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As well as being one of the worst things that can happen to a human being, schizophrenia can also be one of the richest learning and humanizing experiences life offers  (Offers Quotes) I always think that the party that offers the most hope and ideas for the future is the party that wins  (Offers Quotes) Nursing demands vigilance about people. The sights and smells that a patient offers, their movements and their offhand comments all contribute crucial information to understanding what they need. Training and experience heighten one’s ability to see what needs to be seen  (Offers Quotes) Fighting is my career, it’s what I love to do, but I am taking offers and trying to expand because the more I expand myself, the more valuable I become to promoters  (Offers Quotes) I only shoot on film. I like the quality, the grain and the imperfections. It offers me something much more rewarding than any digital camera can give me. I believe the extra expense is worth it  (Offers Quotes) People love to be swept off their feet, to go into an environment where they’ve never been, to experience things they only dream about. And filmmaking offers that potential  (Offers Quotes) I get offers all the time from film makers, but they are unknown quantities. I don’t go there and do experiments  (Offers Quotes) Every actor wants more offers, but I get enough and I do like to be busy  (Offers Quotes) Personally, I think life offers us the opportunity to take chances and make changes all the time  (Offers Quotes) Industrial capitalism brought representative democracy, but with a weak public mandate and inert citizenry. The digital age offers a new democracy based on public deliberation and active citizenship  (Offers Quotes) We were able to provide housing to all who need it. We’ve had incredibly generous offers from alumni for housing  (Offers Quotes) Each time a woman has the courage to act and share her truth, she plants wonderful seeds. Each such seed offers freedom and power to those around her, and in this way we bring the world closer together and closer to peace  (Offers Quotes) I think what you have to do is have a box office success in every genre and then you’re set for life. And fortunately, I happened to do that, so I get a myriad of offers of various sorts  (Offers Quotes) A rising mass movement attracts and holds a following not by its doctrine and promises but by the refuge it offers from the anxieties, barrenness and meaningless of an individual existence. It cures the poignantly frustrated not by conferring upon them an absolute truth or by remedying the difficulties and abuses which made their lives miserable, but by freeing them from their ineffectual selves and it does this by enfolding and absorbing them into a closely knit and exultant corporate whole  (Offers Quotes) The man who has many answers is often found in the theaters of information where he offers, graciously, his deep findings. While the man who has only questions, to comfort himself, makes music  (Offers Quotes) If there is some profound method that offers a quick way, we would rather follow that than undertake arduous journeys and difficult practices. But some manual work and physical effort is necessary  (Offers Quotes) The moving toward one’s inner self is a long pilgrimage for a painter. It offers many temporary successes and high points, but impels him on toward the more adequate image  (Offers Quotes) Something is funny, most of all, because it’s true, and because the velocity of insight into this truth exceeds our normal standards. Something is funny because it’s outside our accepted boundary of decorum. Something is funny because it defies our expectations. Something is funny because it offers a temporary reprieve from the hardship of seeing the world as it actually is. Something is funny because it is able to suggest gently that even the worst of our circumstances and sins is subject to eventual mercy  (Offers Quotes) Has a man the right to kill himself? Yes, if his death harms no one and if life is an evil to him. When is life an evil? When it offers a man nothing but suffering and pain  (Offers Quotes) Man seldom questions the fact that ugliness and evil are to be found in the world. But he’s never as ready to accept that life also offers unlimited beauty and potential for joy as well as endless opportunities for pleasure  (Offers Quotes) If someone offers you a three picture deal at 20 you’d take it. I would have killed for it  (Offers Quotes) There is no communication with any public whatsoever. The artist can ask no question, and he makes no statement; he offers no information, and his work cannot be used. It is the end product which counts  (Offers Quotes) I’ve had lots of offers of marriage and from women wanting to have my kids  (Offers Quotes) The pains that you suffer, the loneliness that you encounter, the experiences that are disappointing or distressing, the addictions and seeming pitfalls of your life are each doorways to awareness. Each offers you an opportunity to see beyond the illusion that serves as the balancing and growth of your soul  (Offers Quotes) When fortune wishes to bring mighty events to a successful conclusion, she selects some man of spirit and ability who knows how to seize the opportunity she offers  (Offers Quotes) Christianity offers reasons for not fearing death or the universe, and in so doing it fails to teach adequately the virtue of courage  (Offers Quotes) Running long offers a dress rehearsal. Running long teaches the stress of lifting feet 5,000 times per hour. Running long builds confidence  (Offers Quotes) Style offers concrete rules you can follow. You can use it as a resource rather than a barrier to feeling good about yourself  (Offers Quotes) Those who prize freedom only for the material benefits it offers have never kept it for long  (Offers Quotes) I have had several offers to make the book into a film. I don’t know if the message could be accurately transmitted, and so I have been somewhat hesitant in granting film rights  (Offers Quotes)
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