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Obstacles Quotes

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Until the end of time, a winning positive attitude will always conquer all struggles, challenges and obstacles.  (Obstacles Quotes) A happy life, a life making full use of all our potential is and must be a balanced life. The obstacles to it are mainly illusory; most of our limitations are self-imposed.  (Obstacles Quotes) The reforms proposed by the Patent Reform Act of 2007 are precisely the type of congressional action needed. The Act will remove obstacles to growth and restore balance to the patent system.  (Obstacles Quotes) Basic SEAL training is six months of long, torturous runs in the soft sand, midnight swims in the cold water off San Diego, obstacles courses, unending calisthenics, days without sleep and always being cold, wet and miserable.  (Obstacles Quotes) Every battle you have to fight, is an opportunity for the glory of God to be revealed.The greater the obstacles, the greater the victory.  (Obstacles Quotes) Success is when you realize obstacles you face are challenges to help you become better - and your response equals the challenge.  (Obstacles Quotes) I do seem to try to make things harder and harder for myself. In some perverse way, obstacles interest me and I’m drawn to projects that end up being incredibly laborious.  (Obstacles Quotes) What’s really interesting and fun to explore is not just the falling in love and everything being great, but the obstacles to falling in love.  (Obstacles Quotes) There have been setbacks, illnesses and other obstacles, so inevitably I’ve had disappointments. But once you realise that things can’t always go your own way, you’re on the right track to being able to handle your own life.  (Obstacles Quotes) When I came out, when I was 17 years old, it was one of those things where I realized that there was going to be so many obstacles, but being gay doesn’t mean being weak.  (Obstacles Quotes) The difference between people who believe they have books inside of them and those who actually write books is sheer cussed persistence - the ability to make yourself work at your craft, every day - the belief, even in the face of obstacles, that you’ve got something worth saying.  (Obstacles Quotes) All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.  (Obstacles Quotes) True winners remain winners because they truly believe that challenges, struggles, and obstacles can all lead to big blessings through persistence and perseverance.  (Obstacles Quotes) How you handle the obstacles has a big impact on how you do. If you give up, then you obviously don’t get there, but if you’re persistent, and you keep thinking of new ways to approach the business, you’re more likely to reach your goal.  (Obstacles Quotes) If you look at the history of big obstacles in understanding our world, there’s usually an intuitive assumption underlying them that’s wrong.  (Obstacles Quotes) All worthwhile journeys have big obstacles. It’s the way of the world. The rewards go to those who can push through those trying moments and still manage to keep a smile on their face.  (Obstacles Quotes) Being God is not all it’s cracked up to be, and it’s not as easy as one would think it would be. You’d think the deck would be really stacked in your favor as God, but of course, I’ve run into some pretty big obstacles and problems.  (Obstacles Quotes) If you think your obstacles are too big, they will be. Don’t set limits on your life with your thinking.  (Obstacles Quotes) I don’t really think in terms of obstacles. My biggest obstacle is always myself.  (Obstacles Quotes) Macro-trading requires a high degree of skill, focus and repetition. Life events, such as birth, divorce, death of a loved one and other emotional highs and lows are obstacles to success in this specific field of finance.  (Obstacles Quotes) We need to have a modicum of faith in people’s common sense, creativity and will to survive and prosper even in the face of great difficulties and obstacles. If people could keep society running in the aftermath of the Black Death, they could keep it running after the U.S. government defaulted on its debt.  (Obstacles Quotes) I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has had to overcome while trying to succeed.  (Obstacles Quotes) If someone betrays you once, it is his fault. If he betrays you twice, it is your fault. Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, they will never cease to be amused. Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.  (Obstacles Quotes) Chinese brands will face many obstacles when marketing to Western consumers. Beyond the associations with poor quality and unsound environmental practices, they generally do not have the marketing capabilities or budgets to build powerful global brands.  (Obstacles Quotes) I’m very inspired by personal transformation. I’m so inspired when people who have been living with or struggling against significant obstacles break through and reach the other side of that challenge victoriously.  (Obstacles Quotes) It’s the constant and determined effort that breaks down all resistance, sweeps away all obstacles.  (Obstacles Quotes) Teachers today are breaking down obstacles, finding innovative ways to instill old lessons, proving that greatness can be found in everyday places.  (Obstacles Quotes) I can see clearly now that the rain is gone, I can see all obstacles in my way. Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind, it’s gonna be a bright, bright sun shining day.  (Obstacles Quotes) These moments of inner quiet will burn out all obstacles without fail. Don’t doubt its efficacy. Try it.  (Obstacles Quotes) Being an entrepreneur isn’t really about starting a business. It’s a way of looking at the world: seeing opportunity where others see obstacles, taking risks when others take refuge.  (Obstacles Quotes)
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