Obvious Quotes

Text Quotes
Since the recording process is instantaneous, and the nature of the image such that it cannot survive corrective handwork, it is obvious that the finished print must be created in full before the film is exposed (Obvious Quotes)
What all great teachers appear to have in common is love of their subject, an obvious satisfaction in rousing this love in their students, and an ability to convince them that what they are being taught is deadly serious (Obvious Quotes)
It’s obvious we can’t ignore the problem any longer. Locally and nationally, we cannot wait to see how bad it gets. We need to act now (Obvious Quotes)
Men are naturally most impressed by diseases which have obvious manifestations, yet some of their worst enemies creep on them unobtrusively (Obvious Quotes)
An amazing thing, the human brain. Capable of understanding incredibly complex and intricate concepts. Yet at times unable to recognize the obvious and simple (Obvious Quotes)
I’m very much a word person, so that’s why typography for me is the obvious extension. It just makes my words visible (Obvious Quotes)
You can see when someone’s been hurt the way I was. It’s obvious. Something changes in their eyes; pain becomes their center, even when they try to hide it (Obvious Quotes)
I like making images that from a distance seem kind of seductive, colorful, luscious and engaging, and then you realize what you’re looking at is something totally opposite. It seems boring to me to pursue the typical idea of beauty, because that is the easiest and the most obvious way to see the world. It’s more challenging to look at the other side (Obvious Quotes)
You can curl up in the fetal position and try to wish away all the things that need doing, or you can get started on that uphill battle to reclaim your life. The difficulty isn’t what choice to make, because that part is obvious. The difficulty lies in finding the energy and inspiration to make the right choice (Obvious Quotes)
What was tortuously secured by complex argument becomes widely shared intuition, so obvious that we forget its provenance. We don’t see it, because we see with it (Obvious Quotes)
I think it is obvious that people repeat acts that are shown on the television or the screen and I wouldn’t want to inspire any violence on anyone (Obvious Quotes)
If a person wants to be a part of your life, they will make an obvious effort to do so. Think twice before reserving a space in your heart for people who do not make an effort to stay (Obvious Quotes)
I often make the mistake of thinking that something that is obvious to me is obvious to everyone else (Obvious Quotes)
... And so we go and I meet his parents. And it’s a very strange thing meeting your girlfriend’s boyfriend’s parents for the first time. Part of you is angry for obvious reasons and part of you still wants to make a good impression. On a side note, they seemed in perfect health (Obvious Quotes)
To earlier feminists who had fought for the vote and for fair treatment in the workplace, it had seemed obvious that the ready availability of abortion would facilitate the sexual exploitation of women (Obvious Quotes)
And I reminded myself that it’s easy to be grateful for the obvious blessings in life, much harder to be grateful for the tough moments and the lessons they teach (Obvious Quotes)
Beyond the emotionalism and the obvious sense of relief on all sides, I think that there is a recognition that reality may intrude, that perhaps the steps ahead and the days ahead are going to be much more difficult than one expects (Obvious Quotes)
I’m sure it’s very obvious... how upset I am with incompetence and the lack of common sense in life. If I can sum up the reason... it’s that these characteristics are not benign. They are responsible for much, if not most, of the great problems, misery, and injustice in the world (Obvious Quotes)
I love what you might call brutal elegance. Where form and function are really obvious. There is nothing easily broken in this house (Obvious Quotes)
You are surrounded by simple, obvious solutions that can dramatically increase your income, power, influence and success. The problem is, you just don’t see them (Obvious Quotes)
I think when you’re an adult you start to like the very things that make you different. If you obsess about some defect, you make it obvious to everyone, and suddenly everyone is staring at just that defect. It’s always like that. The more you hide something, the more it shows. But when you accept your defect, suddenly no one on earth sees it anymore (Obvious Quotes)
My intention is not to replace one set of general rules by another such set: my intention is, rather, to convince the reader that all methodologies, even the most obvious ones, have their limits (Obvious Quotes)
I hadn’t seen any novel make the statement that entering the workforce was like entering the grave. That from then on, nothing happens and you have to pretend to be interested in your work. And, furthermore, that some people have a sex life and others don’t just because some are more attractive than others. I wanted to acknowledge that if people don’t have a sex life, it’s not for some moral reason, it’s just because they’re ugly. Once you’ve said it,it sounds obvious, but I wanted to say it (Obvious Quotes)
The ability to imagine oneself in another’s place and understand the other’s feelings, desires, ideas, and actions. The most obvious example, perhaps, is that of the actor or singer who genuinely feels the part he is performing (Obvious Quotes)
There’s no obvious reason to assume that the very same rare properties that allow for our existence would also provide the best overall setting to make discoveries about the world around us. We don’t think this is merely coincidental. It cries out for another explanation, an explanation that... points to purpose and intelligent design in the cosmos (Obvious Quotes)
Remember: if the most unique ideas were obvious to everyone, there wouldn’t be entrepreneurs. The one thing that every entrepreneurial journey has in common is that there are many, many steps on the road to success (Obvious Quotes)
The financial crisis has underscored how insufficient attention to fundamental corporate governance concepts can have devastating effects on an institution and its continued viability. It is clear that many banks did not fully implement these fundamental concepts. The obvious lesson is that banks need to improve their corporate governance practices and supervisors must ensure that sound corporate governance principles are thoroughly and consistently implemented (Obvious Quotes)
Take the classic experiment of using ordinary feedback: just take the output of something and feed it back into the input. Those of us who do that have had really rich experiences. And it is obvious that that line of experimentation can continue (Obvious Quotes)
Once I found professional happiness, it gave me time to think about other areas in my life in which I wasn’t happy. The next obvious candidate for introspection was my marriage (Obvious Quotes)
Every rock or molotov cocktail thrown should make a very obvious political point. Random violence produces random propaganda results. Why waste even a rock? (Obvious Quotes)