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Oil Quotes

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We spend our midday sweat, our midnight oil; We tire the night in thought, the day in toil  (Oil Quotes) We all know that small cars are good for us. But so is cod liver oil. And jogging  (Oil Quotes) I guess a drag queen's like an oil painting: You gotta stand back from it to get the full effect  (Oil Quotes) Praise is God's sunlight in the heart. It destroys sin germs. It ripens the fruits of the Spirit. It is the oil of gladness that lubricates life's activities  (Oil Quotes) Avoid at all costs that vile spew you see rotting in oil in screwtop jars. Too lazy to peel fresh? You don't deserve to eat garlic  (Oil Quotes) What do oil company executives, vampires and NASA bureaucrats all have in common? They fear solar energy  (Oil Quotes) John D. Rockefeller wanted to dominate oil, but Microsoft wants it all, you name it: cable, media, banking, car dealerships  (Oil Quotes) The use of solar energy has not been opened up because the oil industry does not own the sun  (Oil Quotes) A vegan diet takes care of most of what we need to do. But you’ll also want to minimize the use of oils generally, because while olive oil and other vegetable oils are better for your heart than chicken fat, they are as fattening as animal fats  (Oil Quotes) Having yet another vote on refinery legislation that uses high oil prices as an excuse to weaken environmental protections and to give more legislative gifts to the oil industry is misguided in the extreme  (Oil Quotes) I don’t think anyone can speculate what will happen with respect to oil prices and gas prices because they are set on the global economy  (Oil Quotes) I mean, there is amazing amount of oil and gas and other resources out beneath the sea. It’s staggering  (Oil Quotes) It’s to paint directly on the canvas without any funny business, as it were, and I use almost pure turpentine to start with, adding oil as I go along until the medium becomes pure oil. I use as little oil as I can possibly help, and that’s my method  (Oil Quotes) Practically every environmental problem we have can be traced to our addiction to fossil fuels, primarily oil  (Oil Quotes) The business of peace requires more than showing up with paint brushes, foodstuffs and an oil pipeline or two  (Oil Quotes) Too many people in the modern world view poetry as a luxury, not a necessity like petrol. But to me it’s the oil of life  (Oil Quotes) We need a balanced, long term energy policy to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and preserve the beauty of the land we love  (Oil Quotes) Well, for starters, we have to do more to create demand for new technologies that can reduce our dependence on foreign oil and environmental degradation  (Oil Quotes) My father was a middle manager at an oil company, but I never knew anything about his work. Whatever business acumen I have just got gleaned over the years  (Oil Quotes) What the oil producer gets paid is about 16 percent. The majority of it is tax, which in fairness to the government of this country they have accepted and admitted  (Oil Quotes) One of the biggest problems with young chefs is too much addition to the plate. You put cilantro and then tarragon and then olive oil and then walnut oil or whatever. It’s too much  (Oil Quotes) This young wine may have a lot of tannins now, but in five or 10 years it is going to be spectacular, despite the fact that right now it tastes like crude oil. You know this is how it is supposed to taste at this stage of development  (Oil Quotes) First, we should not be opening our coasts, all of our coasts, to oil drilling when we have not taken the first step, not the first step, to conserve oil  (Oil Quotes) We are considering various ways of making use of our oil and gas downstream industries. This is to be complemented with the import of oil and gas from other sources as raw materials  (Oil Quotes) There’s a lot to be said about what’s happening to our ocean, big companies polluting it with their oil and all the raw garbage that’s being spilled in there  (Oil Quotes) I grill almost all of my fish with the skin on because that gives you real protection at least on one side. It’s a nice barrier against super high heat which tends to make a lot of fish to turn really flaky. It’s very easy to overcook fish on the grill. But I still brush it with oil before I start  (Oil Quotes) Financial service providers act as the lubricating oil in the economy. They link consumers who want to invest their savings for a good return with companies who want to borrow on best terms for expansion  (Oil Quotes) I did some pastels and I did other pieces in which there was just basically one color per square, and then they would get bigger and I could get 2 or 3 colors into the square, and ultimately I just started making oil paintings  (Oil Quotes) You have to work with the auto industry, the oil companies, you have to work to develop renewable fuel, whether it’s solar or different kinds of fuel  (Oil Quotes) About 75 percent of the crude oil marketed here is sold off the books, and they are doing trades that would be illegal if it was a regulated market, and of course they do not want to regulate it  (Oil Quotes)
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