Of Course Quotes

Text Quotes
Of course it's hard. It's supposed to be hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. Hard is what makes it great (Of Course Quotes)
When a book comes out I wonder if one person will buy it. It's agony. Of course it's stupid, but it's agony (Of Course Quotes)
The writer may very well serve a movement of history as its mouthpiece, but he cannot of course create it (Of Course Quotes)
I pre-suppose, of course, a reader who is willing to learn something new and therefore to think for himself (Of Course Quotes)
Of course, everybody says they're for peace. Hitler was for peace. Everybody is for peace. The question is: What kind of peace? (Of Course Quotes)
There must still be room for the falling note, of course. Even in an undying world there are times when beauty passes from sight, or love passes from the heart, and we feel the sorrow of partition (Of Course Quotes)
We each die countless little deaths on our way to the last. We die out of shame as humiliation. We perish from despair. And, of course, we die for love (Of Course Quotes)
Any profound view of the world is mysticism. It has, of course, to deal with life and the world, both of which are nonrational entities (Of Course Quotes)
Design is a funny word. Some people think design means how it looks. But of course, if you dig deeper, it's really how it works (Of Course Quotes)
The truth is of course is that there is no journey. We are arriving and departing all at the same time (Of Course Quotes)
The only people he knew of who would have leveled material advantage so that no one had any were of course those who had none to start with (Of Course Quotes)
My mother has never approved of high heels. As a result, I have never been able to walk in high heels - and they were all I ever wanted. So of course, my daughter has two pairs (Of Course Quotes)
I envy people who have the capacity to sit with another human being and find them endlessly interesting, I would rather watch TV. Of course this becomes eventually known to the other person (Of Course Quotes)
And of course, the answer came to me in the same way Jesus comes to those who drink in trailers: as an epiphany (Of Course Quotes)
An inward sincerity will of course influence the outward deportment; but where the one is wanting, there is great reason to suspect the absence of the other (Of Course Quotes)
Every profession will have its rogues, of course, no matter what oaths are sworn, but many health care professionals have a real commitment to serving the best interests of their clients (Of Course Quotes)
It was, of course, nothing more than sexism, the especially virulent type espoused by male techies who sincerely believe that they are too smart to be sexists (Of Course Quotes)
He didn't really like travel, of course. He liked the idea of travel, and the memory of travel, but not travel itself (Of Course Quotes)
But, of course, it isn't really good bye, because the forest will always be there... And anybody who is friendly with bears can find it (Of Course Quotes)
The constant tug between nature and civilization is what keeps on our toes. Though of course, that did rather beg the question of how you defined nature and how you defined civilization (Of Course Quotes)
None of this, of course, was ever stated: the genteel social Darwinism of the English middle classes always remained implicit (Of Course Quotes)
Of course America is responsible for the total body count. We started it, we own it, we sow, we reap, but we are also disconnected from the responsibility of our won dirty acts of war (Of Course Quotes)
Fact. Of course, she always went and spoiled the appeal by opening her mouth. In his humble experience, the world had yet to produce a more vexingly verbose female (Of Course Quotes)
I went through the usual stages: imp, rascal, scalawag, whippersnapper. And, of course, after that it's just a small step to full blown sociopath (Of Course Quotes)
Of course, he sees creation as discovery. I mean, everything is already created, by the first cause - call it God if you like; everything is already there to be found (Of Course Quotes)
Violence and smut are of course everywhere on the airwaves. You cannot turn on your television without seeing them, although sometimes you have to hunt around (Of Course Quotes)
The best baby sitters, of course, are the baby's grandparents. You feel completely comfortable entrusting your baby to them for long periods, which is why most grandparents flee to Florida (Of Course Quotes)
What Dad means by see of course, is drive past at 67 miles per hour. Dad feels it is a foolish waste of valuable vacation time to get out of the car and actually go look at an attraction (Of Course Quotes)
Of course he could see only blackness, such was the treachery of fire, which illuminated small circles by darkening the entire world (Of Course Quotes)
America makes prodigious mistakes, america has colossal faults, but one thing cannot be denied: America is always on the move. She may be going to Hell, of course, but at least she isn't standing still (Of Course Quotes)