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Odd Numbers Quotes

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Number is divided into even and odd. Even number is divided into the following: evenly even, evenly uneven, and unevenly uneven. Odd number is divided into the following: prime and incomposite, composite, and a third intermediate class (mediocris) which in a certain way is prime and incomposite but in another way secondary and composite  (Odd Numbers Quotes) There’s luck in odd numbers  (Odd Numbers Quotes) Good luck lies in odd numbers  (Odd Numbers Quotes) Why is it that we entertain the belief that for every purpose odd numbers are the most effectual?  (Odd Numbers Quotes) Why do we believe that in all matters the odd numbers are more powerful?  (Odd Numbers Quotes) I can show you that the art of calculation has to do with odd and even numbers in their numerical relations to themselves and to each other  (Odd Numbers Quotes) This is the third time; I hope good luck lies in odd numbers.... There is divinity in odd numbers, either in nativity, chance, or death  (Odd Numbers Quotes) The hallway was lined with numbered doors, odd numbers on one side and even numbers on the other, and large ornamental vases, too large to hold flowers and too small to hold spies  (Odd Numbers Quotes)