Obvious Quotes

Text Quotes
As obvious as it sounds, I strongly recommend shopping at a specialty bike store. They are the experts, and they will be able to help you decide which bike is best for you (Obvious Quotes)
I don’t think it ever does any harm in any business to feel that there is someone there who cares about it. If you look at any business, fashion being the most obvious, the aura, or the reality of the designer, is part of what creates it. It’s true in luxury goods stores and in good food stores. It leaves a palpable sense that someone cares (Obvious Quotes)
Different directors offer you different things, and it’s not necessarily the most obvious things (Obvious Quotes)
I feel it is obvious when someone has thought too much about what they’re wearing (Obvious Quotes)
The currency of blogging is authenticity and trust... you pay folks to blog about a product and you compromise that. I would almost care about this, but it’s so obvious to everyone that this is either a joke or an idiot that there is nothing more to say (Obvious Quotes)
My father’s generation’s crisis was fighting fascism. Ours is fighting climate change. It is much harder because you can’t see it, it is not an obvious threat. But the solution is in our hands (Obvious Quotes)
As a young girl, there were the obvious messages about what girls could and couldn’t achieve. And to compound the limitations I felt being leveled upon me, I realized at the age of nine, that I was gay (Obvious Quotes)
I’ve always found music that is carnal very attractive but not in the most obvious way (Obvious Quotes)
I had asthma when I was a kid, asthma so bad that it would turn into pneumonia and I almost died several times. Nobody knew why back then, but now it’s obvious (Obvious Quotes)
That’s the thing about great artists: They find the thing that’s most obvious to themselves, what’s most conscious and natural, and they put it out there and the audience comes (Obvious Quotes)
It’s becoming obvious to most that mainstream media is nothing but a megaphone for the global elite to present biased news that’s designed to align the masses with their agenda (Obvious Quotes)
To modern educated people, it seems obvious that matters of fact are to be ascertained by observation, not by consulting ancient authorities. But this is an entirely modern conception, which hardly existed before the seventeenth century (Obvious Quotes)
The climate system is being pushed hard enough that change will become obvious to the man in the street in the next decade (Obvious Quotes)
As a writer reading, I came to realize the obvious: the subject of the dream is the dreamer (Obvious Quotes)
Regarding the idea of race,.. no agreement seems to exist about what race means. Race seems to embody a fact as simple and as obvious as the noonday sun, but if that is so, why the endless wrangling about the idea and the facts of race. What is a race? How can it be recognized? Who constitute the several races? (Obvious Quotes)
It seems obvious that colors vary according to lights, because when any color is placed in the shade, it appears to be different from the same color which is located in light. Shade makes color dark, whereas light makes color bright where it strikes (Obvious Quotes)
Any effort... to make the obscure obvious is likely to be unappealing, for the penalty of failure is confusion while the reward of success is banality (Obvious Quotes)
As our initial click fraud research study showed last year, there is an obvious problem in the online advertising world. The challenge is that I’m not sure anyone really knows the extent of the click fraud problem (Obvious Quotes)
Sometimes the way through someone’s tough outer shell is to do something obvious, thoughtful and sweet (Obvious Quotes)
There’s the obvious shift in the tech industry. I’m not really politicized about the whole thing, but it’s definitely clear that rent is harder and it’s harder for musicians or artists or someone not making a ton of money to live comfortably (Obvious Quotes)
It was obvious that computers were going to become more a part of our lives, and they will continue to unless something dramatic happens to change that (Obvious Quotes)
It may not always be obvious at first, but I think that everyone can make a valuable contribution if only they put their minds to it (Obvious Quotes)
Drugs have destroyed many lives, but wrongheaded governmental policies have destroyed many more. I think it’s obvious that after 40 years of war on drugs, it has not worked. There should be decriminalization of drugs (Obvious Quotes)
People who believe their unquestioned thoughts cannot see what is obvious and directly in front of their faces at all times, because they are invested in what they believe to be true. As long as they live out of an unquestioned mind, they must continue to argue with what they believe is happening rather than the reality of what is really happening (Obvious Quotes)
And a more foolish notion can scarcely be imagined, it being obvious that the reader is only informed of what the writer wishes him to know, and is thus seduced into believing almost anything (Obvious Quotes)
Services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed. An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia (Obvious Quotes)
To reach only for that which pleasantly enchants you is the least of imagination, if even imagination at all, by the obvious reality of remaining within your means. The greater of imagination is parallel to risk. It extends beyond your comfort zone or haven, or sense of beauty, or what you personally believe suits you in exploration of what may not (Obvious Quotes)
To lend money without interest, is certainly an action laudable and extremely good; but it is obvious, that it is only a counsel of religion, and not a civil law (Obvious Quotes)
The idea that there aren’t mistakes made constantly in the judicial system is too obvious even to need to mention (Obvious Quotes)
That something so obvious as the vanity of the world should be so little recognized that people find it odd and surprising to be told that it is foolish to seek greatness; that is most remarkable (Obvious Quotes)