Observer Quotes

Text Quotes
We are often confident even when we are wrong, and an objective observer is more likely to detect our errors than we are (Observer Quotes)
The environment itself will teach the child, if every error he makes is manifest to him, without the intervention of a parent of teacher, who should remain a quiet observer of all that happens (Observer Quotes)
To see the dull indifference, the negligent and thoughtless air that sits upon the faces of a whole assembly, while the psalm is upon their lips, might even tempt a charitable observer to suspect the fervency of their inward religion (Observer Quotes)
... integral wisdom involves a direct participation in every moment: the observer and the observed are dissolved in the light of pure awareness, and no mental concepts or attitudes are present to dim that light (Observer Quotes)
The close and thoughtful observer more and more learns to recognize his limitations. He realizes that with the steady growth of knowledge more and more new problems keep on emerging (Observer Quotes)
He is a dull observer whose experience has not taught him the reality and force of magic, as well as of chemistry (Observer Quotes)
I went as an observer, not a participant, for I do not think that I ever spoke. I wanted to understand the issues under discussion, evaluate the arguments, see the calibre of the men involved (Observer Quotes)
Where the observer is at first a real goodness realized, later it is a sophisticated power holder. The observer is given power and control that belongs to oneness. When oneness has that power and that control, there is love (Observer Quotes)
Quantum physics tells us that nothing that is observed is unaffected by the observer. That statement, from science, holds an enormous and powerful insight. It means that everyone sees a different truth because everyone is creating what they see (Observer Quotes)
Tragedy is in the eye of the observer, and not in the heart of the sufferer (Observer Quotes)
Part of us is always the observer, and no matter what, it observes. It watches us. It does not care if we are happy or unhappy, if we are sick or well, if we live or die. It’s only job is to sit there on our shoulder and pass judgment on whether we are worthwhile human beings (Observer Quotes)
I’ve always been an ironic dreamer, unfaithful to my inner promises. Like a complete outsider, a casual observer of whom I thought I was, I’ve always enjoyed watching my daydreams go down in defeat. I was never convinced of what I believed in. I filled my hands with sand, called it gold, and opened them up to let it slide through. Words were my only truth. When the right words were said, all was done; the rest was the sand that had always been (Observer Quotes)
Nervous states of the worst sort control me without pause. Everything that is not literature bores me and I hate it. I lack all aptitude for family life except, at best, as an observer. I have no family feeling and visitors make me almost feel as though I were maliciously being attacked (Observer Quotes)
The possibility of interpretation lies in the identity of the observer with the observed. Each material thing has its celestial side; has its translation, through humanity, into the spiritual and necessary sphere, where it plays a part as indestructible as any other (Observer Quotes)
A child is an eager observer and is particularly attracted by the actions of the adults and wants to imitate them. In this regard an adult can have a kind of mission. He can be an inspiration for the child’s actions, a kind of open book wherein a child can learn how to direct his own movements. But an adult, if he is to afford proper guidance, must always be calm and act slowly so that the child who is watching him can clearly see his actions in all their particulars (Observer Quotes)
Rationalism belongs to the cool observer. But because of the stupidity of the average person, they follow not reason, but faith. This naïve faith, requires necessary illusions and emotionally potent oversimplifications, which are provided by the myth maker to keep the ordinary person on course (Observer Quotes)
What I mean by photographing as a participant rather than observer is that I’m not only involved directly with some of the activities that I photograph, such as mountain climbing, but even when I’m not I have the philosophy that my mind and body are part of the natural world (Observer Quotes)
I understand so very little. But I am not afraid to look: I am a good observer at last. My eyes are open, and I am not afraid (Observer Quotes)
Death cannot explain itself. The earnestness consists precisely in this, that the observer must explain it to himself (Observer Quotes)
Since the measuring device has been constructed by the observer... We have to remember that what we observe is not nature in itself but nature exposed to our method of questioning (Observer Quotes)
One who is too wise an observer of the business of others, like one who is too curious in observing the labor of bees, will often be stung for his curiosity (Observer Quotes)
No genuine observer can decide otherwise than that the homes of a nation are the bulwarks of personal and national safety and thrift (Observer Quotes)
There is in every human countenance either a history or a prophecy which must sadden, or at least soften every reflecting observer (Observer Quotes)
The scientific observer of nature is a kind of mystic seeker in the act of prayer (Observer Quotes)
I was always the observer, trying to understand what was going on. I was always the new kid. Writing became my safe place (Observer Quotes)
An honest observer of the evolution of conditions in Egypt would discover that terrorism is an alien phenomenon, strange to our values and heritage (Observer Quotes)
I am an observer, I like to watch people. I am into psychology and people - how they act and such (Observer Quotes)
I’m an amused observer. I don’t bet or gamble; that’s the worst thing (Observer Quotes)
I am an observer of life, a non-participant who takes no sides. I am in the regimented society, but not of it (Observer Quotes)
I guess to the outside observer, all my movies look like musty old black-and-white artifacts, but my earlier movies had been more static and tableaux-ish (Observer Quotes)