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Oil Quotes

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Our natures are like oil; compound us with anything, yet will we strive to swim to the top  (Oil Quotes) Every one of you will have to face the ordeal of every student in this generation who sooner or later tries to mix the waters of science with the oil of faith. You can have a good deal of both if you only keep them separate. The worry comes from the attempt at mixture  (Oil Quotes) The more we focus on using renewable fuels, the less we are dependent upon foreign oil  (Oil Quotes) If you don’t have a refinery operating, it’s hard to use oil that’s available  (Oil Quotes) Water. Oil pales beside it, and the value of the land itself is measured by it  (Oil Quotes) Oil is seldom found where it is most needed, and seldom most needed where it is found  (Oil Quotes) If you control the oil you control the country; if you control food, you control the population  (Oil Quotes) Countries are effectively paid deference in direct and indirect ways if they’re huge oil suppliers  (Oil Quotes) It is clear our nation is reliant upon big foreign oil. More and more of our imports come from overseas  (Oil Quotes) I think there’s a point to regulating, because there are snake oil companies  (Oil Quotes) Spermaceti oil is valued for its high resistance to heat, and thus it is used in machinery where there is excessive heat  (Oil Quotes) The key to great fried squid is ‘flash-frying’ in hot oil for only a few minutes, which keeps it tender  (Oil Quotes) If deep-frying catfish, try a dredge of seasoned flour and cornmeal and add some bacon fat to the oil  (Oil Quotes) Climate change might be disastrous, but does that mean we want carbon taxes that raise the price of a gallon of heating oil to $10? And how exactly will those taxes affect economic growth?  (Oil Quotes) The oil under Libya is the champagne of oil, drop for drop the world’s most valuable  (Oil Quotes) Disruption to the flow of oil through the Straits of Hormuz would threaten regional and global economic growth. Any attempt by Iran to close the Straits would be illegal and unsuccessful  (Oil Quotes) I enjoy using coconut oil - not only for my skin and hair, but I’ll digest it  (Oil Quotes) Everywhere in Africa, you see Indian, Chinese, Brazilian businesses. Other than Coca Cola and the oil companies, it is very rare to see American businesses  (Oil Quotes) Moderation of oil prices would be very, very welcome. But overall I think we are in a position of stable growth, sustainable growth, and basically with inflation in check  (Oil Quotes) Here was this vast machinery of government and they didn’t know how it ran, where you put in the gas, where you put in the oil, where you turn the throttle  (Oil Quotes) Through our inattention, we have wasted the years that we might have used to prepare for lessened oil supplies. The next ten years are critical  (Oil Quotes) Running out of energy in the long run is not the problem... The bind comes during the next 10 years: getting over our dependence on crude oil  (Oil Quotes) Let the good work go on. We must ever remember we are refining oil for the poor man and he must have it cheap and good  (Oil Quotes) An oil massage, a hot bath, a good night’s sleep, soft smells and music and clothes with soft textures denote sensuality to me  (Oil Quotes) Were we a rational society, a virtue of which we have rarely been accused, we would husband our oil and gas resources  (Oil Quotes) The material came bubbling up inside like a geyser or an oil gusher. It streamed up of its own accord, down my arm and out of my fountain pen in a torrent of six thousand words a day  (Oil Quotes) Unless everyone grasps the importance of having only two children per couple, wars won’t be over just oil anymore, they will be over water and food  (Oil Quotes) I had bohemian parents in Seattle in the last 60s living in a houseboat. My dad wrote science fiction novels and painted big murals and oil paintings  (Oil Quotes) I’m not sure the oil producers are enjoying real growth. That troubles me. For experience has shown that oil can be more of a curse than a blessing. And not only in Africa  (Oil Quotes) Instead of begging OPEC to drop its oil prices, lets use American leadership and ingenuity to solve our own energy problems  (Oil Quotes)
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