Old people are often impatient, but for what?

Old people are often impatient, but for what?
Jonathan Carroll, a renowned author known for his thought-provoking and imaginative works, often explores the complexities of human nature in his writing. One recurring theme in his work is the impatience of old people, and the question of what exactly they are impatient for.Old people are often portrayed as being impatient in Carroll's novels, but the reasons for this impatience are not always clear. Some may argue that old age brings with it a sense of urgency, a realization that time is running out and there is still so much left to do. This impatience could stem from a desire to make the most of the time they have left, to accomplish their goals and fulfill their dreams before it is too late.
In Carroll's novel "The Land of Laughs," the character of Thomas Abbey is an aging writer who becomes increasingly impatient as he delves deeper into the mysterious world of his favorite author. Abbey's impatience is driven by a sense of urgency to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic author and his strange creations. As he grows older, Abbey becomes more determined to solve the mystery before it is too late, before his time runs out.
Another possible explanation for the impatience of old people in Carroll's work is a sense of frustration with the limitations of old age. As the body and mind begin to deteriorate, old people may feel a growing impatience with their physical and mental limitations. They may long for the vitality and energy of youth, and become frustrated with the slow pace of aging.