Ocean Quotes

Text Quotes
As one grows older, the sense of separateness is slowly reduced. Old people do not live on an ego level. Their concerns are not about their individuality but about the river of life, the family, the community, the nation, people, animals, nature, life. They can die easily if they are assured that life will continue positively, for they feel part of the river again, and soon they will be part of the ocean. When they are very old, they no longer belong to our time and space, but to all time and all space (Ocean Quotes)
When all is lost, when all is let go of, when all is abandoned, what you are left with is an ocean of bliss (Ocean Quotes)
The ocean sleeps. The ocean wakes. And the waking of the ocean is the waking of the soul. At midnight wakefulness springs from within the ocean (Ocean Quotes)
Besides, it doesn’t matter if it’s real. It never does with dreams. They aren’t anything anyway but lifesavers to cling to so you don’t drown. Life is an ocean, and most everyone’s hanging on to some kind of dream to keep afloat (Ocean Quotes)
Those who speculate from the shore about the ocean shall know only its surface, but those who would know the depths of the ocean must be willing to plunge into it (Ocean Quotes)
You can’t push a wave onto the shore any faster than the ocean brings it in (Ocean Quotes)
The most interesting parts of the natural world are the edges, places where ocean meets land, meadow meets forest, timberline touches the heights (Ocean Quotes)
It is not true that evil, destructiveness, and perversion inevitably form part of human existence, no matter how often this is maintained. But it is true that we are daily producing more evil and, with it, an ocean of suffering for millions that is absolutely avoidable. When one day the ignorance arising from childhood repression is eliminated and humanity has awakened, an end can be put to this production of evil (Ocean Quotes)
Books are islands in the ocean of time. They are also oases in the deserts of time (Ocean Quotes)
Bad things are like waves. They’re going to happen to you, and there’s nothing you can do about it. They’re part of life, like waves are a part of the ocean. If you’re standing on the shoreline, you don’t know when the waves are coming. But they’ll come. You gotta make sure you get back to the surface, after every wave. That’s all (Ocean Quotes)
If you want to be noticed as a drop of water, why would you move to the ocean? (Ocean Quotes)
I am one of the searchers. There are millions of us. We are not unhappy, but neither are we really content. We continue to explore ourselves, hoping to understand. We are drawn by the ocean, taken by its power, its unceasing motion, its mystery and unspeakable beauty. We like forests and mountains, deserts and hidden rivers, and lonely cities. Our sadness is as much a part of our lives as is our laughter. To share our sadness with one we love is perhaps as great a joy as we can know (Ocean Quotes)
Each river is different, but they all eventually lead to the ocean. No matter what we’re doing or when, or whether it brings us happiness or remorse, gain or loss, we’re all on our individual paths to enlightenment. Even when we’ve done something we consider wrong, we’re still on our path to enlightenment (Ocean Quotes)
Life is islands of ecstasy in an ocean of ennui, and after the age of thirty land is seldom seen (Ocean Quotes)
There’s nobody living who couldn’t stand all afternoon in front of a waterfall... Anyone who can sit on a stone in a field awhile can see my painting. Nature is like parting a curtain, you go into it... as you would cross an empty beach to look at the ocean (Ocean Quotes)
We live in an ocean of words, but like a fish in water we are often not aware of it (Ocean Quotes)
She wishes her grandmother had not been so protective, and that she understood better what passes between a man and woman. As it is, she simply enjoys the feelings and wonders if they are what lightning is made of, for everything comes back to the weather. Tears like rain. Smiles like the sun. Hair as dry as sand and fear like the dark ocean (Ocean Quotes)
I am a tiny seashell that has secretly drifted ashore and carries the sound of the ocean surging through its body (Ocean Quotes)
The beauty of ideas is that they are like waves in the ocean and they connect with things that came before them, and I think it is very important to embrace things that interest you and influence you, and incorporate them into what you do, as all artists have always done. The ones that say they don’t, are lying. Or are afraid that their work won’t be seen as being original, somehow (Ocean Quotes)
My kids that’s their backyard. I think when they’re adults, their memories will be mostly of spending time at beach, the exploration, the freedom that you have. You take care of your house that you live in and we make our bed and we clean our cars and we do all that stuff, but yet we neglect sort of the place that really provides us with the greatest form of sustainability, which is the ocean (Ocean Quotes)
The spiritual warrior hides from nothing. We jump into the fire, we dive into the ocean. We become the sea (Ocean Quotes)
The quickest way to destroy ocean science is to take human explorers out of the water (Ocean Quotes)
Love isn’t just something we feel for others, it’s who we are. Though we usually think of love as a stream of emotion flowing between two people, love is more like an ocean that’s inside and all around us. Instead of walking around with a little cup, begging for a few drops of love from others, recognize that you’re the huge ocean of love (Ocean Quotes)
Truly it has been said that there is nothing new under the sun, for knowledge is revealed and is submerged again, even as a nation rises and falls. Here is a system, tested throughout the ages, but lost again and again by ignorance or prejudice, in the same way that great nations have risen and fallen and been lost to history beneath the desert sands and in the ocean depths (Ocean Quotes)
If you want to know who you are, look into the true mirror. The flower will reflect your beauty. The sky will reflect your vastness. The ocean will reflect your depth. The child will reflect your innocence. But if you look into the mirror that is unconscious humanity, you are looking into the wrong mirror. Your reflection will be distorted by their projections (Ocean Quotes)
I believe in the relatedness of all forms of life from the simplest to the most complex. We humans share the same family tree as all life on earth, back to the first stirrings in the primal ocean (Ocean Quotes)
The ocean is a supreme metaphor for change. I expect the unexpected but am never fully prepared (Ocean Quotes)
At the beginning of meditation training thoughts will arrive one on top of another, uninterrupted, like a steep mountain waterfall. Gradually, as you perfect meditation, thoughts become like the water in a deep, narrow gorge, then a great river slowly winding its way down to the sea; finally the mind becomes like a still and placid ocean, ruffled by only the occasional ripple or wave (Ocean Quotes)
Sharks are beautiful animals, and if you’re lucky enough to see lots of them, that means that you’re in a healthy ocean. You should be afraid if you are in the ocean and don’t see sharks (Ocean Quotes)
The body is a boat that carries the soul in the ocean of the world. If it is not strong, or it has a hole, then it cannot cross the ocean, so the first duty is to fix the boat (Ocean Quotes)