Of Course Quotes

Text Quotes
Fall leaves are brilliant with gold and red. You can cup them in your hand and wonder at them, be amazed at their uniqueness and glory. But eventually they are gone, brown, crumbling, scattered on the wind. But the tree remains. The tree is what is important. The tree lives on. That was a difficult knowledge to bear, and an even more difficult life to live. Of course, being the leaf wasn’t exactly desirable either (Of Course Quotes)
Sometimes it’s heartbreaking to see your siblings as the people they’ve become. Maybe that’s why we all stay away from each other as a matter of course (Of Course Quotes)
It’s especially hard to admit that you made a mistake to your parents, because, of course, you know so much more than they do (Of Course Quotes)
A lover exists only in fragments, a dozen or so if the romance is new, a thousand if we’re married to him, and out of those fragments our heart constructs an entire person. What we each create, since whatever is missing is filled by our imagination, is the person we wish him to be. The less we know him, of course, the more we love him. And that’s why we always remember that first rapturous night when he was a stranger, and why this rapture returns only when he’s dead (Of Course Quotes)
Perhaps love is a minor madness. And as with madness, it’s unendurable alone. The one person who can relieve us is of course the sole person we cannot go to: the one we love. So instead we seek out allies, even among strangers and wives, fellow patients who, if they can’t touch the edge of our particular sorrow, have felt something that cuts nearly as deep (Of Course Quotes)
Walking out in the middle of a funeral would be, of course, bad form. So attempting to walk out on one’s own was beyond the pale (Of Course Quotes)
You ever think about this? Every year you live, you pass the anniversary of your death. Now you don’t know what day it is, of course (Of Course Quotes)
I never had, or wished for, power over you. That isn’t true, of course. I wanted the greatest power of all. but not advantage, or authority (Of Course Quotes)
Technically, on the spectrum of very bad things, they did nothing truly wicked. But of course, that spectrum has no measure for the greatest of all carnal sins, the kind that occurs before skin touches skin, before wondering turns to yearning, yearning to having, having to holding for dear life, when two people cling to each other so desperately that even when they lie, inches apart, neither is fully satisfied until the light between them turns to darkness (Of Course Quotes)
And of course the word love has many shades of meaning, as do many, many of the words in our living, breathing language (Of Course Quotes)
I am aware of myself. And, of course, the only things that are aware of themselves and conscious of their individuality are irritated eyes, cut fingers, sore teeth. A healthy eye, finger, tooth might as well not even be there. Isn’t it clear that individual consciousness is just sickness? (Of Course Quotes)
Why do we marry, why take friends and lovers? Why give ourselves to music, painting, chemistry or cooking? Out of simple delight in the resident goodness of creation, of course; but out of more than that, too. Half earth’s gorgeousness lies hidden in the glimpsed city it longs to become (Of Course Quotes)
Of course it hurt you neanderthal! See that? Thats blood. If theres blood, theres pain. Its like smoke and fire (Of Course Quotes)
She had of course, kept working. He liked to think she would have moved under the table to continue her task if a gun battle had broken out, but he wasn’t sure (Of Course Quotes)
I’ve always assumed he’d be around to be, you know, yelled at and taken for granted. And of course I was wrong. Nobody’s going to put up with that forever (Of Course Quotes)
My favourite pub game is, of course, snooker. Any game whose rules basically amount to finding a table covered in mess and slowly and methodically putting it all away out of sight is one with which I can empathise emphatically (Of Course Quotes)
After a while, footsteps sounded on the flagstones outside and there was a gentle tap at the door. Of course, one of them would come. So close were we, the seven of us, that no childhood injury went unnoticed, no slight, real or imagined, went unaddressed, no hurt was endured without comfort (Of Course Quotes)
I liked having some time to myself. Our family was such a close one, you could get smothered. Of course, we didn’t always agree with one another. Sometimes I quarreled with my brother and sisters, but I couldn’t remember hating anyone for more than five minutes (Of Course Quotes)
And I saw that all my life I had known that this was going to happen, and that I’d been afraid for a long time, I’d been afraid for a long time. There’s fear, of course, with everybody. But now it had grown, it had grown gigantic; it filled me and it filled the whole world (Of Course Quotes)
Of course I loved you, you saved my life. I wish you hadn’t I wish you hadn’t I wish you’d left me alone (Of Course Quotes)
So what? You’re another person, so of course you look different. What do you need to be ashamed for? (Of Course Quotes)
Of course, I had my heart broken as a teen. I was desperately in love with myself. Then I found out that I was completely shallow. I haven’t spoken to myself since (Of Course Quotes)
My definition of freedom is knowing who you are, and then being it. No matter what anyone else is doing. And naked parties of course (Of Course Quotes)
Of course it does not apply to me. I am the soul of honor, kindness, mercy and goodness. Trust me in all things (Of Course Quotes)
The young can exasperate, of course, and frighten, and condescend, and insult, and cut you with their still unrounded edges. But they can also drag you, as you protest and scold and try to pull away, right up to the window of the future, and even push you through (Of Course Quotes)
What is feminism? Simply the belief that women should be as free as men, however nuts, dim, deluded, badly dressed, fat, receding, lazy and smug they might be. Are you a feminist? Hahaha. Of course you are (Of Course Quotes)
Death, of course, should not be feared, but awaited with certain wonder. To die was to step across a threshold into a new world, unknown, unimaginable (Of Course Quotes)
Some readers read a book as if it were an instruction manual, expecting to understand everything first time, but of course when you write, you put into every sentence an overflow of meaning, and you create in every sentence as many resonances and double meanings and ambiguities as you can possibly pack in there, so that people can read it again and get something new each time (Of Course Quotes)
All human beings were of course unique, and they only discovered that when someone else fell in love with them or when no one ever fell in love with them (Of Course Quotes)
There was something in the pages of these books that had the power to make him feel better about things, a life raft to cling to before the dark currents of memory washed him downstream again, and on brighter days, he could even see himself going on this way for some time. A small but passable life. And then, of course, the end of the world happened (Of Course Quotes)