Old Days Quotes

Text Quotes
We sometimes get lost in a bubble... when you get to a certain age you’re always thinking about the old days and how it wasn’t like that then. Well, yeah, that’s great and it’s very nostalgic and all that, but actually the world has moved on (Old Days Quotes)
Im constantly being inspired by the old days and taking things from the past and allowing them to lift me up where I am now (Old Days Quotes)
I’ve always felt kind of like an outsider, even when I was very successful back in the old days. Even then. I kind of enjoyed it, really (Old Days Quotes)
My hope is... that we may recover... something of a renewal of that vision of the law with which men may be supposed to have started out with in the old days of the oracles, who communed with the intimations of divinity (Old Days Quotes)
There are new words now that excuse everybody. Give me the good old days of heroes and villains, the people you can bravo or hiss. There was a truth to them that all the slick credulity of today cannot touch (Old Days Quotes)
In the old days, if a neighbors apples fell into your yard, you worked it out over the back fence or picked them up and made pies. Today, you sue (Old Days Quotes)
Everybody thinks making films back to back is a big deal but they did it all the time in the old days (Old Days Quotes)
In the old days, writers used to sit in front of a typewriter and stare out of the window. Nowadays, because of the marvels of convergent technology, the thing you type on and the window you stare out of are now the same thing (Old Days Quotes)
Blustery cold days should be spend propped up in bed with a mug of hot chocolate and a pile of comic books (Old Days Quotes)
Alas! those good old days are gone, when a murderer could wipe the stain from his name and soothe his trouble to sleep simply by getting out his blocks and mortar and building an addition to a church (Old Days Quotes)
No one tells you that your life is effectively over when you have a child: that you’re never going to draw another complacent breath again... or that whatever level of hypochondria and rage you’d learned to repress and live with is going to seem like the good old days (Old Days Quotes)
If anyone thinks they’d rather be in a different part of history, they’re probably not a very good student of history. Life sucked in the old days. People knew very little, and you were likely to die at a young age of some horrible disease. You’d probably have no teeth by now. It would be particularly awful if you were a woman (Old Days Quotes)
In the old days, when you took out a mortgage, it was probably through a local bank or a credit union, and whoever gave you your loan held on to it for life. If you lost your job or got too sick to work and suddenly had trouble making your payments, you could call a human being and work things out (Old Days Quotes)
My only fantasy about writing was that in my old days, after directing many masterpieces, I would write my memoirs (Old Days Quotes)
Bigotry and intolerance, silenced by argument, endeavors to silence by persecution, in old days by fire and sword, in modern days by the tongue (Old Days Quotes)
It’s unfortunate that you don’t see the loyalty from management to players and players to management like we used to see in the old days (Old Days Quotes)
Why has everything got to be about feelings these days? In the old days, no one knew what anyone was feeling and, what’s more, they weren’t expected to (Old Days Quotes)
In the good old days physicists repeated each other’s experiments, just to be sure. Today they stick to FORTRAN, so that they can share each other’s programs, bugs included (Old Days Quotes)
I’m not comfortable with just entertaining. Although I like entertaining, I also like bringing forward the truth of our times as minstrels used to in the old days (Old Days Quotes)
The good old days were never that good, believe me. The good new days are today, and better days are coming tomorrow. Our greatest songs are still unsung (Old Days Quotes)
These days, right now, these are the good old days. I’ve always approached it that way. That’s why I’m still working. I’m not the guy who is ready to sit by the pool (Old Days Quotes)
Back in the old days, we were often compared to Led Zeppelin. If we did something with harmony, it was the Beach Hoys. Something heavy was Led Zeppelin (Old Days Quotes)
Very few cinematographers, other than the Europeans, know how to light women like they used to in the old days (Old Days Quotes)
Sotomayor’s vainglorious lecture bromide about herself as ‘a wise Latina’ trumping white men is a vulgar embarrassment - a vestige of the bad old days of male-bashing feminism (Old Days Quotes)
In every age ‘the good old days’ were a myth. No one ever thought they were good at the time. For every age has consisted of crises that seemed intolerable to the people who lived through them (Old Days Quotes)
In the old days people had far fewer channels in which to place their imaginative time. There’s definitely more competition for time . . . and yet people seem to be reading [books] as much (Old Days Quotes)
Remember the good old days when the only bomb you had to worry about on a plane was the Rob Schneider movie (Old Days Quotes)
I have removed a lot of negative influence in my life and try to surround myself with positive people. I have a much more simple life than the old days (Old Days Quotes)
The old days of screenwriting, and myths about screenwriting, are maybe over. It’s a literary form, if you can wake up to it (Old Days Quotes)
In the old days we used to get more referrals, because people had insurance that paid for therapy. Now they belong to HMOs, and we can only be affiliated with a few HMOs (Old Days Quotes)