Of Course Quotes

Text Quotes
I have people in my life, of course. Some write; some don’t. Some read; some don’t. Some stare vacantly into space when I talk the geeky talk and walk the geeky walk, but they make killer chocolate chip pancakes and so all is forgiven (Of Course Quotes)
It doesn’t matter what you do. In the end, you are going to be judged, and all the times that you’re not at your most dignified are the ones that will be recalled in all their vivid, heartbreaking detail. And then of course these things will be distorted and exaggerated and replayed over and over, until eventually they turn into the essence of you: your cartoon (Of Course Quotes)
What is the purpose of writing? For me personally, it is really to explain the mystery of life, and the mystery of life includes, of course, the personal, the political, the forces that make us what we are while there’s another force from inside battling to make us something else (Of Course Quotes)
Our riches, being in our brains, die with us... Unless of course someone chops off our head, in which case, we won’t need them anyway (Of Course Quotes)
I really think I write about everyday life. I don’t think I’m quite as odd as others say I am. Life is intrinsically, well, boring and dangerous at the same time. At any given moment the floor may open up. Of course, it almost never does; that’s what makes it so boring (Of Course Quotes)
Originality, of course, is what occurs when something new arises out of what’s already been done (Of Course Quotes)
Good advice is a wise man’s friend, of course; but sometimes it just flies on past, and all you can do is wave (Of Course Quotes)
You must form your own fashions in a way which demonstrates that you flout the standards from knowledge, not from ignorance... But I may flout the standards?... Of course. What do you think standards are for? (Of Course Quotes)
Of course I know that the twins are only words on a page, and I’m certainly not the sort of writer who talks to his characters or harbours any illusions about the creative process. But at the same time, I think it’s juvenile and arrogant when literary writers compulsively remind their readers that the characters aren’t real. People know that already. The challenge is to make an intelligent reader suspend disbelief, to seduce them into the reality of a narrative (Of Course Quotes)
I like the rain before it falls. of course there is no such thing, she said. That’s why it’s my favorite. Something can still make you happy, can’t it, even if it isn’t real (Of Course Quotes)
How did you ever happen to remember that I might be hungry? But of course you would. Will you mind very much if I run myself into serious difficulties now and again after we are married, just for the pleasure of seeing you rise to the occasion? (Of Course Quotes)
The reader must come armed, in a serious state of intellectual readiness. This is not easy because he comes to the text alone. In reading, one’s responses are isolated, one’sintellect thrown back on its own resourses. To be confronted by the cold abstractions of printed sentences is to look upon language bare, without the assistance of either beauty or community. Thus, reading is by its nature a serious business. It is also, of course, an essentially rational activity (Of Course Quotes)
Love is anticipation and memory, uncertainty and longing. It’s unreasonable, of course. Nothing begins with so much excitement and hope and pleasure as love, except maybe writing a story. And nothing fails as often, except writing stories. And like a story, love must be troubled to be interesting (Of Course Quotes)
The mystery of death, the riddle of how you could speak to someone and see them every day and then never again, was so impossible to fathom that of course we kept trying to figure it out, even when we were unconscious (Of Course Quotes)
Of course it would cost something, but he was an expert in cutting corners; and when there were no more corners left he would make circles rounder (Of Course Quotes)
Of course, a culture as manically and massively materialistic as ours creates materialistic behavior in its people, especially in those people who’ve been subjected to nothing but the destruction of imagination that this culture calls education, the destruction of autonomy it calls work, and the destruction of activity it calls entertainment (Of Course Quotes)
The company later went broke, and of course all blame was directed at the lawyers. Not once did I hear any talk that maybe a trace of mismanagement could in any way have contributed to the bankruptcy (Of Course Quotes)
In fact, of course, there is no secret knowledge; no one knows anything that can’t be found on a shelf in the public library (Of Course Quotes)
I had to feign interest in all this nonsense until I could ask when I could come over and sit on his face. I didn’t say that out loud, of course. I never say the things I really want to. If I did, I’d have no friends (Of Course Quotes)
Kingsley watched her disappear from the room, wondering if his heart would break. Logic informed him that of course it would not. The heart was no more than a muscle, a pump which distributed blood about the body; it had nothing whatsoever to do with a man’s emotions. But if that was the case, why did it ache so? (Of Course Quotes)
Pretty girls behave best when you ignore them. Of course, they have to know you are ignoring them, for otherwise they may not even know you exist (Of Course Quotes)
The internet was supposed to liberate knowledge, but in fact it buried it, first under a vast sewer of ignorance, laziness, bigotry, superstition and filth and then beneath the cloak of political surveillance. Now... cyberspace exists exclusively to promote commerce, gossip and pornography. And of course to hunt down sedition. Only paper is safe. Books are the key. A book cannot be accessed from afar, you have to hold it, you have to read it (Of Course Quotes)
Did people ever stop changing? They surprised you with fresh pain. Sometimes they surprised you with happiness, but the pain was the sharper surprise. There was no way to protect yourself from it. People could always change and always hurt you. Of course it went in the other direction too, you could hurt them when you didn’t intend it and that too was out of your control (Of Course Quotes)
He is everything, everything, everything I ever admired and wanted and couldn’t have. He is everything I needed and couldn’t find in real life. Of course he is. That’s why I invented him (Of Course Quotes)
Of course mothers and daughters with strong personalities might see the world from very different points of view (Of Course Quotes)
Ordinarily, of course, I thought it best to remain inconspicuous, but the gesture had a certain irresistable theatricaility, and an inevitablility. Sometimes you can feel the pull of what other people want from you, and you sacrifice yourself, you risk seeming odd or sunsavory, to keep them entertained (Of Course Quotes)
I wondered if he could ever understand that it was a blessing, not a sin, to be graced with more than one love. It could be complicated; of course it could be complicated. And it opened one up to the possibility of more pain and loss. Still, it was a blessing I would never relinquish. Love, genuine love, was always a cause for joy (Of Course Quotes)
There are significant relationships, of course, between wanting things and caring about them.. The notion of caring is in large part constructed out of the notion of desire. Caring about something may be, in the end, nothing more than a certain complex mode of wanting it. However, simply attributing desire to a person does not in itself convey that the person cares about the object he desires (Of Course Quotes)
Death, of course, is a refuge. It’s where you go when a new name, or a mask and cape, can no longer hide you from yourself. It’s where you run to when none of the principalities of your conscience will grant you asylum (Of Course Quotes)
There are, of course, an infinite number of places where one is not, yet only one place where one actually is (Of Course Quotes)