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To the leaders of the cinema still to come, I can offer only a few words drawn from my modest experience. You must ceaselessly formulate and sharpen your critical views, both of others and of yourselves (Offer Quotes)
I was raised to be in service to something larger than myself. A lot of actors concentrate on what they will get out of the profession, rather than what they can offer it. The way I see it, if you come with something to offer, you can offer it forever (Offer Quotes)
If you place the imperfect next to the perfect, people will see the difference between the one and the other. But if you offer the imperfect alone, people are only too apt to be satisfied by it (Offer Quotes)
I worry when I can’t help the team with everything I have to offer (Offer Quotes)
I am no longer the left behind. I am the living. And I want everything this life has to offer. I stop for a second and look around at all the shops and stores and stalls. At all the people, going about their days, at all the moments they’re living. This is what I want. I want to live every moment. I want to feel everything (Offer Quotes)
The biggest klutz would be myself, so if I could offer help to myself I would. I’m the most off my game most often (Offer Quotes)
Befriending the life in others is sometimes a complex matter. There are times when we offer our strength and protection, but these are usually only temporary measures. The greatest blessing we offer others may be the belief we have in their struggle for freedom, the courage to support and accompany them as they determine for themselves the strength that will become their refuge and the foundation for their lives. I think it is especially important to believe in someone at a time when they cannot yet believe in themselves. Then your belief will become their lifeline (Offer Quotes)
Where is the man, who, if asked to become a slave, would not hurl back the offer indignantly in the teeth of the oppressor? (Offer Quotes)
To offer women something that feels more about investing in something and less about being disposable is a complete corrective to the world we live in (Offer Quotes)
I think of her every time I judge myself or someone else too harshly. How do we really know the worth of our work? It’s not our job to judge the worth of what we offer the world, but to keep offering it regardless. You might never know the true worth of your efforts. Or it could simply be too soon to tell (Offer Quotes)
There is an art in taking the whiplash of suffering full in the face, an art you must learn. Let each single attack exhaust itself; pain always makes single attacks, so that its bite may be more intense, more concentrated. And you, while its fangs are implanted and injecting their venom at one spot, do not forget to offer it another place where it can bite you, and so relieve the pain of the first (Offer Quotes)
There are so many times in one’s life, when one feels he has nothing more to offer. But no, my river has not run dry (Offer Quotes)
My mom is an actress, but she never really pushed me into it, and it was never something I thought I would be doing. She was very happy I decided to, but she certainly doesn’t offer me criticism because she knows I’d tell her to shut up! Nobody wants to hear that from their mum! (Offer Quotes)
Tobacco, in its various forms, is one of the most mischievous of all drugs. There is perhaps no other drug which injures the body in so many ways and so universally as does tobacco. Some drugs offer a small degree of compensation for the evil effects which they produce; but tobacco has not a single redeeming feature and gives nothing in return (Offer Quotes)
I know my music probably isn’t going to matter to the public after I die, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have something to offer (Offer Quotes)
If you are careful with people, they will offer you part of themselves. That is the big secret (Offer Quotes)
Different directors offer you different things, and it’s not necessarily the most obvious things (Offer Quotes)
As an actor sometimes we sit and wait for projects to be handed to us and we don’t really work. We expect our agents and managers to know who we are and to see who we are and offer us a part or send us out and submit us (Offer Quotes)
If I have anything to offer as an actor, it’s only my ability to make the person real (Offer Quotes)
When politicians offer you something for nothing, or something that sounds too good to be true, it’s always worth taking a careful second look (Offer Quotes)
As a writer, as much as I try, I can’t stop writing female characters. They have so much more to offer; they have to wear so many different hats. There’s so much wonderful gray matter in a female’s life that it just makes for a stronger character (Offer Quotes)
I’ve always thought a hotel ought to offer optional small animals. I mean a cat to sleep on your bed at night, or a dog of some kind to act pleased when you come in. You ever notice how a hotel room feels so lifeless? (Offer Quotes)
I offer you the possibilities of immortality, a pathway that leads beyond the known and the unknown, few follow it (Offer Quotes)
I will reflect the finest qualities my friends offer me and remind them of all the promise I see in them (Offer Quotes)
Buy a gift for a dog, and you’ll be amazed at the way it will dance and swerve its tail, but if don’t have anything to offer to it, it won’t even recognize your arrival; such are the attributes of fake friends (Offer Quotes)
To me, obstacles in life build character. You have to be able to overcome adversity in order to succeed and appreciate the simple things life has to offer... that’s where most of my inspiration for writing and singing comes from (Offer Quotes)
Engineering stimulates the mind. Kids get bored easily. They have got to get out and get their hands dirty: make things, dismantle things, fix things. When the schools can offer that, you’ll have an engineer for life (Offer Quotes)
I offer something very different from the lifelong career politicians who have worked their way up to run for higher office or those who can parachute in with checks for $5 million or $10 million, and that seems to be the definition of credible or legitimate. I’m rejecting that premise (Offer Quotes)
Our broken society is not born out of the triumph of the individual, but out of his effacement. He vanishes, she vanishes, ask them who they are and they will offer you a wallet or a child (Offer Quotes)
You are fooling yourself whenever you think you are productive just because you have worked fourteen hours in a day. You will be truly productive when you do the same amount of work in four hours, and take the other ten hours to enjoy the good things life has to offer (Offer Quotes)