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I realized that this was the big secret of democracy -- that change can occur by starting off with just a few people doing something.  (Occur Quotes) Big companies are often in the process of laying off workers. Small startup companies are the ones that are hiring. The statistics prove that’s where job growth is going to occur.  (Occur Quotes) I’m not big on looking back beyond the moment in which decisions and events occur. I’m always pushing forward.  (Occur Quotes) It did occur to me that certainly African-Americans are not underserved in picture books, but those books are almost all about specifically black experiences.  (Occur Quotes) Things changed with the discovery of neutron stars and black holes - objects with gravitational fields so intense that dramatic space and time-warping effects occur.  (Occur Quotes) Blade Runner was the godfather of all these fantastic movies that occur today. What’s frustrating is that we’re short of really great writing and great ideas. Blade Runner was full of them.  (Occur Quotes) The body moves through space every day, and in architecture in cities that can be orchestrated. Not in a dictatorial fashion, but in a way of creating options, open-ended sort of personal itineraries within a building. And I see that as akin to cinematography or choreography, where episodic movement, episodic moments, occur in dance and film.  (Occur Quotes) It’s the way the human brain works: when enough events occur in a pattern, we stop thinking and go into macro mode.  (Occur Quotes) It didn’t even occur to me that I’m the last person in the world who should play salsa or Brazilian music.  (Occur Quotes) Learn as many mistakes and what not to do while your business or product is small. Don’t be in such a hurry to grow your brand. Make sure that you and the market can sustain any bumps that may occur down the road.  (Occur Quotes) It is the business of future to be dangerous.... The major advances in civilization are processes that all but wreck the societies in which they occur.  (Occur Quotes) The speed of the Internet provides a fundamentally different perspective on how business relationships occur ... The approach relies on collaboration, not on competition ... on sharing information, and understanding what we as businesses do best.  (Occur Quotes) D.N.A. sequences change by mutations, and the idea behind the molecular clock is that those changes occur at, more or less, a constant rate, over time.  (Occur Quotes) Revolutionary moments often seem to occur in history when large numbers of individuals have a change in consciousness, regarding themselves and their status  (Occur Quotes) Becoming people of integrity and honesty does not occur quickly or all at once, nor is it merely a matter of greater personal discipline. It is a change of disposition, a change of heart. And this gradual change of heart is one that the Lord accomplishes within us, through the power of His Spirit, in a line-upon-line fashion.  (Occur Quotes) The subtle and deadly change of heart that might occur in you would be involved with the realization that a civilization is not destroyed by wicked people; it is not necessary that people be wicked but only that they be spineless.  (Occur Quotes) The cell, too, has a geography, and its reactions occur in colloidal apparatus, of which the form, and the catalytic activity of its manifold surfaces, must efficiently contribute to the due guidance of chemical reactions.  (Occur Quotes) We see China as a large market opportunity with similar cyclical economic cycles that occur throughout every economy.  (Occur Quotes) City government can and must help San Franciscans prepare for emergencies in order to avoid tragedy where possible and minimize loss of life and property when emergencies occur.  (Occur Quotes) The American people cannot close their eyes to abuses of human rights and injustice, whether they occur among friend or adversary or even on our own shores.  (Occur Quotes) The close relationships between the abrupt ups and downs of solar activity and of temperature that I have identified occur locally in coastal Greenland; regionally in the Arctic Pacific and north Atlantic; and, hemispherically, for the whole circum-Arctic, suggesting that changes in solar activity drive Arctic and perhaps even global climate.  (Occur Quotes) When I went to college, it didn’t even occur to me that I should be in a sorority at all. I went to school in New York City, where you don’t need to be in a sorority to go to a party!  (Occur Quotes) The idea isn’t to find yourself another environment for tomorrow, but to be constantly creating the environment and community you want for yourself, no matter what may occur.  (Occur Quotes) International politics is no longer a zero-sum game but a multi-dimensional arena where cooperation and competition often occur simultaneously. Gone is the age of blood feuds. World leaders are expected to lead in turning threats into opportunities.  (Occur Quotes) I wouldn’t want to cover a Hank Williams song in a country-western way. It doesn’t occur to me instinctually to re-create productions. I’m interested in re-creating songs. Putting different clothes on them.  (Occur Quotes) It takes great courage to accept the constant changes of the emotions within ourselves, and even more audacity to express them whenever they occur and without filter or delay.  (Occur Quotes) The collapse of the stellar universe will occur - like creation - in grandiose splendor  (Occur Quotes) My idea in terms of managing a narrative, or in thinking in my creative life, is that you could easily argue that the past, the present and the future all occur simultaneously, and if you can postulate that, then you’re not strictly bound to a linear narrative.  (Occur Quotes) Mystical insight and enlightenment occur when the veil between the worlds is lifted, the worlds are bridged, the gap closes, and we cross over.  (Occur Quotes) The third important ingredient for achieving peak performance is attitude. Attitude is how you deal with the inevitable adverse situations that occur in the markets. Attitude is also how you handle the daily grind, the constant 2 steps forward and 2 steps back.  (Occur Quotes)
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