Of Course Quotes

Text Quotes
I find being a mother is a huge advantage. Of course, I’m probably a little more tired than I might be if I didn’t have children, but I think they provide me the balance that I need to keep my mind off of lifting (Of Course Quotes)
If you live in a squalid environment, then of course you are going to want to get out of it, you are probably going to want to get into the country, because that’s what it does (Of Course Quotes)
I try to ask visual questions. I’ll ask what someone was wearing, if that seems relevant. If possible, I’ll walk over the same ground that they’re depicting. Of course, I can never get it precisely as it was (Of Course Quotes)
The supposed inferiority of a constructed language to a national one on the score of richness of connotation is, of course, no criticism of the idea of a constructed language (Of Course Quotes)
Digital has obviously changed things a lot, but not all for the better as far as I’m concerned. Of course it’s much more convenient and you’re getting instant results, but to me it just lacks the finesse of a roll of film and it has a slightly superimposed feel (Of Course Quotes)
I’m a serious eater and a seriously hungry person, so I set out on that path to figure it out for myself, and of course it really resonated with other people (Of Course Quotes)
Of course, we knew that this meant an attack on the union. The bosses intended gradually to get rid of us, employing in our place child labor and raw immigrant girls who would work for next to nothing (Of Course Quotes)
I am the type of guy that always looks into the future. But, of course, you never completely forget a javelin in your shoulder (Of Course Quotes)
Of course, you always have to be concerned about hijacking. But with the measures that are in place right now, I’d say that probably the airways are as safe as they’ve been in a good number of years (Of Course Quotes)
Of course I’m not a racist, but I’m certainly right wing, there’s no question about that (Of Course Quotes)
Of course, I also gave him the ineffable pleasures of pipe smoking. And no children, because when this character was created I did not yet have the four children I later had. I must add I also gave him a certain taste for food (Of Course Quotes)
These are very subtle things, of course, and I don’t expect everyone to pick them up consciously, but I think that there is something there that you must be able to feel, there is an energy at work that I must trust my audience will be able to pick up at some level (Of Course Quotes)
I’ve got an overly developed sense of what selling out is, and I of course worry about it too much (Of Course Quotes)
Much of what is called investment is actually nothing more than mergers and acquisitions, and of course mergers and acquisitions are generally accompanied by downsizing (Of Course Quotes)
Life is intrinsically, well, boring and dangerous at the same time. At any given moment the floor may open up. Of course, it almost never does; that’s what makes it so boring (Of Course Quotes)
People will have an altered idea of who you are unless they really take time to get to know you, which of course they don’t. They just get what they see, and they take that to the bank (Of Course Quotes)
I related to his disillusionment. Thinking that he was going for this big dream. Then he kind of saw through it all at one point and went back home. Then he started a bender, which I can relate to of course (Of Course Quotes)
If the courts are making the decisions, it matters who the judge is and, of course, people are concerned with what is the bottom line (Of Course Quotes)
Of course, it gave the studio an enormous power, because I don’t know any other place who had that skill with images to communicate with. and the need of these kinds of images are even greater now than they ever were because we are losing our life symbols (Of Course Quotes)
The fact is that we like each other very much, and we of course see each other on stage all the time, but this means more time to spend together, and that’s great. We couldn’t be happier (Of Course Quotes)
Of course, we have known for a long time that a word, like any verbal sign, is a unity of two components (Of Course Quotes)
Everyone is of course free to interpret the work in his own way. I think seeing a picture is one thing and interpreting it is another (Of Course Quotes)
I do get angry some time, but if I let that feeling take over it would only cloud my thinking and disable me from making the right decision when it counts the most. I just try to think about my mother, children, God, and of course my freedom (Of Course Quotes)
Of course I’m a publicity hound. Aren’t all crusaders? How can you accomplish anything unless people know what you are trying to do? (Of Course Quotes)
The movements which I make I cannot possibly repress because, at the time, I am actually the idea I am interpreting, and naturally I picture my players and auditors as in accord with me. I know, of course, that my mannerisms have been widely discussed (Of Course Quotes)
Hemingway hated me. I sold 200 million books, and he didn’t. Of course most of mine sold for 25 cents, but still... You look at all this stuff with a grain of salt (Of Course Quotes)
I know I always worked hard on making sure we came out with the best possible product and of course we were working with four other people, you have to balance that as well (Of Course Quotes)
For one thing, when you’re playing as well as I was at the time, you think you can play with anything. That isn’t true, of course, but I didn’t know it then (Of Course Quotes)
Nothing in the reporting of a nation’s history could so mislead the younger generation as to represent great events in such a way that they appear to have happened as a matter of course (Of Course Quotes)
Of course the playing is important but writing and the establishing of what you are going for is prime too (Of Course Quotes)