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There is hardly a more gracious gift that we can offer somebody than to accept them fully, to love them almost despite themselves. (Offer Quotes)
There is an amazing beauty and strength in diversity. Everyone has something special to offer, everyone has a gift that can add value to the organization, community and even the world. People with different tribe, race, religion and nationality can come together and accomplish something extraordinary. The key is the culture of unity and team work. (Offer Quotes)
Milwaukee, Wisconsin is a place that I feel like it’s undervalued. It’s one of the most amazing cities I’ve been to. It has the most to offer. (Offer Quotes)
I will say that Vertigo is an area of great interest to me. It is even less well tapped than other parts of DC, and could potentially offer amazing stories for our future television video game, digital and consumer products businesses. (Offer Quotes)
I love Los Angeles. It has a lot to offer culturally and has amazing restaurants. (Offer Quotes)
Not everyone is going to like what you do or what you have to offer; however, if you can’t see yourself doing anything else, and you have the drive and ambition, get the training and go for it. (Offer Quotes)
The freedom to be able to offer education, human services, and health care in accordance with our own identity as a church should not be denied us simply because there may be the perception of a political majority who favors a new understanding of the American tradition of pluralism. (Offer Quotes)
PALATABLE CRITICISM: In a performance review, don’t offer more than three criticisms. That’s all an employee can digest. (Offer Quotes)
I reached into the pile and pulled out a few connected chips and then was about to shove them into my mouth, when I saw what appeared to be the face of an angel sitting next to me. And, if it was in fact my actual guardian angel, then it probably would have been poor form not to offer a few chips to extend an olive branch. (Offer Quotes)
She tried to remind herself that beauty was only skin deep, but that didn’t offer any helpful excuses when she was berating herself for never knowing what to say to people. There was nothing more depressing than an ugly girl with no personality. (Offer Quotes)
Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone’s face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? These are the real questions. I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits, here in this world and the life to come. (Offer Quotes)
If you decide you need a secured card, use it to charge small items every month, then pay the balance off in full. If your credit score improves, and the bank doesn’t offer to upgrade your card within 12 to 18 months, give them a call. If they refuse, try another lender. (Offer Quotes)
Should the States reject this excellent Constitution, the probability is, an opportunity will never again offer to cancel another in peacethe next will be drawn in blood. (Offer Quotes)
On many occasions, an informal buffet and casual seating offer a little more intimacy than a loud gathering around a big table. (Offer Quotes)
I took my iPod to the Apple store here in Manhattan and asked them to replace the battery. And they explained to me that Apple does not offer a service to replace the battery in the iPod, and my best bet was to buy a new iPod. (Offer Quotes)
Recognize and appreciate little things, and enjoy what Life has to offer (Offer Quotes)
I truly appreciate the special qualities that America and American national myths offer me (Offer Quotes)
In working with top leaders and thought philosophers of our time, I will tell you that among their secrets of success is a regular practice of acknowledging and appreciating what they have. It can offer an oracle into the future because it not only tells you where you are, but it also helps clarify where you want to go in life. (Offer Quotes)
For me, the excitement in architecture revolves around the idea and the phenomenon of the experience of that idea. Residences offer almost immediate gratification. You can shape space, light, and materials to a degree that you sometimes can’t in larger projects. (Offer Quotes)
I can think of no other experience quite like that of being 20 or so pages into a book and realizing that this is the real thing: a book that is going to offer the delicious promise of a riveting story, arresting language and characters that will haunt me for days. (Offer Quotes)
Every director is different. One of the great things about getting to work with so many directors in one TV series is collaborating with different artistic visions and voices. And they all have something to offer and making the story better and bringing their vision to what you see in the frame. (Offer Quotes)
Higher educating is defaulting on its obligations to offer young people a quality and broad-based education. This is true in part because the liberal arts and humanities have fallen out of favor in a culture that equates education with training. (Offer Quotes)
The arts and humanities define who we are as a people. That is their power -- to remind us of what we each have to offer, and what we all have in common. To help us understand our history and imagine our future. To give us hope in the moments of struggle and to bring us together when nothing else will. (Offer Quotes)
I offer originality: you don’t know what my films are like until you go to them. I think that’s the reason I’ve been getting all this attention. (Offer Quotes)
I love reading - inspirational books, leadership books, biographies. I exercise a lot and put on my audio book. Even If you would offer me a million dollars for my iPod I wouldn’t give it to you, because I have some great things on it. (Offer Quotes)
The most profound, life-altering gift you can offer the Indie writer you love is to TELL as MANY avid readers as you are able. (Offer Quotes)
I would assume that you were going to offer me refreshment, but the evidence so far suggests that that would be optimistic to the point of foolishness. (Offer Quotes)
The best way to lose a woman was to show her a kind of life that one could offer her for only a few days. (Offer Quotes)
Amidst globalisation, trends are becoming worldwide, so it’s important to take a unique approach to what fashion has to offer. Be yourself in the middle of it all; fashion shouldn’t be ‘try hard.’ (Offer Quotes)
It was a beautiful letdown, the day I knew, that all the riches this world had to offer me, will never do. (Offer Quotes)