simply for a promotion, for a husband, for survival, so she won’t be beaten up in a relationship. She has to now fear every other woman because every woman represents a threat to her (Observe Quotes)
A master of will can teach you how to use will. You watch them and observe them use that will, guided by wisdom, with a happy balance (Observe Quotes)
You cannot stay on the summit forever; you have to come down... So why bother in the first place? Just this: What is above knows what is below, but what is below does not know what is above. In climbing, take careful note of the difficulties along your way; for as you go up, you can observe them. Coming down, you will no longer see them, but you will know they are there if you have observed them well (Observe Quotes)
A man receives only what he is ready to receive... The phenomenon or fact that cannot in any wise be linked with the rest of what he has observed, he does not observe (Observe Quotes)
I’m interested in how we define things by how we choose to observe them, and how everywhere in our lives, and in every moment we experience, there are forces at work that we don’t fully understand. Couple this curiosity with a love of portraiture painting, and that’s how this project was born (Observe Quotes)
For a man to write well, there are required three necessaries: to read the best authors, observe the best speakers, and much exercise of his own style (Observe Quotes)
Because waking I often observe the absurdity of dreams, but never dream of the absurdities of my waking thoughts, I am well satisfied that being awake, I know I dream not; though when I dream, I think myself awake (Observe Quotes)
Son, heed my instruction, and apply thyself to know women; let thine eyes observe her when she is with another, for what she doeth with him, she will do with thee, also (Observe Quotes)
All you need to know and observe in yourself is this: Whenever you feel superior or inferior to anyone, that’s the ego in you (Observe Quotes)