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Obstacles Quotes

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Don’t ever give up. Don’t see the obstacles, just the way around them. For me, of course it looked improbable, but not impossible. So as long as there was a way, I would not be discouraged  (Obstacles Quotes) Dialogue starts from the courageous willingness to know and be known by others. It is the painstaking and persistent effort to remove all obstacles that obscure our common humanity  (Obstacles Quotes) It’s good to have obstacles and difficulties, and to fail and have things not go the way you want. And then have to figure out how to keep moving forward  (Obstacles Quotes) Sometimes the tasks we take on seem virtually impossible. But amazingly, when we harness the incredible power of the subconscious in our lives, we can accomplish whatever we set out to do, no matter what obstacles we have to overcome  (Obstacles Quotes) I know that there are obstacles; I know that there are hills to climb, I know there were people before me that made my journey easier and there are people behind me that I have made the journey easier for  (Obstacles Quotes) I always like to try different things, different genres; stories that have a dramatic element and can generate conflict which I find appealing; where the characters have to overcome obstacles. That kind of thing is challenging  (Obstacles Quotes) Time is the most terrible, the most discouraging, the most unconquerable of all obstacles, and one that may exist when no other does  (Obstacles Quotes) Drama is about conflict, and it’s about putting obstacles in the path of people you who care about  (Obstacles Quotes) Im a realist, not a sugar coater. I believe in always letting people know what their obstacles are. And at the end of the day, I just want to be respected for my hard work  (Obstacles Quotes) I’ve always been attracted to characters with insurmountable odds and obstacles, because innately, however inarticulately I’ve always believed that my dreams and my desires can command and bend time and space to be the things that I want them to be  (Obstacles Quotes) Life is tough, man. No one is spared from obstacles and trials, but there is such a beautiful plan for each of us. Just gotta let it happen  (Obstacles Quotes) Sometimes you have to travel back in time, skirting the obstacles, in order to love someone  (Obstacles Quotes) When you love a problem, its contours, obstacles and resistances are all just part of its character  (Obstacles Quotes) The job of president is to motivate, to inspire, to be side by side with people making sure that they develop all their capacities and that I remove all the obstacles they have to grow by themselves  (Obstacles Quotes) Obstacles are only obstacles if you see them as obstacles. They can also be called opportunities  (Obstacles Quotes) I firmly believe that deep in their soul everyone has a champion that can overcome obstacles and do great things  (Obstacles Quotes) If you utilize obstacles properly, then they strengthen your courage, and they also give you more intelligence, more wisdom  (Obstacles Quotes) All great undertakings are achieved through mighty obstacles. Keep up the deepest mental poise. Take not even the slightest notice of what puerile creatures may be saying against you  (Obstacles Quotes) Weakness is a better teacher than strength. Weakness must learn to understand the obstacles that strength brushes aside  (Obstacles Quotes) Success in business does not depend upon genius. Any young man of ordinary intelligence who is normally sound and not afraid to work should succeed in spite of obstacles and handicaps if he plays the game fairly and keeps everlastingly at it  (Obstacles Quotes) In my short experience of human life, the outward obstacles, if there were any such, have not been living men, but the institutions of the dead  (Obstacles Quotes) The more obstacles you encounter, the harder you must fight to meet your destiny. Never let adversity win. Never give up on yourself and the good you can bring to the world  (Obstacles Quotes) Start marching forward, even when into the new and unknown, and don’t be deterred by obstacles  (Obstacles Quotes) What you want in a romantic comedy, is to have two people that you want to see together and how do they overcome the obstacles that are in the way for that to happen  (Obstacles Quotes) Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air. These qualities have ever been displayed in their mightiest perfection, as attendants in the retinue of strong passions  (Obstacles Quotes) If the leader is filled with high ambition and if he pursues his aims with audacity and strength of will, he will reach them in spite of all obstacles  (Obstacles Quotes) If anyone has followed my career, they know that there’s been a lot of obstacles and a lot of ups and down through my career. But day in and day out, and in the square circle, I went out there and always did my best  (Obstacles Quotes) Well, you’ve got certain obstacles that get in your way throughout your career, but you have to be a strong individual  (Obstacles Quotes) I remain convinced that obstinate addiction to ordinary language in our private thoughts is one of the main obstacles to progress in philosophy  (Obstacles Quotes) Success is a tale of obstacles overcome, and for every obstacle overcome, an excuse not used  (Obstacles Quotes)
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