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Obstacles Quotes

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Life’s up and downs provide windows of opportunity to determine your values and goals. Think of using all obstacles as stepping stones to build the life you want  (Obstacles Quotes) That’s what protagonists do. They work hard, they have a conflict, they overcome the obstacles  (Obstacles Quotes) Our opponents maintain that we are confronted with insurmountable political obstacles, but that may be said of the smallest obstacle if one has no desire to surmount it  (Obstacles Quotes) Despite all these obstacles and bad security situation, I have the energy and the resolve to train, but my head is full of ideas and it distracts me, and I need to focus  (Obstacles Quotes) I might go on discussing this subject at great length, but after all is said, done, and written, my own book of experiences will best show what these obstacles are, and how I managed to overcome them to some extent  (Obstacles Quotes) The drives were nature’s first provision: thinking was added later, to get us around the world’s obstacles to them  (Obstacles Quotes) One of the major obstacles impeding any positive future change in our lives is that we are too busy with our current work or activity  (Obstacles Quotes) Obstacles can’t stop you, problems can’t stop you, most of all, other people can’t stop you. The only one who stops you is yourself  (Obstacles Quotes) When we find ourselves up against practical obstacles that can’t be overcome, we must go forward. You either make the film as you can or don’t make it at all  (Obstacles Quotes) It is only with prudence, sagacity, and much dexterity that great aims are accomplished, and all obstacles surmounted. Otherwise nothing is accomplished  (Obstacles Quotes) With traps and obstacles and hazards confronting us on every hand, only blindness or indifference will fail to turn in all humility, for guidance or for warning, to the study of examples  (Obstacles Quotes) To practice means to perform, in the face of all obstacles some act of vision, of faith, of desire. Practice is a means of inviting the perfection desired  (Obstacles Quotes) Of all obstacles to that complete democracy of which we dream, is there a greater than property?  (Obstacles Quotes) The senses have been conditioned by attraction to the pleasant and aversion to the unpleasant: a man should not be ruled by them; they are obstacles in his path  (Obstacles Quotes) The obstacles you face are... Mental barriers which can be broken by adopting a more positive approach  (Obstacles Quotes) It cannot be too often repeated that it is not helps, but obstacles, not facilities, but difficulties that make men  (Obstacles Quotes) He is the best sailor who can steer within the fewest points of the wind, and exact a motive power out of the greatest obstacles  (Obstacles Quotes) Our strength often increases in proportion to the obstacles which are imposed upon it; it is thus that we enter upon the most perilous plans after having had the shame of failing in more simple ones  (Obstacles Quotes) The duration of a couple’s passion is in proportion to the woman’s original resistance or to the obstacles that social hazards have placed in the way of her happiness  (Obstacles Quotes) The soul that is the abode of chastity acquires an energy which enables her to surmount with ease the obstacles that lie along the path of duty  (Obstacles Quotes) The obstacles facing academic economists are formidable, for tenure and professional advancement still depend to a large extent on a willingness to comply with and to work within the tenets of orthodox theory  (Obstacles Quotes) It’s the constant and determined effort that breaks down all resistance, sweeps away all obstacles  (Obstacles Quotes) The best contacts are when one knows the obstacles and still wants to preserve a relation  (Obstacles Quotes) Success is not measured by where you are in life, but the obstacles you’ve over come  (Obstacles Quotes) There is no smooth road into the future: but we go round, or scramble over the obstacles  (Obstacles Quotes) Having achieved my own dreams, I want to give to kids who are less fortunate, who struggle with everyday obstacles. I want to give them something positive in their lives: support  (Obstacles Quotes) History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats  (Obstacles Quotes) The majority see the obstacles; the few see the objectives; history records the successes of the latter, while oblivion is the reward of the former  (Obstacles Quotes) Only the curious will learn and only the resolute overcome the obstacles to learning. The quest quotient has always excited me more than the intelligence quotient  (Obstacles Quotes) But the trouble is not as you think now, that we have put up obstacles too high for you to jump... It is that we have put up no obstacles at all. The great strength is in you  (Obstacles Quotes)
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