Of Course Quotes

Text Quotes
To me the purpose of art is to produce something alive... but with a separate, and of course one hopes, with an everlasting life of its own (Of Course Quotes)
Going after anything worthwile in life entailed risk, of course. A man of ambition and courage didn’t let that stop or delay him. A man accepted the dangers, the element of chance. If he didn’t, he won nothing (Of Course Quotes)
I kind of hate to be the voice of doom, but I just can’t see how prices can’t go down. I think people have actually forgotten that property prices can decrease. There’s this feeling that they just won’t fall, but, of course, that’s not true (Of Course Quotes)
There’s so many young women today who look so lost. And I feel like, of course they’re lost. They have no one around them to give them real, authentic reflection (Of Course Quotes)
Have you ever thought, headmaster, that your standards might perhaps be a little out of date? Of course they’re out of date. Standards are always out of date. That is what makes them standards (Of Course Quotes)
All the world is not, of course, a stage, but the crucial ways in which it isn’t are not easy to specify (Of Course Quotes)
I think acceptance of human rights is going to progress from one day to the next. I don’t think there’s going to be any violent revolution about the whole thing anywhere. Of course, it looks like it every once in a while. You hear about it on television and in newspapers: riots here and there. But that is a passing phase (Of Course Quotes)
One shouldn’t be afraid to lose; this is sport. One day you win; another day you lose. Of course, everyone wants to be the best. This is normal. This is what sport is about. This is why I love it (Of Course Quotes)
Ask yourself what you would do even if you were never paid. That’s a clue to what you should be doing and of course finding a way to be paid for it (Of Course Quotes)
The more kilos you have to move around, the more it weighs on your knees. Then of course in terms of stamina, the way you move around, it’s a little extra. It might not be much, but when you exercise with two, three extra kilos, you can feel a difference; it’s important (Of Course Quotes)
That, of course, is what great works of imagination do for us: They make us a little restless, destabilize us, question our preconceived notions and formulas (Of Course Quotes)
There is nothing like soup. It is by nature eccentric: no two are ever alike, unless of course you get your soup in a can (Of Course Quotes)
Dogs are born knowing exactly what they want to do: eat, scratch, roll in disgusting stuff, sniff and squabble with other dogs, roam, sleep, have sex. Little of this is what we want them to do, of course. We ask them to sit, stay, smell peasant, practice abstinence, and be accommodating (Of Course Quotes)
The old beliefs, of course, and the rational approach, are everywhere reinforced, and so it does have a great weight. The magical approach has far greater weight, if you use it and allow yourselves to operate in that fashion, for it has the weight of your basic natural orientation (Of Course Quotes)
Have you ever seen a demonstrable example of equality in your entire life? Can it be glimpsed in any dog show or classroom? In any ping pong game or chess match? Of course not. It is a philosophical abstraction, something nowhere to be found in nature (Of Course Quotes)
I don’t see the problem with footballers taking their shirts off after scoring a goal? They enjoy it and the young ladies enjoy it too. I suppose that’s one of the main reasons women come to football games, to see the young men take their shirts off. Of course they’d have to go and watch another game because my lads are as ugly as sin (Of Course Quotes)
I don’t want to disappoint too many people, but the number of interesting political, historical conversations we had, you could stick in your ear, it wasn’t that many. We talked about friends, family and of course girls (Of Course Quotes)
Art is free, but of course you have to be alert to catch it when it comes onto the canvas. I don’t choose the ideas, they choose me. I don’t wait for them. They come without my permission! (Of Course Quotes)
Most investors are pretty smart. Yet most investors also remain heavily invested in actively managed stock funds. This is puzzling. The temptation, of course, is to dismiss these folks as ignorant fools. But I suspect these folks know the odds are stacked against them, and yet they are more than happy to take their chances (Of Course Quotes)
I believe that nothing can be more abstract, more unreal, than what we actually see. We know that all we can see of the objective world, as human beings, never really exists as we see and understand it. Matter exists, of course, but has no intrinsic meaning of its own, such as the meanings that we attach to it. We can know only that a cup is a cup, that a tree is a tree (Of Course Quotes)
Of course a woman who decides to work full time as a mother in the home can be happy and deserves full respect from us. Motherhood is one of the most challenging and creative jobs anyone can do. The goal is to remake the world so that our choices are not so stark (Of Course Quotes)
The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that’s no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world (Of Course Quotes)
To a hikikomori, winter is painful because everything feels cold, frozen over, and lonely. To a hikikomori, spring is also painful because everyone is in a good mood and therefore enviable. Summer, of course, is especially painful (Of Course Quotes)
People often say that writing is ten percent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration. This is nonsense, of course. It’s pretty much one hundred percent caffeine (Of Course Quotes)
Sometimes, to ensure that a talented individual will work for you, or will stay working with you, you need to be flexible. Money is not always the great motivator here. Talented people want a good salary, of course, but surprisingly often they are more attracted to new opportunities and challenges (Of Course Quotes)
It is important to explain fully to the local areas with sincerity. We will also think, of course, about the development promotion of the communities (Of Course Quotes)
If you have feelings about reading, you feel the rhythm of prose or of a poem like music. It awakens something in your soul and then of course you study, read, you grow up and you begin to understand the message and that is the first step towards understanding life (Of Course Quotes)
We may think we are nurturing our garden, but of course it’s our garden that is really nurturing us (Of Course Quotes)
The problem is, of course, that not only is economics bankrupt but it has always been nothing more than politics in disguise... economics is a form of brain damage (Of Course Quotes)
I used to love the way everyone talked about food as if it were one of the most important things in life. And, of course, it is. Without it we would die. Each of us eats about one thousand meals each year. It is my belief that we should try and make as many of these meals as we can truly memorable (Of Course Quotes)