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Oil Quotes

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No one does a better, cleaner, or environmental friendlier, than the United States, when it comes to drilling for oil, gas, coal, oil refineries and fish friendly hydroelectric  (Oil Quotes) Used to be, conservatives revered the Average American, that Norman Rockwell oil painting of diner food, humble faith, honest toil, and Capraesque virtue  (Oil Quotes) Why - because as a oil and gas small business owner - I know if someone is not doing their job, they should not get paid. Again leadership by example  (Oil Quotes) First of all, I’m in favor of making price gouging a crime, and in fact, one the reasons I didn’t vote for the Republican House version was because there were too many breaks for the oil companies  (Oil Quotes) What’s interesting is there are $12 billion of breaks in the energy bill that passed, yet we see that the sixth major oil companies in America last year made $1.1 trillion  (Oil Quotes) Let me tell you something that we Israelis have against Moses. He took us 40 years through the desert in order to bring us to the one spot in the Middle East that has no oil!  (Oil Quotes) Energy companies, such as Chevron and Shell, and oil producing countries, such as Kuwait and Venezuela, pump crude oil from their vast land holdings and sell it on the world market  (Oil Quotes) Global crude oil demand is increasing, particularly in places like China  (Oil Quotes) I’ve often argued that oil and gas exploration is a state’s rights issue. It is abundantly clear that the State of Florida does not want drilling to negatively affect its beaches and shore  (Oil Quotes) Opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge stands to not only increase the United States’ oil reserves by nearly 50 percent, but it will create thousands of good U. S. jobs  (Oil Quotes) Teapot Dome involved the conservation of the oil resources of the United States, especially those situated upon the public lands  (Oil Quotes) I don’t think for a minute we went to Iraq for oil. It just so happened that it had oil. But I think we’ll come out of the Iraqi situation with a call on their oil at market price  (Oil Quotes) It has become cheaper to look for oil on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange than in the ground  (Oil Quotes) Rural American families who depend on firewood to heat their homes will be hit just as hard as those who use oil and natural gas  (Oil Quotes) I’ve never seen oil slicks covering such a large area in the Gulf of Mexico  (Oil Quotes) About 60 percent of the oil consumed daily by Americans is used for transportation, and about 45 percent is used for passenger cars and light trucks  (Oil Quotes) Our oil problems are only going to get worse. Our trade balance is only going to get worse. So we have to slow the growth of U. S. oil consumption, particularly imported oil consumption  (Oil Quotes) We need to reduce or at least limit U. S. Demand for oil as quickly as possible, and we need to develop new technologies that can further help address our addiction to oil in the future  (Oil Quotes) We were told this war would be over in a matter of weeks, and that the Iraqis would be able to finance it with oil sales. We were promised it was not a mission of nation building  (Oil Quotes) I always use my ‘Holy Trinity’ which is salt, olive oil and bacon. My motto is, ‘bacon always makes it better.’ I try to use bacon and pork products whenever it can  (Oil Quotes) Five years of Republicans’ failed energy policies have resulted in Americans paying twice as much at the pump as they did in 2001, while big oil companies make triple the profits  (Oil Quotes) We’ve passed an energy bill in the House, to help us be less reliant upon foreign oil so we can get gas prices down. But nothing happens in the Senate  (Oil Quotes) I am primarily an oil painter and a studio painter, so originally I was going to do an oil painting  (Oil Quotes) Regret has a purpose. It’s like the oil light on the dashboard of your life, telling you something needs to be fixed. So fix it. And feel better  (Oil Quotes) Russia does not control oil prices - OPEC does. So Russia is a hostage in the hands of those who control these price  (Oil Quotes) It hinges on oil. Europeans feel they handled the boycott after the Yom Kippur War [1973] very badly. The Arabs need to sell oil; otherwise they cannot live  (Oil Quotes) ISIS simply do not have ideological, theological, or popular support. And this is a criminal organization that is funding their criminality with things like drug trade and selling oil  (Oil Quotes) You might be a redneck if you refer to the time you won a free case of oil as the day my ship came in  (Oil Quotes) Bin Laden was completely protected by the oil companies in this country who told [President] Bush not to go after him because it would piss off the Saudis  (Oil Quotes) The quicker we get about the business of reducing our reliance on oil the better  (Oil Quotes)
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