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... then he offers me his arm. As I take it, I wonder what folly decreed that women cannot walk unassisted  (Offers Quotes) Living with and studying good paintings offers greater interest, variety and satisfaction than any other pleasure known to man  (Offers Quotes) A modern state is such a complex and interdependent fabric that it offers a target highly sensitive to a sudden and overwhelming blow from the air  (Offers Quotes) Man is not going to wait passively for millions of years before evolution offers him a better brain  (Offers Quotes) I was never afraid of failure. I realized that I was responsible for my own success and that every day offers a new beginning and I was confident in my ability to improve  (Offers Quotes) What better evidence could there be of a man’s salvation than that he offers to others the grace he himself has received  (Offers Quotes) Patience is a purifying process that refines understanding, deepens happiness, focuses action, and offers hope for peace  (Offers Quotes) Leadership offers an opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life, no matter what the project  (Offers Quotes) They look at what’s more important, like subjects to help with the SAT’s, etc. They miss that music is vital. It offers a break from a stressful day of science and math and it’s different  (Offers Quotes) We must ensure our system of higher education offers world-class quality for a world-class economy  (Offers Quotes) In LA, too many people want to go the quickest route from A to B. Method acting offers them that  (Offers Quotes) Those offers come in now and again. They’re not knocking down my door. I’m only an old character actor, and I’m not needed  (Offers Quotes) When you’ve been on a programme called ‘An Idiot Abroad’ job offers aren’t exactly flying in  (Offers Quotes) I have no shortage of material or offers, it’s just a case of what you select to do. But I think it’s realistic that my chances of playing Romeo are now over  (Offers Quotes) Television tells us only the things it wants to. It still feeds us heroes, it still offers villains. And even though we know better than to always trust it, we still watch  (Offers Quotes) I love San Francisco, and it offers spectacular scenery of the city, and it adds to the uplifting quality of the movie  (Offers Quotes) Our lives are full of stress. Some meditate, some walk, some sing and dance. Nature offers us garlic, maitake and hibiscus to relieve stress  (Offers Quotes) Directing offers you the hope that your vision will reach the screen, unmolested and intact. Therefore, it’s tantalizing to all writers  (Offers Quotes) I think every morning we wake up offers a new beginning, a new way of stepping into the day. I think every conversation could be a new chance  (Offers Quotes) I’ve had some offers from furries - people that want to have sex with dudes in furry suits. I’ve had some interesting requests. There’s some great fans  (Offers Quotes) The college recruiting process shouldn’t be about how many schools have interest in you or how many offers you get, it should be about you finding the right school  (Offers Quotes) I’m getting good offers, as good as ever sometimes. I just finished a thing with Billy Bob Thornton that was the most unique part I’ve ever played in my life, in the most unique project  (Offers Quotes) Generally speaking, espionage offers each spy an opportunity to go crazy in a way he finds irresistible  (Offers Quotes) What I expect from any work of art is that it surprises me, that it violates my customary valuations of things and offers me other, unexpected ones  (Offers Quotes) A fair and just society offers equality of opportunity to all. But it cannot promise, and should not try to enforce, sameness  (Offers Quotes) Thank God my job offers mental health benefits so I can talk to a therapist about my job destroying my will to live  (Offers Quotes) Wine... offers a greater range for enjoyment and appreciation than possibly any other purely sensory thing which may be purchased  (Offers Quotes) Life offers you two options: happiness and sadness. You just need to choose, then make it happen. It all depends on you  (Offers Quotes) The process of painting offers an infinite array of possibilities. The closer in unification to just one of those, the better the painting becomes  (Offers Quotes) I hope this ecard doesn’t get lost between teeth whitening and bikini wax offers  (Offers Quotes)
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