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Old Quotes

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When you’re old, everything you do is sort of a miracle  (Old Quotes) Everybody’s twelve years old in an apple orchard  (Old Quotes) You know you’re old when the president is younger than you  (Old Quotes) Guitars are kind of just, you know, sexy, especially old vintage ones  (Old Quotes) My kids think I’m old and over the hill  (Old Quotes) You get old, you slow down  (Old Quotes) My ambition when I was four years old was to be married  (Old Quotes) I like physical comedy. And I like the old comedies  (Old Quotes) I haven’t danced since 1973; I’m too old  (Old Quotes) I’m passionate about old people because I am one myself  (Old Quotes) I’ve been acting since I was six years old, but not professionally  (Old Quotes) My old man’s got a problem, he lives with the bottle  (Old Quotes) It is hard to teach an old dog tricks  (Old Quotes) Since I was 15 I’ve felt kinda like... an old man  (Old Quotes) I’m too old to do crazy things anymore  (Old Quotes) I mean the future has become old fashioned  (Old Quotes) I retired from rugby because I was old and getting really slow  (Old Quotes) I started writing seriously when I was a teenager, around 14 years old  (Old Quotes) France is an old country that needs to wake up  (Old Quotes) I’m not a crazy old cat lady!  (Old Quotes) No, my father passed away when I was 13 years old. I was very young  (Old Quotes) I knew I wanted to be an actress when I was 9 years old  (Old Quotes) Everyone has an identity crisis when they are 16 or 17 years old  (Old Quotes) We don’t realize what a privilege it is to grow old with someone  (Old Quotes) Old words are reborn with new faces  (Old Quotes) Think of how many mistakes you made at 22 years old. Like, I made a million  (Old Quotes) When you are 20 years old, you are immature  (Old Quotes) I started trying to write songs when I was 8 or 9 years old  (Old Quotes) The old men know when an old man dies  (Old Quotes) Too chaste a youth leads to a dissolute old age  (Old Quotes)
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