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Oiled Quotes

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The habit of paying compliments kept a man’s tongue oiled without any expense  (Oiled Quotes) If you keep your feathers well oiled the water of criticism will run off as from a duck’s back  (Oiled Quotes) Of all the weapons discussed in this book, nothing is more important than your primary firearm. Keep it cleaned, keep it oiled, keep it loaded, keep it close. With a cool head, steady hand, and plenty of ammunition, one human is more than a match for an army of zombies  (Oiled Quotes) When you do a song new live on stage, it’s kind of a bit weird until it gets worn in, you know, like oiled up a bit. It’s still a little bit stiff until you really thrashed at it for a few weeks  (Oiled Quotes) Anxiety in human life is what squeaking and grinding are in machinery that is not oiled. In life, trust is the oil  (Oiled Quotes) If you can pick the baby up without him squirting our of your hands like a bar of soap in the shower, he’s not oiled up enough.  (Oiled Quotes) My father always cooks more polenta than he needs for a meal. The excess he spreads on an oiled surface and chills. Next day, he cuts out chunks, fries them in olive oil and serves with salad.  (Oiled Quotes)