Oh, help thou my weak wit, and sharpen, my dull tongue!

Oh, help thou my weak wit, and sharpen, my dull tongue!
The line “Oh, help thou my weak wit, and sharpen, my dull tongue!” is a plea for divine assistance in the context of Edmund Spenser’s work. Spenser was a renowned English poet of the Elizabethan era, best known for his epic poem “The Faerie Queene.” In this line, the speaker is asking for help in expressing themselves more effectively through their writing and speech.Spenser’s poetry is characterized by its rich language, intricate allegory, and elaborate verse forms. His works often explore themes of love, virtue, and the human condition. The line in question reflects the poet’s desire to improve his own abilities as a writer and communicator. By invoking divine aid, the speaker acknowledges their own limitations and seeks inspiration from a higher power.